Have you ever been betrayed by your best friend?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, that’s why I no longer have best friends.

Related questions

Description : My best friend betrayed me, what should I do?

Last Answer : answer:Wow! This really sounds like a case of projection. He is suicidal, but he talked to the counselor about you? I might mention that to the counselor. Still, if there is something you need ... calmly. Tell the counselor you think your friend was projecting because he is in crisis at the moment.

Description : How to get revenge on a friend who betrayed me?

Last Answer : answer:Revenge is a bad idea. If you take revenge on a girl who has good friends, you will isolate yourself further from your social group. I understand that it will be hard for you to make other friends, ... like you just lost a bad friend, and in many ways a bad friend is worse than no friends.

Description : Have you ever betrayed someone, or have been betrayed yourself?

Last Answer : answer:I feel that I have been betrayed. I was cheated on by an Ex, I thought that I would never feel anything worse than that. However. A girlfriend once told me that she was falling in ... thing, something that no one should ever have to go through, but everyone will probably experience it once.

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Last Answer : Unknown to me, my brother put his name on my mother's bank accounts before she died (Dad was already dead) rendering all the money HIS when she passed and not inheritable. Relatives on my mother's side treat ... them. It's over 20 years so far. It WILL be forever. In fact, they could drop dead.

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Last Answer : When I was in the sixth grade, there was a group of girls who would pretend they were my friends one minute then do cruel things the next. Once when wee had a substitute these girls were making ... left scars for awhile but eventually I realized they were just jealous of me because I was prettier!:)

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : answer:I've always been a really good friend. Every once in a while, I do get taken advantage of, and when it happens, boy does it happen big time. However, I have been told that I bring out ... (mine is named Stella, sorry to anyone named Stella) can shape people up quite nicely, I've noticed.

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Last Answer : answer:If she really is your friend, I would believe her until you have firm reason not to. It's very hurtful to not be believed by people who you think care about you. That said, I knew a girl ... know what drives it. Some people just lie compulsively. I don't know what they're getting out of it.

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Last Answer : answer:I went through this with one of my friends. I let it go for a few months that she wasn't initiating or responding and then finally freaked out, got all juvenile and told her I was going to ... there's anything between you two that you haven't been aware of, any toes stepped on kind of deal.

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Last Answer : sorry I meant passed away. :(

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Last Answer : answer:Betrayed, how? I’ve been noticing a lot lately that I’ll have one single letter wrong in a decent length word, and spellcheck doesn’t even come close. Not even ballpark. It seems like a change to me. I’m guessing that spellcheck is administered by your browser? I use Firefox.

Description : Has Whole Foods betrayed their market?

Last Answer : answer:Who trusts food stores in the first place? Especially on an issue like organic foods, which is a term that has no real definition and no real meaning, legal or otherwise. It sounds like you had ... profit - to make money. They are not altruists. CUstomers are just a vehicle to make a profit.

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Last Answer : Darling, I know how patronizing this sounds, because I was 27 once too, but you are only 27!! Things sometimes seem bad and that's very often because they actually are bad; don't let anyone tried to tell ... hope. But you are way, way, way too young to give up on yourself and to give up on life.

Description : What do you do when someone thinks you betrayed their trust (divulged a secret) and you haven't?

Last Answer : (corrected) I think I need to re-read again…. You cannot help what she thinks. You were honest and told her that you did not break her trust. It is now up to her to either accept that or not.

Description : How can I release the anger and pain of being betrayed?

Last Answer : Wow. I have no idea. Sorry. But I really do hope you get it worked out. That just sucks. I’m on your side, fwiw.

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Last Answer : Kolkata

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Last Answer : What does race have to do with which political party that you choose? Anyway I was shocked to learn that a guy from my high school (a very competitive weight lifter, wrestler and track athlete) changed his name from Tony to Gloria and has assumed the identity of a women.

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Last Answer : Over the years I have taken a strong dislike to one or more of my sons' girlfriends at one time or another. Early on I made a promise to myself, never, ever to interfere in their relationships ... than that of a mother with her sons, I hope I would find that restraint comes relatively easily.

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Last Answer : I got an email saying that all my emails would be deleted unread. Totaly devistated me.

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Last Answer : It doesn’t sound wacky to me.

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Last Answer : They could have been but got selfish somewhere along the way. The problem lies in trust after a betrayal. Friends and loved ones often feel compromised and used, the line between what was genuine and what was a cover for the offense becomes blurred by disappointment, retrospect, and bitterness.

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Last Answer : answer:I was the older sibling who told the lies. My favorite tool was the Ouija Board, and realizing Parker Brothers had the market share on the underworld, I found it too irresistible to use it on ... was stalking them I mentally abused every younger child in my family. I'm very proud of that.

