Can an "evil" person be mentally sound?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I would argue that “evil” requires a sound mind. Evil is cold, cunning and premeditated. Evil is not only fully aware of the consequences, harm and devastation it causes, but also feeds on said harm and devastation. If I choke a kid to death because I am crazy and I have voices that wont let me sleep telling me to do it, it makes me insane. If i choke a kid to death because I think I would enjoy the look of grief on the parents face, and that it would be cool to do ‘for the lulz’, and plan to do it and do, then I am evil. At least that is how I look at it. The problem is that this is all totally subjective. For example, many would argue that Hitler was evil, but I see him more as insane. On the other hand, Myra Hindley I would see as evil. This is just because of what I believe motivated these people to do what they did. To argue my point even further, I would perhaps use my self as an example. I am fairly smart, I have not been certified as crazy, and I try to do good. However, under certain conditions I would be capable of evil. – For example, if someone killed my mother and I knew who did it, I would intentionally try to calm down, and stop the police from knowing who did it, just so I could plan my own revenge. When the time came, my revenge would be cold and calculating, and I would do what I would do in a calm and informed manner, knowing all the consequences and aware of what I was doing to the person. Few would probably call it insane, many would call it evil.

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Last Answer : answer:I had a best friend for a few years who was mentally ill with multiple disorders that were controlled by meds. He dropped me summarily after some therapy. I know this doesn't really speak to your ... you feel this person is a danger to your staff, you may have to dismiss him as a client.

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Last Answer : answer:This is a very common side effect for many of these medications. You are trading depression for zombie hood. Anti-depressants flat line your emotions, good and bad. A double edged sword. ... issues that's a whole different thing and I am not qualified to advise in that circumstance.

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Last Answer : answer:Likely withdraw. Quitting is not easy, but it can be done. I quit over 15 years ago, and have lived with a smoker the past 10. Zyban helped me, in that it curbed my appetite so there was ... had a smoke right now, I would! Thereby making a liar out of yourself, the next cigarette you meet.

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Last Answer : answer:I did wonder about our beagle, Larchmont Jeffrey. He used to howl a lot and escape our little property when the moon was full and wander about. He had a tag on his collar that said, If you find ... house, until my mother finally sent Jeff to a nice family in the country. I loved that dog.

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Last Answer : There are many levels to mental illness. Group homes are ideal. I suggest you be less derisive & more educated frankly.

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Last Answer : Truthfully speaking, I don't think I could. I would go in his stead rather than have him face a deployment. I think battles would be much shorter if they sent we old guys out instead of young bucks. First, ... we aren't afraid to fight dirty. third, we would have to take a break at 2pm for our naps.

Description : What are your thoughts about assisted suicide for the mentally ill?

Last Answer : I don’t think I’m a good enough man to answer that. That’s going to take someone wiser than I am.

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Last Answer : My relationship with my mom is better when we had some time apart.

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Last Answer : Those items are often found on list of things to stop doing in order to grow emotionally. Not dwelling on the past, facing one’s fears, taking responsibility for one’s reactions. I wouldn’t call it “mentally strong” as much as “mentally healthy.”

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Last Answer : answer:Not really. I know too many people who have mental illness to let a TV show really influence it. I think the most negative thing happening right now in the media regarding mental illness is ... a lot, they get dismissed or not paid attention to when they are under stress and having trouble.

Description : How to tell a parent that you are mentally ill?

Last Answer : answer:It sounds like your need to minimize your contact with your mother. Create that healthy distance. Do you have a therapist you're currently talking to? If so, do they know ... to talk to your therapist about exploring this relationship - specifically about anxiety, control, and codependency.