Techie questions for web-developers/designers (details inside)

1 Answer

Answer :

If your hosting service allows you to manage the .htaccess file, you can set the default page or pages in it. See

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Description : Who are developers who programmed ?

Last Answer : Did you ask Jango? [email protected]

Description : Is there a website equivalent to fluther but dedicated to programmers and developers?

Last Answer : There is a paid service called expert’s exchange which has always looked promising.. though I’ve never paid so I’m not sure.

Description : Mac developers: any ideas of how to merge two directories?

Last Answer : Never mind. I made a silly mistake. opendiff foo/ bar/ -merge /bar totally works.

Description : Any designers/developers use the blueprint css?

Last Answer : I used it for around two or three sites I created then dropped it. The fact of the matter is that CSS is so easy (for me anyways) that I see no point in using it. I have a general layout ... complete CSS noob then yeah, I guess blueprint CSS would be a good start to help you get away from tables.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not sure if it's quite what you're looking for, but my buddy makes AppCooker. You can use it with AppTaster to create mockups and make them play. I can't speak to their efficacy personally because ... charge $75-125/hour. If that's the route you end up wanting to take, feel free to PM me.

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Last Answer : answer:Metafilter. For all around, I don’t think anything is better. However, if it is a specific topic (i.e. Web design, electronic music composition, Mac, etc.) I always find forums on sites devoted to that topic to be much more successful and quality in their answers.

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Last Answer : I wonder if ray-casting strategies would be appropriate here, since it’s like trying to calculate when one object eclipses another.

Description : Another website design query (Details...)

Last Answer : answer:I would recommend looking in to writing scripts using jQuery. I'm currently in the process of designing a site myself and have been amazed at what can be accomplished now with just a ... here. They range from very simple beginner guides to some advanced shit that will rearrange your brain.

Description : What does this short snippet of C code do? (see details)

Last Answer : answer:It's been a long time since I did much in C but It looks like it reads a file (or url?) and assigns that reference to the variable handle to use later, then reads each ... meant to return file contents in an expected format for use elsewhere. More of the context would provide more clues.

Description : What is the difference between a Web service and a cloud service?

Last Answer : I don't know, but I had the impression that the cloud is really for storage purposes more than for running applications. So we store our stuff in the cloud, and maybe the applications run off of ... stored out there in places that, I guess, move around to where they can be held most efficiently.

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Last Answer : Um… Do you mean Web 2.0?

Description : Any way to practice web page creation offline?

Last Answer : answer:You can do HTML, CSS, and Javascript with just notepad and a web browser. Just save the file with an .html extension and it should interpret correctly. W3Schools is a great place to start, they ... guides and you can figure out what you want to explore further from there. Good luck with it.

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Last Answer : You might want to check out some extremely lightweight Javascript libraries such as xui, zepto, or jQuery Mobile. However, 17KB should not be a huge concern on iOS and Android devices. On phones with ... or with minimal CSS, small page size, and no Javascript at all.

Description : What is the difference between project and web site application in Visual Studio 2010?

Last Answer : I don't use visual studio, but my guess is project mode refers to developing an application to run on your own machine, whereas Web site app. refers to developing it for the directory structure on a remote ... it's meant in similar toools I have used. Check the help files to see if that's it.

Description : What are the most important things that make a web site successful?

Last Answer : answer:Well, success is definately a function of the content. The usability is the multiplier, and the exponent is the time it has been available. I think it may actually be that simple, ... something similar in form. Advertisement plus a value derived from media attention can be the added value.

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Last Answer : I've seem people use the window.onbeforeunload event to do this. A common problem with this method is a script not finishing in time. You can use the event to open a new web page that runs a ... , but never sends display information. That way you don't have to worry about your function being killed.

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Last Answer : answer:how big is the site, how many pages? what kind of features are needed? If they want a CMS that does affect the price. How long will it take to cover and implement all the requirements of ... go. There is an article on smashing magazine somewhere about this issue, if i fin it ill post back

Description : In what order should I learn web design languages?

Last Answer : Web design First…River Dancing Second!! Good luck!

Description : Will using .NET 3.5 server side for a web site place any notable restrictions on what web browers can use the site?

Last Answer : .NET 3.5 VSTS feature won’t restrict you on any navigation features.VSTS is solely browser independent.You could publish your site on any browser, but you need to do some customization while using firefox.Some addin features are needed to make your Server side setup function properly.

Description : Where do you begin when you start programming a new web application?

Last Answer : I start with an outline and fill in the details from there.

Description : How do I become a proffesion web developer?

Last Answer : First, you want to figure out if you want to focus on designing or programming. Also, you should figure out where you want to work: a big company, a startup, or freelance. Those will dictate other ... the best technology. Things are always changing so you'll have to learn how to adapt. Good luck!

Description : Is there a program I can get for Firefox to highlight multiple items on a web page, and have them saty highlighted as I browse?

Last Answer : I have most of the add-ons and I haven’t seen it.

Description : I have a revolutionary idea for a web application and I don't know what I should do with it?

Last Answer : answer:1. firstly do not tell anyone about the idea -- ppl will try to steal it. 2. get in touch with web developers and programmers to make it for you in exchange for stocks, ads watever. ... future website to my own website. also, google for sites related to your idea to check out the competition.

Description : What's the best web programming language to study right now?

Last Answer : Ruby. Maybe Python. Avoid PHP at all costs.

Description : Want to expand on my marketability as a web developer. What language should I learn?