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Last Answer : Behavior is often very situational. For instance. when I’m with my chess buddies, I’m quite different than from when I’m with my hunting buddies or my co-workers. Back-stabbing is not acceptable, though.

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Last Answer : I was best friends with this guy and we were really close like brother and sister and all of a sudden he got with this girl and she deleted my number out of his phone and everything and told him not to talk to ... me his lil sis and i called him big bro I think the girl is a total wack job.

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Last Answer : If friends work was good enough , he uses sterile equipment then i see no reason why not .

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Last Answer : I had a friend who did this successfully with a very long term FWB. They are happy together now. All I can say is be careful. Sometimes lust and love get mixed up and confused and then you have ... make it work. You can't just assume an exclusive relationship .both parties need to talk about it.

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Last Answer : Never do this. It ends with the person being on the hook for bills the other will eventually not pay.

Description : Have you ever lost a friend and not known what happened to them?

Last Answer : Many. Most of them actually, since I keep moving. They probably wonder the same about me, since they stay where they are and I'm always the one passing through. The one friend I always wonder about ... of mine, who had been searching for me online (and eventually tracked me down). That was nice.

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Last Answer : I never did it but that did it to me…. don’t ask what that did plezzzz don’t ask

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Last Answer : I would ask her parents if you can start a Go-Fund-Me account to raise money for medical assessment and treatment.

Description : If you found out a friend was casually racist, would you talk to them about it, or simply not talk to them again?

Last Answer : I would talk to them about it, yes. Not being verbose or confrontational or anything, just a little “That was a bit racist right now, don’t you think?”

Description : Is it okay to unfollow an (old) friend on social media because they trigger your anxiety?

Last Answer : Yes. Unfollow. Don’t unfriend.

Description : I am friends with someone who is nice to me but my friend group doesn't like them?

Last Answer : It’s difficult to give you thoughts, because we don’t know the details about why the group ostracized Z. We don’t know if they acted unfairly. You have a very delicate balancing act to attempt. I wish you luck.

Description : I lied to my online best friend, should I tell him my real age?

Last Answer : Kids! Tell him the truth, now. Don’t make it worse – don’t let it fester. He’s going to react in some way. Maybe no big deal, maybe yes, But it’s out of your control anyway. “oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”

Description : Am I a bad person for not being able to connect with my friend?

Last Answer : It sounds like your friendship has run its course. You have probably noticed by this time in your life that some of the people you were good friends with in high school and college have drifted away from ... an effort to connect with her, but if she texts, text back. It costs nothing to be cordial.

Description : How do I stop talking to a friend I've known for years?

Last Answer : If you want a gradual out, I'd suggest just becoming a little less available. Take up a new interest, or volunteer for something, and be busy more of the time. Many friendships do change ... breakup. That also allows you the option to revive your relationship if you feel like it later on.

Description : Do you have a friend or family who repeats the same stories over and over again in conversations and you stopped reminding them because you know it will never stop anyway?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Is your best friend a lot like you, or more like a case of opposites attracting?

Last Answer : Similar. She loves wearing black, I love wearing black. Neither take any crap from anyone (mostly due to crappy childhoods), kind of alpha females. We both are more inward searching than outward, for validation ... I don't think either of us would use the phrase best friends' unless you forced it.

Description : What does it mean when a friend of many years sends you a link to a love song and tells you to listen?

Last Answer : How old are you and how do you know this person.

Description : My friend says I'm not as prettty as the other girls. I don't know how to react?

Last Answer : It is that she is an idiot, and not your fault.

Description : If you give a friend $$ to fix their car, but they use it for something else, would you sue?

Last Answer : For 300? No. A lawyer takes that kind of money by the hour. Plus court costs and whatnot. And at the end, the guy will not be able to pay, anyway, seeing that he had to beg for “car maintenance money”.

Description : What tips do you have for tracking down a friend?

Last Answer : Google her name or do a FaceBook search. Would be helpful if you now her last name too.

Description : So-called friend always leaving me out?

Last Answer : Sometimes in a group two people will naturally gravitate towards each other. In a small group, that can leave someone feeling left out. That is unfortunate, but a frequent occurrence. Then too, there are sometimes ... of them the same as some of the people you know at work but never hang out with.

Description : When was the last time you took a long weekend with your best friend?

Last Answer : Its been years. Very hard to find times that match up where such a thing is possible.

Description : If your friend never introduces you to her boyfriend after 3 years what would you think?

Last Answer : Very odd. Have you asked her to meet him?