Do you pay for college, save for retirement, or try to do a bit of both?

1 Answer

Answer :

A guy I know whose a financial planner always says fund the retirement first.

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Last Answer : I’m pretty sure the going rate at the moment is about $15 AUD an hour, um, that would be… checks google… like $14 USD so not much different haha but yeah.

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Last Answer : The man's name is Nicholas (nickel us).

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Last Answer : In the U. S. it is nearly all education, your motivation, creativity and luck. There are successful people who dropped out of school and unsuccessful people who had the full ride.

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Last Answer : answer:I would be concerned if you didn't have stage-fright. Just breathe through the first day and it will get easier. Everyone is nervous. During the years I was a teacher or in a teaching community, ... sleep. Chin up. PS. You are ahead of the game because you have had on-the-job experiences.

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Last Answer : answer:There are so many browser, and versions of each of those, out there that it is difficult to be compatible with all of them. The bank's primary concern is going to be security so they will ... -of-the-art-nuisance. I sympathize with your frustration at this, I hope they get it working soon

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Last Answer : C) try to know the reason

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Last Answer : answer:It depends on my priorities. If I want it to be a long term purchase I go with quality. Short term the cheaper. Many of our items are assembled here but sourced elsewhere. Or vice versa. Also our ... up my mind as the ethics to it. It is most def an almost irrelevant gray issue in my mind.

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Last Answer : what?

Description : Can one save time and money by making or buying pub grub and college food?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, you can save time, and money, but it is not heathy to eat more than once in a while. Everything you've listed is either heavy in salt, sugar, or fats. Knowing you as we do ... stuff, but get yourself on to eating healthy food. That stuff is not food, it is slowly poisoning you.

Description : Is it benificial to save your books from college?

Last Answer : I kept one. For my field, I.T., the others where quickly outdated.

Description : What is is a smart way to save on college tuition?

Last Answer : Attend winter and summer sessions as well as regular semesters

Description : 10 Ways to Save Money for College?

Last Answer : Are you planning to go to college, but wondering how to pay forit? For most students, juggling the cost of higher education is amulti-step process--but it can certainly be done. Try thesetips.* ... of dorm roomand meal plan costs, and then assume you can save money on thatamount using off-campus

Description : How to save money for college?

Last Answer : Education certainly does not pay for itself (with the exception of receiving grants), but there are some easy things you can do to save money for college whether you plan on starting or you need ... less, but every penny counts. You can even put your money into an account that accrues interest!

Description : Using A Student Savings Account To Save For College?

Last Answer : College tuition is increasing every year. If you have a child who will one day attend college, it is important to get started saving as soon as possible. The earlier you start saving, the more ... movie tickets. Keep money for tuition in a separate account to keep your student's spending in check.