"If anything should happen to me..." When you say this to your spouse, what is it that he/she should do?

1 Answer

Answer :

…you make the medical decisions with our kids and my best friend and If I died, I don’t want ANYTHING religious anywhere near my funeral, you can cremate or bury me, up to you, whatever is cheaper, and please take care of our children until your death.

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Last Answer : This is the sort of thing that responsible people talk about before having children. So if this is how you discover your spouse’s approach to discipline, you’ve already messed up pretty badly.

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Last Answer : There’s an entire industry in Japan offering these kinds of services. Crazy world we live in. Rental family service.

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Last Answer : The 2 of us have no conflicts on the big issues, and I submit to her tastes in things like furniture or the household car, because she will be driving it at least 80% of the ... research and usually pick the major appliances. She always chooses the mattresses because I sleep comfortably on anything.

Description : Are you friends with anyone who has a spouse/partner that you don’t like?

Last Answer : My best friend and former business partners wife and I tolerate each other. I am not her type, very few are, we rarely interact socially and when we do we are civil but we would not go out of our way ... do my best to get away unobserved and I am pretty sure the same goes for if she saw me first.

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Last Answer : I'm not an aetheist, I'm an agnostic. There is absolutely no reason to suggest to a person in your friend's situation that there is no God or heaven, or whatever it is they believe that ... plenty of other venues and situations where a person can debate their beliefs about, or lack thereof, God.

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Last Answer : I make consumables for everybody, but yes, for many fewer than I used to.

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Last Answer : answer:Assuming I'd have to pay privately for health insurance, I'd do ok with about 100k a year take home. Not swimming in dough, but doing ok. That would be a bit more than I make right now, so it ... least 200k a year - to go on fabulous vacations, buy a big house, hire help to maintain it, etc.

Description : Have you discussed with your family/spouse your end of life wishes?

Last Answer : I told my family that if I lose my guardianship that I will be allowed to drink pop and to have a chocolate bar every so often. My organs are not to be donated and I am allowed to have a girlfriend ( ... she isn't a bitch). I am not to be cremated and I would be given all opportunities to recover.

Description : This is a question for people who have two-car garages (or a two single garages) and who also sleep with a spouse in a double (or full, or king) bed. If you sleep on the left side of the bed, do you also park in the left spot of the garage?

Last Answer : There are people who put cars in their garages?

Description : Do you and your spouse have separate bedrooms that you use?

Last Answer : No. One bedroom that we share.

Description : Would you be mad at your spouse?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think I'd be mad. I would be a little sad, however. He was likely just being affectionate and it hurts if the feeling is not returned. I'd get over it quickly. Take this ... It is likely he would very much like to be touched that way and would never dream of rejecting your advances.