How do I grow my hair out?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes. The best thing to do is to go to a good barber and tell him you are trying to grow your hair out and what can he do in the meantime to make it look kempt.

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Last Answer : I have always worn my hair – long and short and sometimes long again, married and now single – to please myself. Why guess at what someone else might prefer?

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Last Answer : I have a scar that goes from my forehead into the hairline. The hair did not grow back along the line of stitches.

Description : Why does my hair grow uneven?

Last Answer : I think that’s normal. If you want them to grow even, a visit to the salon would help.

Description : Why does hair in strange places grow so fast?

Last Answer : Yep and your beard grows faster, and your eyebrows go crazy. I suppose the departments which regulate such matters are running down. That's probably why the elderly are plagued with so many maladies as ... or slower than regulation. I didn't see it coming. Just another thing to be depressed about.

Description : How can I make my hair grow faster?

Last Answer : answer:Unfortunately, no. There is nothing that you can eat or put on it that will make it grow any faster. If it is a matter of a bad cut job, go to another salon and see if someone can fix it for ... grow over time. In the meantime, try to embrace the change. You may find that you like it. I did.

Description : If you cut your hair now and then, does that make it grow faster and longer?

Last Answer : answer:If you want to get your natural hair color back faster, I suggest you dye it the natural color and then you won't have any line showing the natural color from the old dyed color. Cutting your hair on a ... it grows out. Hair grows an average of ½ inch per month (I think that's about 2 cm?).

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Last Answer : btw, i’m reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez. and now my nephew says nails grow as well.

Description : How does hair grow back after shaving?

Last Answer : answer:Shaving won't have caused the change to your hairs other than making the ends blunt on the ends so that it appears they are more thick growing out. Chalk it up to change in hormones as you age. You ... shave or pluck my black hair from my light skin and it sucked to be teased, I feel for you.

Description : Are there any foods you can eat to make you hair grow longer, faster?

Last Answer : Try taking a vitamin specifically for hair. Biotin is good for hair and nails.

Description : Does hair grow faster in the summer? Why?

Last Answer : Here are the responses I got.

Description : How to make your hair grow faster?

Last Answer : people think getting it trimmed all the time makes it grow faster- it doesn’t – quit getting it cut and eat lots of acacadoes

Description : How do I grow my hair long and soft? in Iceland?

Last Answer : You live in Iceland where this huge volcano is wreaking havoc, scientists are predicting another one fixing to erupt and you're worried about your hair? Aaaaaaalllllllriiiiigghhhtteeeeee then. Really the only thing ... that I know use stuff like Dark and Lovely or something with a relaxer in it.

Description : How do I get my hair to grow faster?

Last Answer : get dreads, worked for me also don’t blow-dry and don’t bleach it

Description : Hair styles for fine hair or make hair grow faster?

Last Answer : There is no quick fix for longer hair. Eat well, get enough sleep, drink lots of water, basically just be healthy and your hair will be healthy. Don’t use crappy products on your hair. Keep getting trims so split ends don’t get worse. Thin hair looks good with some layers or a stacked bob.

Description : Can you make hair grow quicker?

Last Answer : Pull it REALLY hard.

Description : How do you grow your hair longer?

Last Answer : Not cutting it helps

Description : How come some very young people are already starting to grow white hair? Is it because of stress.. or could it possibly just be hereditary?

Last Answer : A change in hair color typically occurs naturally as people age, usually turning their hair to gray and then white. More than 40 percent of Americans have some gray hair by age 40, ... on genetics. Sometimes people are born with gray hair because they inherit the trait genetically. -Wikipedia

Description : If you or someone you know has had significant hairloss, is there a vitamin/nutrient/herb that was used to get the hair to grow normally again?

Last Answer : Prenatal vitamins are actually a wonderful way to increase the health of hair, incidentally is this for a man or a woman? Also, regular care, not just shampooing and washing. But ... when wet, conditioning properly, understanding their hair type and improving their diet will help considerably.

Description : How much can hair grow in 8 days?

Last Answer : Hair grows on average about a 1/2 inch per month. I think you’re SOL on this one, kid.

Description : Does your hair grow long fast if a guy cuts your hair?

Last Answer : Yes, the gender of the stylist determines the rate at which hair grows.

Description : How does the body decide where hair should grow and how thick and how long?

Last Answer : I think you’ll fine the Numskulls decide on those things.

Description : Does your hair grown a different rates or does it always grow at the same speed?

Last Answer : Tis fungus… So I imagine aside from genetics, it’s based on how you treat it. (Nutrient rich conditioner, frequency of shampooing, wearing hats, grooming via monkey).

Description : Anything to make my hair grow faster?

Last Answer : prenatal vitamins

Description : How to Make Hair Grow Faster ?

Last Answer : How to Make Hair Grow Faster Having long locks is a desire of many people, especially women. Long hair gives the impression of beauty and elegance, which is why many of Hollywood's elite sport a ... before long, you will finally go through each day, as if you are living inside a shampoo commercial.