Last Answer : answer:Recently discussed here: I’ll answer again, since you already have php, i would look at ASP and Cold Fusion. I also don’t see much demand for Python or Ruby. Not they are bad languages.

Description : How to make a structured-like web via those extensible markup language?

Last Answer : I’m not following your question.

Description : Why most of the web developments are done in using Mac OS instead of Windows?

Last Answer : At my company, all of our servers are running linux and our designers are using OS X. So, as a web developer, it makes it easier for me to work with the designers and to work in a linux environment if I have a mac.

Description : What are some tips for preventing a script kiddie from harming your web site?

Last Answer : 1. Don’t use SQL (saves money, too). 2. Run your site on Linux. 3. Don’t enable any software or languages you aren’t using yourself. 4. Put your server behind a NAT firewall and close down ports you aren’t using yourself.

Description : Web Development: Coda vs. TextMate / CSS Edit combo?

Last Answer : I prefer Coda and CSS edit 2. Coda simply appeals to my taste more than Textmate. Coda has built in documentation which I use regularly. But many of it's options, such as bonjour editing where two people can edit a ... . As far as CSS Edit 2, I don't think it really has a contender. It's quite nice.

Description : Free PHP Web Server for Dreamweaver?

Last Answer : answer:This is probably your best bet for getting PHP, Apache, and MySQL running easily. It works well on most operating systems. I can't help with Dreamweaver ... add that xampp runs on your computer. No need for a external server. It is great for testing.

Description : How can I find a smart, reliable, experienced web programmer who's easy to work with?

Last Answer : I nominate [at]jp.

Description : What is the main function of web design ?

Last Answer : The main function of web design is to create templates.

Description : Web site link that can copy all the code to design Wapkiz site ?

Last Answer : I am giving you the names of some sites from where you can copy the code. Site- 1 Site- 2 From these two sites you will get all the code for creating Wapkiz site . If you need more sites, please let us know in the comments.

Description : What is Web Design and Web Development ?

Last Answer : Web Design means to determine what a website will look like or its general appearance. Your job as a web designer will be to create a complete web site template. For example, what will be its ... need to have detailed knowledge about PHP, MySQL as well as HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, Bootstrap .

Description : What are the qualifications of a web developer ?

Last Answer : 1. Personal skills are more important if you want to work as a web developer. In many cases, appointments are made on the basis of personal skills, even if they do not have educational ... burden of work and money, both men and women can work as web developers without any predominance.

Description : What is Web Development ?

Last Answer : Web development is the lifeblood of a web site. Web Development is the process of making every piece of design that a web designer makes functional and dynamic . A web site can be divided into ... to have detailed knowledge about PHP, MySQL as well as HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, Bootstrap .

Description : What is a web server ?

Last Answer : A web server is a special kind of hardware and software that can be used to understand any data stored on that server that can be accessed via the Internet.

Description : What is Web Site Publishing ?

Last Answer : Web site publishing is when a web site is spread worldwide through the internet.

Description : Designers, Photographers, Animators: What are some of the most common interview questions you have been asked for industry-related jobs?

Last Answer : Who have you worked for is one. A second would be what is your favorite picture. Third, show me your best work.

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Last Answer : And possibly change the candy cane to a whip?

Description : Can any experienced techie minded person walk me through setting up a dual boot system?

Last Answer : answer: Try this link might help you

Description : Techie Question about VPN's?

Last Answer : VPNs don’t really work the way you seem to be thinking, just download utorrent and torrent away, you dont need to port forward or anything. With vpns you will.

Description : Techie Google question - Why didn't this chat save?

Last Answer : Any chance the other person set the chat as “off-the-record”?

Description : Techie jellies: what was the "Sandy Bridge" chipset problem with PCs?

Last Answer : answer:It was a problem specific to the Cougar Point chipset (P67 and H67 motherboards) which affected the SATA 3 Gb/s ports causing their links to fail over time. The problem was identified and ... with new motherboards shipped back in April. Buy from a reputable source and you should be fine now.

Description : Email help--I don't understand techie talk?

Last Answer : In general, don’t reply to spammer’s e-mails—that simply lets them know that you are a “live address”. Other than that, there’s not a lot to do in terms of avoiding the e-mails, just delete e-mails that aren’t from someone you know.

Description : Can you describe for me in easy, non-techie language how to make or post a link?

Last Answer : Post a link where?

Description : How do u stay on the learning curve for all the new techie gadgets?

Last Answer : I hate this too. That is a lot of junk to buy. If you think you will be irritated by buying the "wrong" thing, then you should find a friend who's an expert and just do whatever they tell you. ... make someone there pick out all those items for you. They are not experts, but they will do an OK job.

Description : Web Designers: Can you recommend a good resource on Search Engine Optimization?

Last Answer : How about Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide.

Description : Web designers, how do you work (and sync files) on two computers at once?

Last Answer : answer:I'd never consider keeping files in more than 2 places. One being on my machine, with a directory tree such that they are in the same relative position to my HTML as they will be on the Web host. ... SEO. It's a workable tool, but if you plan to stick with Web development, move on past it.

Description : Web designers, how did you get so damn good?

Last Answer : answer:Congratulations on choosing your career. Best of luck with it. As for me, I'm a front-end designer and websites are just one of the things I create. I know a fair amount if code, ... at college. Who were your influences? Frank Lloyd Wright, Maurice Sendeck, Rembrandt, Manet, and oodles more.