Is there anyone out there like me here on fluther who does not have a facebook account.

1 Answer

Answer :

Dumped mine about 2 years ago. Boring and I lost interest. I could care less about following peoples daily lives. haha

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Last Answer : Sounds like a scam to me. Just a guess.

Description : Is there anybody here who has a Facebook page for a group, who can pm me or discuss here some details?

Last Answer : It depends on the app she uses probably. There is a way to make posts in the group from what looks more like an anonymous administer rather than from the account of the administer. I’ll PM you also.

Description : Do you have a Facebook account, and can you tell me how to manage mine?

Last Answer : answer:Go to the upper right hand corner of your page, and next to your picture is a down arrow for a menu. On that menu is Privacy Shortcuts. From that link is a another menu, and one of the menu ... ; and not friends of friends . But if you comment on a public thread, anyone can see your comment.

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Last Answer : Facebook does that. My son found that out the hard way when his Facebook sent out a friend request to his soon-to-be-ex who had a protective order against him. 30 days later….....

Description : How to deactivate or delete your Facebook account ?

Last Answer : To deactivate or delete your Facebook account, follow these steps: Deactivating your account: Log in to your Facebook account. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner and select "Settings & ... ve deleted your account, you won't be able to reactivate it or retrieve anything you've added.

Description : If someone hacks your Facebook account, will they also have access to your email accounts?

Last Answer : If they put their email address in their profile, then the hacker would have access to it. If I were you, if your real friend has your number, then they should call you. Why would they ask you to ... are leery, just wait and do nothing. If they really have an issue, they can discuss it through pm.

Description : Can I do a factory reset on my Facebook account?

Last Answer : No. Are you really asking or are you just bitching?

Description : Why do some newspaper columnists (for eg.,) require you to have a facebook account?

Last Answer : HUH? I don’t understand the Q.

Description : How long does it take for Facebook to restore an account after it has been locked?

Last Answer : Maybe it’s just slow because of New Years Day? I can’t answer your Q better than that (sorry) but if it’s not back up by tomorrow, I’d pursue it further. Not helpful, but Happy New Year, @Aethelwine, to you and yours!

Description : Can I access my Facebook photography page if I deactivated my own personal account?

Last Answer : That page should be a separate log-in from your personal page. You should just be able to log in with the e-mail address you registered it with and the password.

Description : If you delete then restore your facebook account, do you retain all of your friends?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : Can I login to my Facebook account from two browsers at the same time?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : My facebook account was hacked and I am having problems recovering my account.

Last Answer : Bear with me on this, as I’m not sure I’m clear on the specific situation. Can you still log in to your FB account? Have you sent a notification to FB that your account has been hacked?

Description : What is the cost of closing my Facebook account?

Last Answer : There are other options. Simply tweak your security settings to meet your satisfaction. Or, you could just stop using it altogether, without deleting the account.

Description : Is it possible to enter photos from iPhone to Facebook Account?

Last Answer : Yes. With the iPhone app, click the little camera next to your status update line. It will ask if you want to take a new photo or choose from an existing one.

Description : Why would someone's Facebook account be deleted?

Last Answer : There have been a lot of Facebook accounts deleted lately. The majority of them are because of too many posts or too many updates and posting too much on the news feed. Facebook says that these users are constantly bothering other users/their friends with lots of updates. I don’t agree with this.

Description : How can I delete my Facebook account?

Last Answer : At the top blue bar, go to Settings and drop down to Account Settings. Deactivate account ->> deactivate Just as facebook asks, I’m going to ask you: Why do you want to deactivate your account?

Description : I have a problem with my facebook account!

Last Answer : Reset your password

Description : Can a hacker reactivate your Facebook account?

Last Answer : If “hackers” actually do anything more than serve as a scapegoat for media technophobia, I’d imagine that they certainly have better things to do with their time than reactivate old Facebook accounts.

Description : Have you ever forgotten not everyone is on Fluther, and used the word "Lurve" or called someone a "Jelly"?

Last Answer : No, but I have wanted to lurve people on Facebook. Luckily there is a like button. ;)

Description : Anyone know why my photos don't show any more on FaceBook?

Last Answer : janbb: Did you try logging out of FB and logging back in? I'm going to google this. I'm curious because I have a lot of photos on FB and would be very upset if this ever happened to me. ... I am wondering if using Instagram is better, and then sharing via FB, since Instagram is a photo storage site.

Description : Does anyone know what happened to some of my older groups in facebook?

Last Answer : I think they did just dissappear. I know one group I had created I received a notice that I would need to do soething when the change happened. The other administrator on my group actually created the new one. So, I guess if no one created the new group, the group just dissappeared.

Description : Is anyone else having trouble loading pictures on to facebook?

Last Answer : I’ve been having that problem for the past few days. I had sent photos from my phone to my email, and then tried to upload those to facebook and it wouldn’t work. Then today I sent them from my phone directly to facebook and it worked. Weird.

Description : Is anyone else having issues with Facebook? I can't seem to login and have been trying all morning?

Last Answer : No, I’m on & things are working fine.

Description : Does anyone else have comment problem with the iPhone version of Facebook?

Last Answer : No, I’ve never experienced this problem because I just really dislike the iPhone version of Facebook. It’s just way too plain and stripped-down for me. My recommendation to you is to just use the regular Facebook web site on your iPhone as I do on my iPod touch.

