Just recently I'm noticing that the alcohol content of beers can vary by a lot. Do you prefer lower or higher alcohol content?

1 Answer

Answer :

I have never been able to tolerate the smell or taste of ****. But if I was forced to drink it and I had a choice of alcohol content it world have 0% alcohol.

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Last Answer : answer:As far as I know, yes. Different varieties have varying degrees of bubbliness, but I believe they’re all fizzy. I’ll let someone who’s more knowledgeable about the subject elaborate :)

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Last Answer : answer:I've tried some of the GF beers and not found them flat. My guess here is that since most people don't need to worry about the gluten, those GF beers sit on the shelf longer ... specialty store (like Whole Foods) where gluten-sensitive people shop, will have higher turnover (thus fresher).

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Last Answer : answer:I've tried some of the GF beers and not found them flat. My guess here is that since most people don't need to worry about the gluten, those GF beers sit on the shelf longer ... specialty store (like Whole Foods) where gluten-sensitive people shop, will have higher turnover (thus fresher).

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Last Answer : You really shouldn’t. You’re on antibiotics for a reason, and they can’t do what they’re supposed to do the right way if you’re adding alcohol into the mix… aside from whatever negative reactions might take place. That kind of thing is different for every person.

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Last Answer : Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeella! It’s the loveliest! (Sorry, I got a bit excited).

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Last Answer : A little gnome is sneaking into your house and shaking them up, obvs.

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Last Answer : Sapporo. It’s Japanese and good and pretty cheap and comes in obscenely large bottles. The thing is I’m not sure how uncommon it is here (or where you live, for that matter), so they may have tried it already. Edit: Actually it seems pretty common. So maybe not…

Description : Is there an online tool to help you find beers you would like?

Last Answer : I thought apple made an app like that . Couldn’t google help ?

Description : What are some good wheat beers?

Last Answer : Dogfish Head’s Festina Peche is pretty good

Description : What beers cost more to "brew and age" than Budweiser?

Last Answer : and this goes to show that the amount of money and time put into a product does not necessarily result in quality.

Description : What beers are made by union workers?

Last Answer : Miller beers are proudly union made! they are organized under the UAW (United Auto Workers) . This means all the Miller beers (miller lite, etc). You can see the whole list here: http://www.uaw.org/uawmade/beer.cfm