How long should it take to be "normal" again after stopping birth control pills?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’m not a doctor, ( and a guy ) but get an appointment with your doctor. The question is valid, it may require tests and follow-up.

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Description : Should this happen when starting up on birth control pills again?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, they can cause nipple tenderness. Side effects should go away within three months. “Nipple Pain Underlying Cause Common causes of breast pain include: Drug side effect: Birth control pills” freemd

Description : Are these reactions normal after starting birth control pills?

Last Answer : It might just be the hormones messing with your body (especially if you've taken pregnancy tests and they've come out negative). Even low doses of hormones can set you off. Aside from that, things like ... just make an appointment to see your gyno and let him/her know what's going on! Good luck.

Description : Are birth control pills for everyone?

Last Answer : answer:If you dont need it, then dont. Condoms are 97% safe. but you must use them always. Mothers are putting their duaghters on the pill in order to prevent babies. If you can do that another way, go ahead. All pills have some side effects. you should always note what they are.

Description : Can I start my 2nd pack of Birth Control Pills (loestrin 24fe) one day early?

Last Answer : They make the pills come in the box with that number for a reason. Deal with it and don’t start early.

Description : What am I supposed to do if I lost my package of Birth Control Pills?

Last Answer : answer:Start a new package today. Then, in a week or 11 days or whenever you were supposed to get your period, stop taking it for 7 days. Then start taking it again. In the meantime, call ... used package for another emergency such as this. **Tonight, take both last nights pill AND this nights pill.

Description : Ladies, what is your experience with birth control pills and your periods?

Last Answer : I have been on the pill for years now and it really helped to regulate my periods. I now come on when expected (almost to the hour) and I have a light flow that only lasts four days. I was lucky ... a pill that worked well with my body, I know plenty of women that have bad side effects frm theirs.

Description : Is it possible to skip the placebo birth control pills in order to avoid getting a period?

Last Answer : Possible, and extremely easy. Yes, that's exactly what everyone who takes seasonale does 3 out of every 4 months. There's no real evidence that there's any medical need to have a period at all, ... you'll skip it, but you might have it regardless. That also happens to a lot of seasonale users.

Description : Does taking birth control pills and having mirena have the same efficacy?

Last Answer : Do you mean the same rate of protection against pregnancy? Here's one page Google gave me. It mentions the pregnancy rate for copper IUDs is between 0.2 to 0.5 percent. This is ... of ectopic pregnancies (where the egg implants itself in the fallopian tube, and requires surgery to eliminate).

Description : Is taking two birth control pills on the same day bad for you?

Last Answer : Birth control pills are not exactly good for you in the first place but taking two will not make you die. Not taking them when you are suppose to reduces the effectiveness of the pill. I am not exactly sure what you are asking about the tomorrow, tomorrow part of your question

Description : What would happen to a 6 year old male if he ate 7 birth control pills?

Last Answer : A fairly insignificant amount of estrogen would be flushed down the toilet. He might have a stomachache.

Description : Ladies: Did you have to see a gyno to get birth control pills?

Last Answer : The first time I went on birth control I went to a gyno and went through the whole exam.

Description : Why are birth control pills the only pills that come packed with specific days?

Last Answer : answer:To be effective, you cannot forget if you've taken the pill or not. The drug companies realize women may forget to take a daily pill without some form of reminder. Why aren't other drugs marketed ... meds may be taken daily or two to three times per day. While other meds are every other day.

Description : Do you think birth control pills have affected your relationships?

Last Answer : I was delighted to have them to use so I didn’t get pregnant at times when it would have been disastrous. As far as I could tell, they did not affect my responsiveness adversely.

Description : Can someone explain what birth control pills will do for my cycle?

Last Answer : They will regulate your cycle.

Description : What is the difference between Yaz and Yasmin birth control pills?

Last Answer : the formulation is slightly different. Yasmin has 30 mcg of estrogen per active pill, Yaz has 20mcg. Yasmin is set up as a 21/7 cycle of active/placebo pills, while Yaz is 24/4. The amount and ... are made by the same company, but Yasmin has a generic version out called Ocella. Yaz has no generic.

Description : Birth control pills in the 1960's?

Last Answer : Have you tried ? I hope you can find the information you need.

Description : Why do birth control pills contain estrogen apex?

Last Answer : Estrogen controls the ovulation process- apex

Description : Do Birth control pills cause indigestion?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Birth control pills overdose?

Last Answer : DefinitionBirth Control pills, also called oral contraceptives, are prescription medicines designed to prevent pregnancy. Birth control pill overdoseoccurs when ... estradiolEthynodiol diacetate and mestranolLevonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiolNorethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiolNorethindro

Description : What should I avoid when on birth control pills?

Last Answer : The biggest thing to avoid is antibiotics. But as well, you'll want to avoid barbiturates, phenytoin and carbamazepine.

Description : How can birth control pills regulate menstrual cycles?

Last Answer : The birthcontrol pills will introduce more estrogen into your system that will help regulate your period. This is a very common thing for doctors to do to help regulate the period.

Description : Are birth control pills safe for teenagers?

Last Answer : Only a doctor can determine if Birth Control pills would be more beneficial than the side effects it causes for a 15 year old. Generally, the side effects include weight gain, abdominal pain, some mood changes, and irrgeular periods. These can decrease over time though.

Description : Is it normal to get a period while on a continuous birth control?

Last Answer : answer:I am not a doctor. I would say it is not normal. Are you bleeding so much you are worried about blood loss? Or, is it just like a typical period? You absolutely can call your doctor if ... . Last I heard they would go three months without a period. Interesting to me they do it longer now.

Description : Graphic Lady Bizness: I stopped taking birth control mid-pack in JULY and have only had 3 periods since. Normal?

Last Answer : i take b/c to maintain normal periods… system has never been normal.

Description : How soon after stopping anti-depressants can one drink wine?

Last Answer : This is a question for your grandmother’s doctor, not ask-public.

Description : Have you ever been told that you have to take pills or a treatment for the rest of your life?

Last Answer : Yes. Well, more or less. I will probably be on some kind of meds my whole life for my Bipolar Disorder. However, that's not for sure. One never knows what advances in treatment will happen in the future ... me. Even if it did involve taking pills forever. It sure can be a pain in the ass though.

Description : Is it healthy to take energy pills before working out?

Last Answer : answer:There's nothing majorly wrong with it. I can only think of two issues: 1) Some times dumb dumbs take too much of something b/c . . . well, they're dumb dumbs. For example, ... the appropriate dosing. 2) In most cases, once you stop taking a supplement, your performance/results will lessen.

Description : What is the best way to take pills without tasting them?

Last Answer : Applesauce?

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Last Answer : Describing the sensation of impending regurgitation is graphic? Do you just swallow the pills or drink water too? Personally I can’t swallow pills without drinking water.

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Last Answer : answer:It depends on the cola and what was in it. At a minimum, you are reducing your caffeine consumption, if the cola had caffeine in the first place. Maybe that's why you are drowsy - you're ... in Canada). But changes like this can take months or even years to show up. It's incremental.

Description : Any experience with suddenly stopping lamotrigine?

Last Answer : answer:How to stop taking Lamictal According to GSK: Lamictal should be tapered over a period of at least 2 weeks (approximately 50% reduction per week). Our rule of thumb: decrease ... schedule. Read more about taking and discontinuing Lamictal Slow and steady seems to be the recommendation

Description : If someone had a full regular period after taking the two Plan B pills, that means she is not pregnant?

Last Answer : She should see a doctor, just to rule out any medical problems.

Description : Extreme mood swings/moodiness after starting Seasonale birth control?

Last Answer : You should consult your doctor/gynecologist. This doesn’t sound at all normal. Good luck.

Description : Are fish oil pills scientifically proven to be beneficial for the heart?

Last Answer : answer:So far, no. Source Fatty fish can help with stroke prevention if you can find untainted fish and safe fishing methods. An excerpt from the article: Evidence does not support a beneficial role ... fish that contain long chain omega-3 fatty acids does appear to decrease the risk of stroke.

Description : Do diet pills really help you lose weight ?

Last Answer : Do it naturally. Please. Drink water, jog, eat vegetables and fruit.

Description : Are there any butt enhancement and breast enhancmet pills available in certain stores rather than the internet?

Last Answer : This doesn’t sound plausible. A genetic predisposition towards storing fat in the rump or the mammary glands is just that: your genes. I imagine at best you can expand the fat cells by adding more calories or firming the gluteus maiximus through exercise. But a pill? I don’t think so.

Description : How do slimming pills work?

Last Answer : It depends on the pill. Some are appetite suppressants and some are designed to speed up your heart rate. Some pills, like Alli, bond to fat you eat and make you have diarrhea if you eat too much fat ... find one that your parents or friends would like to do with you. I really like Body For Life.

Description : Do those "male enhancement" pills really work?

Last Answer : no.

Description : After your Mirena IUD was inserted, how long did it take for everything to feel basically normal again?

Last Answer : I actually never got back to normal with the Mirena. I bled erratically and I cramped like hell for the entire 6 months I had it. I finally decided to have it removed. I hope you have better luck with yours!

Description : Menstruation/birth control issue?

Last Answer : After researching online, I’ve discovered that this BC can cause this, apparently. Good to know, I guess, but that really sucks, because it’s so annoying I don’t want to take it anymore.

Description : New birth control is making me fat. Need an alternative.

Last Answer : Vasectomy for him. Not kidding.

Description : Am I doomed forever as far as hormonal birth control goes?

Last Answer : answer:Your hormones would still be normalizing out from having the baby. The Pill may be contributing to that. Have you thought of having an UID put in instead?

Description : What would be my best option for birth control?

Last Answer : An IUD seems like a good way to go, and then you can have it removed if/when you decide to have another child. They do make cramps a little worse (though, is that true for the newer plastic ... 's no hormones so none of those hormonal side effects. Also, IUDs are even more effective than The Pill.

Description : Ladies..suggestions on birth control?

Last Answer : I dealt with the same thing, except I was only on the depo shot for a year and had significant and troublesome weight gain. That was the only downside to the depo. I have since stopped all BC, but ... adhesive). Otherwise it's that ring thing or the pill. Good luck and let me know what you find!

Description : What is the best birth control method besides having my tubes tied?

Last Answer : My wife and I use this method. We planned to have two kids and now we don’t want any more.

Description : How long after giving birth would a pregnancy test still read positive?

Last Answer : I liked your question, it made me think. I’m guessing even longer than a few days. If the hormones are circulating through the body it’s going to take awhile for them to be filtered out.

Description : After natural birth, how long is a woman in the hospital for?

Last Answer : answer:Generally, after a natural birth you go home 24 hours after birth. For a C-section with out complications, 72 hours after birth. The policy on husbands spending the night varies by hospital.

Description : Is it normal to spot when starting a new birth control pill?

Last Answer : answer:According to one forum: “I read that 1 out of three women will experience breakthrough bleeding to up to 20 days when starting seasonale.” Steady Health Forum

Description : How long does it take for the body to absorb pills?

Last Answer : answer:It can vary from person to person and medication to medication. Generally speaking, most physicians (in my experience) have said that if you vomit within an hour of taking a medication, you should take ... if there's a way you can take another pill (if necessary). Hope you feel better soon!!

Description : You go to the doctor because you're ill and he prescribes you with 3 pills and tells you to take them every half hour.How long do the pills last you? -Riddles

Last Answer : An hour because the first pill doesn't take 30 min. to take.