What led to the Battle of Plassey and what was the result?

1 Answer

Answer :

Sirajuddaulah asked the Company to stop meddling in the political a ffairs of his dominion, stop fortification, and pay the revenues. After negotiations f ailed, the Nawab marched with 30,000 soldiers to the English factory at Kasimbazar, captured the Company officials, locked the warehouse, disarmed all Englishmen, and blockaded English ship s. Then he marched to Calcutta to establish control over the Company’s fort there. On hear ing the news of the fall of Calcutta, Company officials in Madras sent forces under the command o f Robert Clive, reinforced by naval fleets. Prolonged negotiations with the N awab followed. Finally, in 1757, Robert Clive led the Company’s army against Sirajuddaulah at Pla ssey. The Battle of Plassey  was the first major victory the Company won in India.

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