How disappointed are you in who you have for parents?

1 Answer

Answer :

Why so bummed about the parents?

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Last Answer : Pingu I feel your disappointments. And I really wish your Mom would try to change. But…the thing is…dude…Dr. Pepper is just that good. : )

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Last Answer : I would think they can but you might want to consult a lawyer about it.

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Last Answer : I was in a similar situation. My grandparents had a deal. They agreed to pay for our dental bills in exchange for letting us grand kids access to chocolate. As for lying I would take that up with the parents.

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Last Answer : I didn't interview them , but I did start asking them questions when they got into their late 70s. That is how I found out that my dad's Uncle Jimmy and my dad's grandmother had ... similarstoreis from my mom, but her parents did not talk much about their lives before the moved to California.

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Last Answer : I feel like it’s two very different situations with their own legal scenarios. If there’s a specific abortion law in your state or elsewhere that concerns you, I’m happy to research it.

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Last Answer : I hate to say this, but Crocs are ugly. Doesn’t matter what color – they just are nasty. They are also pretty much 2015 – way out of fashion. Why do you want them?

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Last Answer : Ideal?

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Last Answer : I wouldn’t put it to the level of losing small children on a regular basis. They have ahd one targedy, and perhaps one more in their lives. They didn’t lose the two year old, he walked on a poorly covered borehole.

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Last Answer : You don’t have kids, do you? All the logic and reason you argue really doesn’t happen much in messy, emotionally fraught, real life.

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Last Answer : Mine’s was always borderline edible.

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Last Answer : I have gotten heavy since walking and running have been taken from me. Now I look like my dad.

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Last Answer : My mom was born in 1920 and my dad in 1922. They were respectively 26 and 24 when I was born.

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Last Answer : I think it really depends on the person you are looking up. I got interested and searched up a french actress Clemence Poesy whom I knew had more to do with the French film industry than the English ... . I just realised that I didn't actually answer your question, so I think I'll stop there

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Last Answer : We certainly do not.

Description : you expect to get a gift from your children?

Last Answer : I don’t expect anything. I raised my children to be their own people…make their own decisions based on their own views. My kids live about 4 states away so gifts are optional in my view. It is nice to get a Christmas or Birthday card, though.

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Last Answer : Like evolution? Because it is the truth, that is why.

Description : Which love is stronger and more unconditional: A parent's love for their child, or a child's love for their parent?

Last Answer : Generally, given natural bonding post-partum, a parent’s. Parental love sees beyond child separation, while much of childhood beyond age four and through adolescence is about establishment of a separate personality.

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Last Answer : You need to quit making everything you say, judgement of others. This question is flame bait.

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Last Answer : Possibly all of the above will happen to some of them. Just as children of abusers end up differently from one another in adult life, children of helicopter parents will thrive or falter. But I do agree with your main point, that they are likely to be rudely awakened at some point.

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Last Answer : answer:Your question is puzzling. Are you asking why would they take it down or why wouldn’t they take it down? Or are you asking us to give you arguments for both situations? (hypothetically)

Description : [UPDATE/OPINION NEEDED] Cutting Ties with Toxic Parents?

Last Answer : answer:You have done the right thing. My only question for you to think about: is reconciliation at Alll possible? If so, what would it require? But I urge you to stay strong, and not reach out to them.

Description : When did you start living separately from your parents?

Last Answer : 18 Every year after that would have been a waste of everybody’s time.

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Last Answer : My folks, heaven bless both their souls, called each other Mom and Dad. Which I loved.

Description : Are you who your parents think/thought you would/should become?

Last Answer : answer:Oh, good grief, no. If I was was what they expected, I’d still be married and would have popped out a couple of kids by now. Luckily, we have finally reached a point in my life (at 50) that they accept me as I am. Mostly.

Description : Marrying the Man you love without parents blessing?

Last Answer : Before you go ahead, which WILL happen, make sure you have heard what they have to say. Sometimes when a person is young, they are blind to reality. You may be wishing you had listened to them ... I honestly hope your decisions will lead you down the best path but DO listen to the experienced too.

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Last Answer : My childhood wasn't nearly as traumatic as yours, but my parents really did nothing to help me succeed in life. After I had kids, it really became much clearer how little they did do. In fact, my father ... to what you've got, reach for more and focus on that. Try not to even think about the past.

Description : Telling my parents about counselling?

Last Answer : answer:Ask to be taken to the doctor. Tell you mum you don't feel well, and always feel like you have bad headaches and want to see the doctor. If that doesn't work, talk to someone at your ... someone but your parents aren't helping. They can both refer you to someone and also talk to your parents.

Description : Did your parents offer you the same support as your siblings?

Last Answer : Yes, ALWAYS never felt differently treated. They actually went out of their way to ensure that the support and treatment generally was the same.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know the particulars of this case. But I do believe what made many of these pedophile Internet rings especially horrific was that it was often the parents that were perpetuating the abuse. ... the sexual abuse of over 200 children and all he got was three and a half years?!

