Is it possible to have a fabric that just allows UV light through ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes. That material is called Transol. Here is a non-technical article about it. Here is where you can buy it.

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Last Answer : You’re not alone. This happens to me too. Here’s an article on it:

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Last Answer : I am outside enough that I don’t need to sunbathe to get my vitimin D.

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Last Answer : answer:From wiki “The formation of freckles is triggered by exposure to sunlight. The exposure to UV-B radiation activates melanocytes to increase melanin production, which can cause freckles to become darker.”

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Last Answer : My mom said you will go blind.

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Last Answer : Well, you’re only changing the pigment in outermost layer of the epidermis. As those cells slough off and are replaced, your original skin tone comes back if you aren’t maintaining the tanning routine.

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Last Answer : answer:Only a doctor can diagnose it. Please see your family doctor and see if he refers you to a dermatologist.

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Last Answer : Yes you should use sunscreen.

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Last Answer : I just go out for a little while everyday if i can.

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Last Answer : Good ol’ Sunlight with some UV protection.

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Last Answer : Poor babies! I would try using alot more to get it on more evenly.

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Last Answer : Through the leaves of an aspen grove. Love that dappled, ripply effect and the smell of aspen bark is one of my favorite things in the world.

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Last Answer : Have you tried a spray on tan? They generally only last a week, but if you go to a tanning bed place, most of them offer spray tans. If you only want a tan from out in the sun, it will take time. Use a spf 15 or higher and tan a little each day. Maybe a half hour each side.

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Last Answer : answer:With this all I could find on preparations: Dr Fisher said precautions could be taken including creating back up systems for hospitals and power grids and allow development on satellite ... a complete outage of electricity supplies we had better prepare for life without power. Source

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Last Answer : answer:If the sun's rays hit the Earth straight on then it will be warm. This happens during the summer. If the sun's rays hit the Earth at an angle then the same amount of ... winter. The change in distance between the seasons is relatively slight and thus has negligible effect on temperature.

Description : What would we experience if the sun suddenly did not exist?

Last Answer : answer:Well with no solar light. 99% of our plants will die, we will slowly freeze over having nothing to heat us up, and we will be forced to live underground until we outweigh our oxygen supplies due to lack of oxygen-making plant-life. That said, we would die pretty fast.

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Last Answer : I think I’d be more worried if I were worried.

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Last Answer : Philadelphia?