How can I best apologize and make it up to a dear friend?

1 Answer

Answer :

First and foremost, sometimes things happen and like your friend said you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it. I think a genuine, heartfelt apology would have to suffice for now until you have another opportunity to offer your services. I don’t know your friend so I can’t speak on her behalf, but speaking for myself, I wouldn’t let something like that upset me (unless it happens frequently, which doesn’t seem to be the case here), so don’t assume that she must upset and just isn’t showing it. I think you’ve done all you could do to show her how sorry you are and she seems to be fine with it so, again, don’t beat yourself up over it. You sound like a good friend despite what happened in this situation.

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Last Answer : I say, people these days don’t apologize enough!

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Last Answer : Hahaha! So you had a crazy Halloween, too? Well, I'd just say sorry. Flat out. Face the person head on - by letting yourself be embarrassed for a short while, you are helping heal the relationship. The ... you'd made an error in judgment and that you feel bad about it. Offer to make it up somehow.

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Last Answer : answer:It's important to apologise when you regret your actions or you're sorry for the impact of your actions. Other times you may want to apologise for mis-perception or the greater good . I try to apply ... comes at the right time the heat of the moment, people aren't always ready for it.

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Last Answer : answer:OK, if you are sure that saying you are sorry is not the right way to go, you can try something along these lines: Mom, I wish that we hadn't argued the other day. I lost my temper and ... that I love you, and I'm going to work hard on making my tone and word choices more even-tempered.