It's time to play Name That Dog!

1 Answer

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answer:Rommel. .

Related questions

Description : How do you know when it's time to euthanize your dog?

Last Answer : When you are keeping her alive for your needs and not hers. That is, when you can see she is in too much pain. If your dog is not eating or drinking, she is telling you she is ready. It is a terribly sad decision; I am sorry you are going through this.

Description : When do you KNOW when it's time to put your dog to sleep?

Last Answer : I knew after she’s been on machines for 3 days that it was time. She had distemper and seizures.

Description : Can jellies bark and bay when it's time to congratulate Dog?

Last Answer : Congrats Dog! Welcome to the club. Dog is also our newest moderator!

Description : When encountering a dog for the first time, is it a good idea to extend your palm?

Last Answer : It is better to extend your hand palm down, so the dog is not feeling threateend by your open palm and can snoff the back of your hand. If you offer your palm, the dog does not know if you might slap them.

Description : Can a dog scare themselves for howling for the first time?

Last Answer : I don’t think scare themselves as much as they may think what the heck was that the first few times.. I do know wolves howling scares the crap out of coyotes and foxes.

Description : When was the last time you owned a dog?

Last Answer : About 4 or 5 years ago. Two of the most beautiful loving golden retrievers were abandoned on my lot. They adopted me as their own. Since I lost them I haven’t felt like getting another pair of dogs. I had them about 14 years.

Description : Tying up a dog for a short amount of time?

Last Answer : answer:Why is he tying her up outside even when he's home? Why on earth get a dog at all if you're unwilling to spend time with it and just banish it away from your presence? I think tying ... deal breaker for sure. BTW: what you're describing certainly doesn't sound like a short amount of time .

Description : Best breed for a first time dog owner?

Last Answer : In all honesty, your best option is a mixed breed from the shelter. Get an adult dog so you can easily and quickly figure out what the personality is like, and that way you avoid the terrors of ... can help you pick out an animal that suits your circumstances. Plus, you'll be saving a life.

Description : Healing time for a dog bite?

Last Answer : answer:If the swelling is getting worse, you should have it checked out again. If any germs got between tendon nd the sheath that surrounds it, no amount of antibiotics can get to it. Seriously, that kind ... and often scar. You might want to get some vitamin E oil. Hope you're all better soon!

Description : Does anyone know what might cause my dog to panic every time we take him to the groomer?

Last Answer : He could of had a bad experience like getting scared by a bigger dog, or the groomer could of accidentally hurt him. I would hope anyone who works with animals wouldn’t be abusive, but you never know these days. Maybe you could try another groomer and see if he has the same reaction.

Description : Does your dog allow you to trim its nails and do you do it or take it to a vet?

Last Answer : My dog would allow it but he didn’t like it. I would roll him onto his back and straddle him to do the job.

Description : WTF? A woman's will states that she wants her very alive, healthy dog to be killed and cremated so its ashes can be buried with her.

Last Answer : answer:Nothing to discuss. There are wackos everywhere. Some more dangerous than others. People are weird.

Description : Have you ever known a dog to bite a power tool while it's running?

Last Answer : One of my dogs used to attack the vacuum cleaner. So I imagine if I had used power tools around her, she would have attacked them also. I don’t think your dog is insane. A little berserk maybe…

Description : Do you think it's it okay to hit a dog in order to train him in this case?

Last Answer : I don’t treat my pets that way… But everyone is different. Perhaps he doesn’t understand there are other effective ways to train a lab.

Description : Does anyone know if it's possible to adopt/rescue a purebred dog?

Last Answer : Greyhounds are frequently rescued.

Description : Would I be a bad person for not confronting my aunt about her use of a pronged collar on her dog?

Last Answer : Are the prongs facing outward, or digging into the dog’s neck?

Description : Should I take my dog to the vet?

Last Answer : I’d automatically say yes but I’m not a vet. My dogs have streams. I think we have a vet tech here, hopefully she see’s this soon. :)

Description : Does the fact that my dog, Cato, has a saggital crest suggest he has some pit bull in him?

Last Answer : Reading that article, Cato is part orangutang. No wonder he was mad when you started playing with that cute dog down teh street. p.s. I thought the Sagittal Crest was a ridgeline in the Sierra Nevada.

Description : Why does my dog, Cato, start shivering,almost violently, when he realizes that we're going to leave him in the house, or the camper, when we go to eat?

Last Answer : Sounds like anxiety.

Description : When a dog gets sprayed by a skunk do they learn to stay away from them?

Last Answer : I think it depends on the dog. I used to have a goofy Chesapeake who never really got the hang of leaving skunks alone. I should have bought stock in tomato juice companies. All my other dogs have been pretty canny about skunks. Ugh ugh ugh, sorry you have to deal with this.

Description : Are raised hackles on a dog always a sign of agression?

Last Answer : That’s what I have always heard, hence that old expression “Don’t get your shackles up”. But it’s a new environment and new people for him. Possibly he thought the lady was a threat. Just speculating.

Description : What should I do with an escape artist dog?

Last Answer : My dog was a very powerful German Shepherd. If I tried to chain him with a large, heavy duty guard dog choke chain, he would just pull on it until the large rings on the end elongated, ... be more difficult because the dog can get tangled on more stuff. I would suggest the buried concrete block.

Description : Do you like retractable dog leashes?

Last Answer : No I don’t like them. In some jurisdictions there is a maximum length (like 5 feet) that includes retractable leashes with 15 feet cords. No leashes over 5 feet.