Description : Can you help me figure out why my photo won't upload to Facebook?

Last Answer : Since facebook went to timeliine, certain sizes of photos won’t load. Re size the picture and try again.

Description : How can I find out which one of my Facebook friends defriended me?

Last Answer : Not directly. The only way would be to go through your entire friend list and figure out who is missing. If it makes you feel better, just because the number dropped doesn't necessarily mean ... . If one of your friends canceled their facebook account, that would also cause the number to drop.

Description : Facebook users - did this most recent move on Facebook's part (Trending) make any sense? To me, it makes it far less useful.

Last Answer : answer:When you hover on the trending topic, it displays a balloon with a fuller explanation. I hadn't really noticed the change and have never found the Trending stuff particularly useful. There was that ... news. The change may be related to that but the vagaries of FB are always a mystery.

Description : Can you please help me understand Facebook Chat?

Last Answer : I’m not 100% sure, but I think those are the people with whom you most recently got in touch via chat or private message.

Description : In Facebook, how do I remove a photo that someone else has tagged me in, so unfortunately it shows up on my Facebook profile?

Last Answer : On the bottom of the picture, it will state who is tagged in the photo. Beside your name, there are options in parentheses that say “untag”. Just click that and it will not be on your profile anymore.

Description : If I put someone on my block list on Facebook, will they be able to unfriend me?

Last Answer : What I have seen is when someone who connects to people for gaming finds that they cannot write on someone's wall, they have been history. It depends on who it is though. Everyone reacts differently. I do ... a wall that I cannot write on, I do not keep them on my friends list either. Simple.

Description : Can someone tell me what's up with Facebook?

Last Answer : There is a way to block people. Are you “friends” with her?

Description : Why Won't My Old Friend Answer Me on Facebook?

Last Answer : She may have said that she has no hard feelings, but I’d guess she still does.

Description : Why won't my boyfriend accept me as a friend on facebook?

Last Answer : It sounds like you know why he won’t add you as a friend. You are right to be suspicious. Confront him or it will be more painful later on

Description : Can someone tell me how to "import" my twitter posts to my facebook page?

Last Answer : There's a facebook app called Selective Twitter Status - you tell it your twitter screenname, and then anytime you end a twitter post with #fb, it automatically updates your facebook status. Beware, though - it ... are public - if they're private, it won't see them, so it won't update properly

Last Answer : No , you can't. Because , you are the main admin of the page. But you can remove anyone you want.

Description : When I go to massenjare , I see almost all my fnd 's I'd have written on mobile and those who are online , they have active writing, can anyone tell me why it is written on mobile ?????

Last Answer : This is because the rest of your friends run Facebook with Opera Mini on Facebook or mobile phones.

Description : Where is the "about" (like in facebook) or similar on Twitter for email address?

Last Answer : Click on the name or organization; it will bring up their page . Over on the left side, there is a column of information about the person or entity that will have either an email address ... twitter. You can direct message them through twitter, just click on the little envelope under their tweet.

Description : Should Facebook have a dislike button like Youtube?

Last Answer : I sometimes want one on Fluther.

Description : I recorded a speech on my iPhone and would like to share it with some friends on Facebook. Is this possible?

Last Answer : At the very least, you can upload the file to a site like or, and then post a status update with a link to the file.

Description : Is there a way to hide who/what you like on Facebook?

Last Answer : It will show originally, but if you go to your page (not the feed) and click the little “x” next to the posting it will give you the option to hide all like activity. After that it will not show.

Description : Do you like it when sites use facebook connect?

Last Answer : No, I hate it. It clogs up the site, often comes up like a pop-up, and is just so annoying.

Description : Does your Facebook app for iPhone suck balls like mine does?

Last Answer : Nope, mine runes fine. You should try re downloading.

Description : What do you like best;Facebook or Myspace?

Last Answer : facebook.

Last Answer : Facebook On the page Like To increase For Most Good Being You The page Boost Please. A little In money A lot Like Getting Go. And In another way To do If you can On the page Friendlist Everyone Invite Please Or Profile Convert By Page Made Two Together Merge By Day.

Description : What would you do if you found out your daughter was doing something lewd on facebook?

Last Answer : First would be the conversation. What makes you think that's appropriate? Where did you get the idea? What did you hope to accomplish? What do you think about your body? What do you think others think about ... then hug her and tell her that no matter what she can talk to me if she gets in trouble.

Description : Ever been locked out of Facebook?

Last Answer : Never happened to me. Ok well I’ve had to do security questions in the past? For logging into a computer at school but nothing that extreme.

Description : Facebook is putting out "See who's viewing your page" daily - how does someone stop that?

Last Answer : When the story appears, hover your mouse over it. At the top right of the story, a down arrow will appear, showing there is a menu you can click on. Click on it, and amongst the options are “hide all stories/updates from….” It should allow you to block the app.

Description : On Facebook, if I were to delete my profile would a notice go out on my boyfriends wall that his relationship status had changed?

Last Answer : No. He has to change his relationship status himself!

Description : Have you ever done the "Find out who viewed your profile" thing on Facebook, and if so, does it really work?

Last Answer : My understanding is that none of those apps work. Because of that, I’ve never used one. Besides which, since my privacy settings are set so that only my friends can view my profile, it seems pointless to want to know which of them did, since I’ve given permission to do so to all of them.