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Last Answer : answer:I started shaving when I was 14 because I had enough of a beard that I was looking scruffy and unkempt. Within about three months I was to the point of shaving every day. My daughter ... , she went months without shaving. And my current girlfriend is not all that fastidious about her legs.)

Description : Grandparents and parents: have you ever done something to or for your grandchildren or children that at least one of the parents was against?

Last Answer : answer:My grandmother used to give me a certain amount of money everytime I visited her. Although my father was strongly opposed to it, saying that she needed the money for her living, she still gave me ... to spend only a little, and kept the rest. We still haven't told grandma about our decision.

Description : What do you think about the sacrifices parents make when they probably had their children for selfish reasons anyway?

Last Answer : answer: ...deserve some sort of special respect when they signed on for exactly that responsibility when they chose to have a child? I think this is worded kind of oddly. I don't know anyone that acts like ... it about all other things as well. Is that sort-of what you meant? If not, I'm sorry.

Description : How do I tell my parents that I cut my hair without them freaking out?

Last Answer : How old are you? They’re strict but they wouldn’t like you having bangs? Do they control your bangs? More information is needed.

Description : My parents are mad at me for being depressed?

Last Answer : Don't lose your temper. Your stepmother is in her bedroom to have all the attention on her. Leave it this way, don't act aggressively and try not to argue with her. Be a diplomat. You ... are many organisations helping when a child or a teenager has that kind of problems anonymously and for free.

Description : How can I convince my parents to let me stay home while they bring my grandma on vacation?

Last Answer : You sound quite mature and you write well. Is it possible that a friend or relative that they trust could stay in the house with you? Or that you can set up a system whereby you will contact them regularly – maybe once a day at a certain time – to let them know you are o.k.?

Description : Would you say there just might be a real problem with a school test if parents aren't allowed to see them, even after they're done?

Last Answer : answer:It depends on what the test is used for. Evaluation of the school or the teacher or the curriculum? Okay. Placement of the child or grading of the child? Okay to keep confidential, ... both inconsistent with the child's general achievement level, and also acts to the detriment of the child.

Description : Did your parents, or any of the student's parents, go to their prom?

Last Answer : That would be worse than Carrie being there #bucketofpigblood

Description : What is something you wish your parents had told you?

Last Answer : Learn how to play the piano.

Description : Controlling/childish to move out with boyfriend?

Last Answer : It’s best to have a fall back location when you’re moving out. In other words, when you leave have a plan… and a plan B. This is your life and it’s worth thinking through all of your options. That’s really all I’ve got for now…

Description : Parents of grown step children, how do you handle it when the kids are disrespectful to your spouse?

Last Answer : answer:My adult step children and their father (my former husband) have had serious ups and downs over the years but they talk about it. If my ex has or had issues, he dealt with them. I stayed ... , primarily because they grew up and had families of their own. I'm not sure how helpful this is.

Description : Have you ever been ashamed of your parents? Are your children ashamed of you?

Last Answer : answer:I felt ashamed, or perhaps embarrassed, of my parents when I was young. That typical teenage drop me off a block away so no one sees you, mom type of stuff. I'm still sometimes embarrassed ... random people, but I'm not so much ashamed of her. I've been disappointed in my parents plenty.

Description : Do you feel sorry for kids whose parents always push them to be the smartest and most perfect person in the world?

Last Answer : But my kid is the smartest and most perfect person in the world.

Description : Do you ever wish your parents would just get divorced?

Last Answer : answer:Perhaps tell them their fighting is affecting you. My parents went silent when I told them “I wish you guys could just love each other.”

Description : What should I do if I think my parents are drinking too much?

Last Answer : For starters, how old are you and your brother? I grew up with a alcoholic dad and it would help to know if you are 17 or 11.

Description : Should parents apologize to their kids?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, parents should apologize to their kids when they do something wrong. We’re all people and we all make mistakes. It’s a sign of maturity when one owns up to their wrongdoings. To be completely honest, your parents sound like assholes.

Description : Is is odd for parents to stay with a 16 year old hospital patient every minute of every day?

Last Answer : No not odd. They are in the process of doing a burn out test.

Description : At what point is it no longer worth it to confront your parents?

Last Answer : answer:@SuperMouse I made the decision that it was no longer worth it to confront my parents when I was in my late teens. There were just some arguments that could not be won, and trying was wearing me out. ... tell him that he didn't have that authority, and to ask or tell him not to do that again.

Description : What are some reasons why I should do cheerleading? I really want to but I have to get past my parents first?

Last Answer : It fosters teamwork and commitment. The physical exercise is healthy.

Description : Can you say your parents did a darn good job?

Last Answer : Sure, I think my mom did a great job showing me what I DID NOT want to be, and for several years she was a good example. My grandparents normal life was a very good example for me.