If you have children, where did you hold their 1st birthday parties?

1 Answer

Answer :

My first birthday was held in the back yard at home. There was a cake, there was punch, and it was hot -mid July. No idea beyond that.

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Last Answer : answer:@keobooks: The other mother said You can do something about it. You're the parent! Meaning that she wanted me to force my daughter to share the scooter. I was embarrassed when ... a tantrum likely has developmental disabilities, so I would also keep a close eye on their interactions.

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Last Answer : Fox_News. You are making shit up and short skirts doesn’t mean you want to be raped.

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Last Answer : answer:What the fuck???? That pissed off mom needs to be taken out and beaten. Did she stop to think about how she would feel if that were her child? Does she realize that just because this child is ... I'm pissed. What kind of evil ass person does that?? I feel so bad for that little boys family.

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Last Answer : Do the ROTC thing and get your officer’s commission. If you don’t like it you can resign, I think. At least the military isn’t going to treat you like a shitbird. You would be a great asset. And get to not be under your parents influence. Travel.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't get it. This makes as much sense as blaming the kid for the rape in the first place. It's misplaced anger, and hating the child only would serve to permanently damage another innocent human ... place, and I believe it would be abuse, which in the US is supposed to be against the law.

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Last Answer : According to what I heard on the news this morning, the sheriff’s office apparently found some DNA evidence that points to the kid. But they are not disclosing anything more at this time because the investigation is still going on.

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Last Answer : R2D2 is a popular character. It doesn’t mean anything.

Description : Can you listen to this little girl and not tear up?

Last Answer : Thanks for that today, @ETpro! Nope, I couldn’t help but tear up. She sounds like an interesting little girl!

Description : What's the funniest thing you ever did as a kid?

Last Answer : I was an animal nut and still am. Once, when I was about 9 I found this giant garter snake and brought it home and while trying to convince my mother to let me keep it, it regurgitated a ... were admiring my garden that My mommy only says really bad words when the deer eat her flowers! haha

Description : Would you get a toy predator drone for your child?

Last Answer : That thing looks horribly cheap, so no. And in any case, I would only buy plastic models that you have to assemble with glue and then have to paint yourself (airfix/revell), because the building and painting is where all the fun is.

Description : When a child under the age of 18 works, does the money legally belong to the child or the parents?

Last Answer : I would have thought not. As far as I’m aware, there is no law to stipulate that a child earning money should not be or is not entitled to the money they themselves earn. Don’t you think that would be slavery by proxy?

Description : Should I try to win my custody case without a lawyer?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome back, @ItalianPrincess1217. Let me ask what seems to me to be an obvious question: If you can't even locate the father, and if he's not attempting to make contact and claim custody, why is a ... I think that if I were you I'd just abandon the whole custody battle as a non-issue.]