Description : What do you do when you run out of hair spray?

Last Answer : People never cease to amaze me at how stupid they can be. And I use a hair spritzer not a spray,and if I run out I do with out, or ball cap it for the day .

Description : Growing out hair?

Last Answer : Just let it grow. Buy some barrettes for the inbetween stage. Do a cut in 3 months to trim the back a mini bit to start evening it up. It is NOT true that trimming your hair will make it grow ... what you want without having to blow it out for a long time after every shampoo once it starts to grow.

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Last Answer : Rubber band.

Description : "Hair work", anyone grossed out by the idea (details inside)

Last Answer : This is probably a bit of an overreaction, but I gotta go with my gut, it instantly put me in mind of the Nazis. Harsh, but honest opinion. I wonder if that work has been shown in a pubic gallery.

Description : How difficult is it to get black hair dye out of hair?

Last Answer : From what I understand black and red are the hardest colours to get out. The best course of action would be to go to a salon and see what they can do. Or, you just grin and bear it until it grows out.

Description : Can I dye my hair with out bleaching it?

Last Answer : answer:If you want a bright colour and your natural colour is dark, the dye will likely just give you highlights or a shade that's only noticeable in the sun. My hair is naturally a very dark brown ... 're of a different ethnicity than your friend, her hair might be more apt to colour than yours is.

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Last Answer : answer:My wife had the same sleep study and the same glue goo in her hair. She washed her hair once and it did not come out. Her second washing, she let the shampoo stay on her hair for five ... folical. She said that did it. Personally, I think she used Lava soap to remove the goo. Good Luck.

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Last Answer : answer:I think the mayo was not a good choice. lol Try dish soap, but don’t mangle your hair, massage it through in a downward motion so it does not tangle. Maybe a baking soda or vinegar rinse.

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Last Answer : what base is the paint? because theres different ways for different based paint im guessing water based?

Description : Have you ever really dried out your hair from straightening it to much?

Last Answer : I used to straighten my wavy/curly hair every day and it got really dried out. Get regular trims and invest in a good conditioner. (I like Neutrogena's deep therapy stuff. Not too expensive, and really, ... most of the off-days, and don't straighten it daily. I'm amazed how much healthier it is.

Description : Are there any men out there who prefer woman with very short hair?

Last Answer : I have to say that I don’t, I would go as far as to say that it’s off putting. I only wish I could articulate a good reason as to why that is the case.

Description : Will a permanent pink hair dye still wash out?

Last Answer : Removed by Me I didn’t read the details. Sorry!

Description : How to solve a problem like : Getting a hair out my throat?

Last Answer : This answer may help: I have had few patients come to me with this very problem, and as any good doctor would do, I researched into this matter with great enthusiasm and I am pleased of my result ... this procedure and I would advise using my other suggestions as above. All the best, Dr. J Khaghn

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Last Answer : Try the Britney 2007 look?

Description : Any at-home hair-dye experts out there that can offer a little assistance?

Last Answer : If you’re blonde, it will dye your hair dark, dark brown. It will be a startling change. And it will not wash out… it’ll fade, and then your roots will grow in, and you’ll have to bleach your hair to get the color out.

Description : How concerned do I have to be that my hair is falling out?

Last Answer : It could be anything from poor nutrition to a serious medical condition. I can pull out a bunch of strands by running my fingers through my hair a few times. Probably ten or twelve strands, and I’m fine. :) If you’re concerned, talk to your doctor.

Description : Does anyone know how to get medical "super glue" out of hair without cutting it out?

Last Answer : I don’t know if it will work, but I’d try olive oil or peanut butter (again for the oil)

Description : How much is hair supposed to fall out?

Last Answer : Sometimes people can get this passed on genetically. Or it can occur if you blow dry your hair too much.

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Last Answer : How to Get Gum Out of Hair Gum and hair are never great together. Unfortunately, you find some bubblegum tangled in your treasured locks. Before you run to the barber to get a haircut, stop. There are some ... resort you can try: get a new hairdo. Who knows, maybe you'll even like your new look!

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Last Answer : Um, I think on most people they do grow back, otherwise as people get older they would not have any eyelashes by a certain age, and there are plenty of older people who have eyelashes. I think eyelashes work ... It falls out, it grows back, it gets thinner as you get older, and a few people go bald.

Description : Do hair stylist's clip nose hair?

Last Answer : Probably not just a regular hair stylist. Maybe if you went to like a place that also does waxings they might if you asked.

Description : What is this hair called?

Last Answer : The coloring style is called balayage. It’s a technique that is extremely difficult to do at home. If you’re considering it, budget for a professional to do it for you.

Description : Can a person's grey hair become less grey as they age?

Last Answer : B A L D I know !

Description : What is the best way to fix the hair of photogrammetrically scanned people?

Last Answer : Don’t do dough dos.

Description : Do you color your own hair with a box color from the store?

Last Answer : HA – HA – HA ! It’s white and has been for over thirty years.