Have you ever laughed when a friend or loved one fell down, just to find out they were seriously hurt?

1 Answer

Answer :

When I was in high school a friend of mine and I went on a long bike ride on a dirt path through fields and up a steep hill and then across town. We returned on the same route home. My friend took the lead as we raced each other back home. I watch my friend fly full speed down the hill that we rode up earlier and crash onto a ditch that construction workers had just dug across out dirt bike path. I can still hear his scream and the squealing beaks as he careened head first into the huge deep ditch. I knew that he was beat-up pretty badly with broken skin possible broken bones but I could not stop laughing even though I knew that a crash like that could have killed him. If he was crippled from the accident I suppose that I would have felt very bad about laughing. However the accident happened about 44 years ago and I still laugh whenever I think about it.

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Last Answer : answer:Sounds like it could be a disc in your neck. I'm not a doctor, but if it were me I would be careful not to carry anything heavy for a few days, make sure you sleep with your ... I have no experience with chiropracters I have always avoided them, but I know some people say they are great.

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Last Answer : Yep.

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Last Answer : You can try some ice, but ice is best within a few hours of the hit. Don’t put the ice directly on it. You can put some ice and some water in a ziploc bag and rest it on your finger so it is cold. Can you move it without increasing the pain? Are you sure it isn’t broken?

Description : Is there anything I can do to speed up the healing process?

Last Answer : answer:I am no medical person by any means. But sounds like a bruised foot? In which case, I Googled it and most recommend pain tablets. I would imagine cold packs might help. Elevation, or heat pads. If ... country run. I'm sure they would like to know you work out, or keep fit and are healthy.

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Last Answer : It doesn’t sound like your instructor is proceeding correctly. You need to talk about pre exercise and post exercise stretches.

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Last Answer : answer:It's sort of like pinching a straw so that liquid can't get through or at least goes through very very slowly. Except that the straw is located in your body and you're compressing whatever ... break or serious complications can ensue. (At least that's what they told us in first aid class.)

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Last Answer : Sounds like it certainly could be an MCL or ACL (1) though I did have similar symptoms when I dislocated/cracked my kneecap. Get to a orthopedist and have it looked at ASAP until then think RICE.

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Last Answer : answer:Oh I feel your pain. I recently recovered from an injury exactly like this. I fell down some rock stairs at a mini golf course and fell on my knees. My entire knee had been scraped of it' ... took about two weeks before I could walk comfortably again. Also, don't bandage it. Let it breathe.

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Last Answer : answer:I recommend watching for a bit longer to see if the mother eventually helps the poor little guy. If she doesn't come to his aid within a few hours, I would take him into a veterinarian. Most ... don't treat avian issues. Thanks for helping! I'll bet the little robin will appreciate it. :-)

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Last Answer : Wow, this question is really morbid.

Description : Do you feel it is racist to dress up as Native American? Why or why not?

Last Answer : answer:Not at all. Kids (and adults) dress up as Ninjas, Samurai Warriors, and Geisha all the time at Halloween, and I'm not offended. My daughter once dressed as Pocahontas one year, and I thought ... think it's a tribute to Native culture, just like how some kids admire and dress up as Ninjas.