How should I go about selling a bunch of high(ish) end art prints?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I answered a Q. similar to this awhile back but can’t find the link to it. Art is a luxury item and not moving well in this economy right now. I have several expensive original paintings I have tried selling this year myself with no luck. You can try ebay, C’sList & local galleries in your area to potentially sell then on a consignment agreement. Although galleries are usually not interested in prints. Bottom line, it matters not what their worth is, either surmised to be or actually appraised at, they are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them in the moment. I’d run them on C’sList and you can even run them in multiple cities, however, you then have the issue of shipping the works and insuring them against shipping damage. Patience is the key as it could take months to find a buyer. Good luck!

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Last Answer : plenty it’s a little sad

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Last Answer : Inspiration comes from different places and if one gets inspired by looking at what others have done, that's great. I wrote a story after getting inspired by the salutation in a coworkers email. ... each their own, whatever floats your boat, and any other apt cliché that could be entered here.

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Last Answer : I like Edward Hopper. I have this one framed in my living room:

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Last Answer : Maybe if you leave a comment on his blog asking about this he or some fan could help you. Good luck!

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Last Answer : Art to me can be uplifting, saddening, heart warming, anger-making. I think that is it: it stirs my emotions.