Would you rather look distinguished or younger?

1 Answer

Answer :

Since I always wear a tuxwdo, I am already distinguished so I’ll go for younger.

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Description : How do you look?

Last Answer : 5’ 10” 170–175 pounds, cut arms, shoulders and chest. Small hint of bellyfat so no six pack. Black hair with tiny hints of grey. Full beard stubble.

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Last Answer : answer:I just turned 54 a week ago, still no gray hair and in great shape. My wife is 45 and people assume we are the same age. Just because you are in your 40's and 50's doesn't mean you have to ... t compare myself to anyone but Brad Pitt and I am quite OK that he is just a tiny bit cuter than me.

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Last Answer : I get this all the time because of health issues combined with large breasts. So if you go by looks I'm a retarded bimbo hick who eats cupcakes the size of land masses. It's why I love the internet. My ... , or that I fell on my face because walking with a cane ain't easy- that's up for debate.)

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Last Answer : No. I find something that works and tend to stick to it. I change when I become so disgustingly out of fashion that it actually negatively affects the first impression I give people. For example, I ... get from strangers are much more positive. Amazing how that works. I'll not let that happen again.

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Last Answer : If I am working I check regularly during the day. If I am just having a normal day I never do. I couldn’t give a hoot what I look like most the time. Which is great since I used to be somewhat fixated on my appearance.

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Last Answer : Your definately not the only one. I have such a bad problem about that. I seem so self-conscience, and people tell me not to worry about it. i cant’t help it though.

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Last Answer : Both. But if I had to choose, I suppose I would look younger longer. I think most people prefer to look young when they are old. It makes us feel good when someone tells us we don’t look our age hopefully meaning that we look younger.

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Last Answer : I’d probably just audition for Margot but if you really need to try for Anne maybe lose weight and bind your breasts (if they’re big.) If you can style your hair in a bob like hers, that could help too.

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Last Answer : Both I’d say. Womens breasts do get larger as they get older, it’s part of the many changes the female body goes through.

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Last Answer : answer:Try L-Ascorbic acid cream, also known as stabilized Vitamin C. The doctors recommended it on their Dr. s show, and it's supposed to be one of the few things that promote the ... not too expensive. Drinking more water, eating oranges, exercising, and getting more sleep all help too.

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Last Answer : [edit] sorry I read the question wrong. You should go without make-up.

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Last Answer : I don't what exactly you mean by treatments. But serums or products with retinol help skin look younger. Of course, it still matters that you take care of your health because that definitely ... environment, diet, and lack of sleep, etc. But you can definitely see visible results within reason.

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