Do you think Rampage jackson will ever step into the octagon again?

1 Answer

Answer :

Rampage Jackson…my word, he does sound butch!

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Description : Hes never there!

Last Answer : answer:That was really hard to read. From what I could parse you should listen to your mom. I have been eating pills so that might be why it was hard to read

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Last Answer : You might try looking up the price of scrap steel per pound.

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Last Answer : Why? Did someone give it to you?

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Last Answer : I’m going to liken this with roulette, I always bet on black!

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Last Answer : I would have to say I see the color first.

Description : Find the area of regular octagon with each side ‘a’ cm. -Maths 9th

Last Answer : (a) 2a2 (1 + √2) Let ABCDEFGH be the regular octagon of side a cm. Now if we produce the sides of the octagon on both the sides, we get a square PQRS. Given, BC = DE = FG = HA = a cm. Also, BQ = QC = ... = Area of square PQRS - Total area of shaded isosceles Δs = a2 (3 + 2√2) - a2= 2a2 (1 + √2) cm2.

Description : To the nearest degree, what is the measure of each exterior angle of a regular octagon?

Last Answer : 45 degrees

Description : What is a balanced octagon ?

Last Answer : : A polygon drawn equal to eight lines is called a balanced octagon. The angle of each angle of a balanced pentagon is 108 ° and the angle formed by each arm in the center is 72 .

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer