Do you believe people enter our lives for a reason and why?

1 Answer

Answer :

I used to believe that and up to a point I still may deep down. However, I think it’s just actually a matter of human paths intercrossing.

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Last Answer : The fish eat fish games like growing fish fishy

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Last Answer : Lol.

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Last Answer : answer:I find the opposite to be true. Having the music available means I listen more. The sound quality is great (you may want to invest in better earbuds or explore the sound settings on your iPod) ... low volume and still interact in my life and this gives my life a soundtrack which I enjoy.

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Last Answer : Sneezing. Everything stops for a split-second and then we have a runny nose. It’s odd. Especially for those who sneeze after looking at a bright light.

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Last Answer : Great link! Thanks for sharing! I'm fascinated by the technology, and I do think a lot of it will come to fruition in the next decade. Overall, this would be extremely useful technology. ... just don't want my other views/activities to be quite so visible to complete strangers. Great question!

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Last Answer : In my experience…. only if you ask. I ask daily and have never been more content.