Description : What can be done to save this neighbor's dog?

Last Answer : I don’t know, but I sure hope someone can help, at least by suggesting the best search keywords or avenues to local pet rescue agencies. This is a very sad story.

Description : What is your favorite dog breed?

Last Answer : That’s difficult to answer because each breed has their own characteristics that make them special. For me, Jack Russell’s are one of my favorites. Gamey little loves.

Description : Can you help me with this dog training question?

Last Answer : Hire a professional dog trainer.

Description : What is the latest dog breed?

Last Answer : I think that’s a question for Google.

Description : How long does it take for a dog with shoes to walk normally?

Last Answer : I don’t know anyone who persisted in upsetting their dogs by leaving them on, true story. My dogs came off within the first three minutes and we never tried again.

Description : How did your dog learn to enjoy water?

Last Answer : I had a cocker who never liked the water. Maybe instead of trying to get them to like water, you can look at the problem as how to keep them cool. Any air-conditioned dog friendly cafes you can ... I would imagine having lots of drinking water available to them would help but I'm sure you do that.

Description : Do you feed your dog Hill's Pet Nutrition?

Last Answer : My vet recommended Hill’s Science Diet Senior for my dog but I found it too expensive. So I switched to Gains Cycle 4.

Description : What breed of dog am I looking for?

Last Answer : I hope you don’t mean a Pomeranian. see article(dog) They meet the size and furriness requirements. But they yap terribly, and it is high-pitched and obnoxious to listen to.

Description : Do you have an ethical issue with dog breeders?

Last Answer : California forced pet shops to stop selling dogs and cats from breeders. They must sell only rescue animals. Puppy mills are bad, I’ve bought AKC dogs directly from the breeder.

Description : Is there an equivalent to the Westminster Dog show for mutts? Should there be?

Last Answer : Yeah, every time an animal friend goes to a an animal shelter and has a look at all the residents, and chooses one to share their life with.

Description : Can you give me suggestions for the name of my dog?

Last Answer : Rex-male Rose-female

Description : Will a trained guard dog choose loyalty or call of the nature?

Last Answer : Now it’s female dog-as-temptress? What’s going on?

Description : How would you have handled this, and would you have gotten angry with your dog?

Last Answer : Write a complaint to the manufacturer. How shitty has the build quality of that caravan have to be for a dog to be able to punch his head through?

Description : When you pet a dog, is that comparable to when they lick you? Are you and they expressing the same sentiment?

Last Answer : Yes, but you could also lick them back to make sure they know you like them.

Description : Can a dog have fleas and not scratch?

Last Answer : If you bathe her with a flea shampoo and there are not dead fleas in the bath tub then; the conclusion would be maybe no. If you give her Frontline Plus or NexGard the answer would NO fleas or ticks.

Description : [Update] I fed my dog chicken bones and I'm worried of his health?

Last Answer : Thank you for the update. If the dog was diagnosed as having distemper by a vet, then you need to read up on how a dog gets distemper. It is likely that it has nothing to do with eating chicken ... that distemper cannot be cured. Ask the vet are the options and decide what would be best for the dog.

Description : How can I improve the connection with my dog?

Last Answer : I have experienced this type of transition a number of times in my life, most recently when my old boy dies last fall and now I am have only the almost 3 year old. I can sympathize with you, and only tell you ... do this and I know it's hard. Pats and loves to both of you from me and my young boy.

Description : How do blind people clean up for the guide dog?

Last Answer : Guide dogs are very well trained BEFORE they are placed with their human. IF I remember correct, they will let you know IF they need to go out plus, I think they are put on a ... ability to hold themselves until their next scheduled relief moment. I do remember that they seldom have accidents.

Description : Does it hurt a dog to pet their beaks?

Last Answer : Do you mean their whiskers? Dogs don’t have beaks.

Description : Have you somehow assigned a human voice to your dog?

Last Answer : Sorta like someone who can’t completely close their mouths.

Description : Dog owners, do you ever do this with your dog?

Last Answer : To be honest, I’ve never tried. But he lets me get away with most things. So possibly?

Description : Is it possible my dog will never accept our new Westie puppy?

Last Answer : It's pretty hard to dislike a Westie, let alone a puppy, for very long. I bet it's just fear of replacement by something so cute, or something like that. It's only been three days. My ... Keep pampering her and go on walks with her etc without the puppy around, keep the food separate, etc.

Description : What would you do if a large dog charged You?

Last Answer : Edit it was over in seconds. It never got close enough for me to kick at it. I was in my swim trunks so I couldn’t defend myself if it attacked my legs.

Description : Is it legal to shoot the neighbour's dog for trespassing?

Last Answer : Self defense Looked/behaved rabid Thought it was a wolf Thought it was a burgler Wait How big is this dog?

Description : If you were looking for a dog, are there any dog breeds you would avoid? What would you look for?

Last Answer :

Description : Can you help me understand my old dog?

Last Answer : answer:Sometimes just washing the rug or mopping with the usual cleaner is not enough to remove all of the odor. It's good enough for our noses, but not the dog's. I have found using some of ... are willing to let her use it, then perhaps placing some puppy training pads will make clean up easier.

Description : Do I really have to take my dog to the vet?

Last Answer : To go the DIY route Infection is your biggest concern. Keep the punctures clean and washed and look for discharge of the wound. DO check with your palm a few times a day for hot spots which is a sure sign ... her rest. I am not a vet or a doctor .just have had a bit of 1st aid/survival training.