To my fellow Fluther grammarians: do you think this deserves to be an official Fluther shirt?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:No. It is too busy, too ugly and too derivative. I still cherish the one that Andrew’s mom sent me years ago… I am the grammarian about whom your mother warned you.

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Last Answer : There are two possibilities. She might start wondering before you arrive, in which case I would say, If you are late she will be wondering where you are. Alternatively, she might start wondering at the time ... in which case I would say, If you are late, she will be wondering where you had been.

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Last Answer : have not

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Last Answer : Was is in the past.

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Last Answer : No 1 is correct. No native English speaker would use 2 or 3.

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Last Answer : Can you illustrate when studying takes place in each of them. When? In all three sentences, the studying took place before the exam. How long before the actual exam? It is unclear. We can only ... exam. It suggests that the person put more effort rather than more time in studying for the exam.