If fluther thinks I will lurve a question but I don't and just hit the not interested button does it get its feeling hurt?

1 Answer

Answer :

I think there should be some difference between the Remove and Not Interested button. Intuitively, I’d think Remove means remove this question from my queue, whereas Not Interested means “whatever logical steps you made to think I’d be interested, don’t do that again”

Related questions

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Last Answer : No, because I can edit it for several minutes.

Description : Do you think Fluther should have a "Not Great Answer" and/or a "Not Great Question" button?

Last Answer : no

Description : Why when you hit the "Great Answer" button on someone's response, does it sometimes add two lurve points and other times just one?

Last Answer : Hitting the GA button refreshes the GA number for that comment. If you see that it increases by more than one, that means that someone else has GA’d that comment since you last loaded that screen.

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Last Answer : I think we should leave it alone.

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Last Answer : NO and NO

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Last Answer : It still was deemed a great answer and deserves credit even if the question was pulled for editing. Sometimes the answers are far better than the questions. And yes, you probably are making the lurve thing more complicated than you need to. But that’s cool.

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Last Answer : She means questions she can’t answer (which is basically any question).

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Last Answer : Yes, anything to do with relationships. Other people’s relationship problems are something that I don’t care to get caught up in.

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Last Answer : Go into the tide pool help in the chat room.

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Last Answer : Sure. I sometimes answer the ‘related’ questions if they catch my eye. It depends on the context of the Q but sometimes Qs can have a complete revival because someone chose to answer it years later.

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Last Answer : Flag it and/or ask a mod for help.

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Last Answer : IBERnineD This question has probably already been asked, but I don’t care. Lurve.

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Last Answer : I don’t know of anything to do this. But This Google search should help a little bit.

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Last Answer : Pink Floyd-The Dark Side of the Moon.

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Last Answer : answer:No and No. You should do what is right for you. If you have a question, ask it. If individuals amongst us don't like your questions, we should ignore them. If you ask a question that ... not leave. Of course you shouldn't! @lucillelucillelucille is lovely, but so are you in your own way.

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Last Answer : Welcome to Fluther! Add topics to your profile, what you’re interested in. Like, horses, cars, love, idk whatever.

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Last Answer : answer:It is hard to predict what is going to tickle your fancy until it does. I was enraptured by both the cake (a weird but straightforward predicament) and the frizzer (written by someone whose ... , I find that good jokes need an end. They should not blither on until the universe shrinks.

Description : Are there questions you avoid on Fluther, although you consider yourself an expert?

Last Answer : Yup.

Description : Have there been questions you are too ashamed to ask on Fluther?

Last Answer : I ask them here. I just use a different account.

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Last Answer : It brings on an eye twitch or two, yes. Poor grammar/spelling, that is.

Description : How do Fluther Moderators (and the community, I guess) take to "cookie-cutter" questions?

Last Answer : O_O

Description : What do the people who created fluther get from fluther?

Last Answer : Me thinks I might get moderated!......

Description : What (if anything) do you avoid on fluther?

Last Answer : I try and not avoid any, only time i avoid one is if i am totally clueless or don’t have 2cents to put in :)

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Last Answer : http://www.floeder.de is unfortunately already taken.

Description : Are there any other sites out there like fluther?

Last Answer : Askville Wiki Answers Yahoo Answers Mahalo Answers All the ones listed here

Description : At what point in time will all questions have been asked on Fluther?

Last Answer : Never…..

Description : Is it OK to be controversial on Fluther?

Last Answer : Most people welcome it, in a friendly way Some do not, but you get that everywhere. As long as there is no name calling etc. a little controversy can spark good conversation.

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Last Answer : a collective is a collective is a collective.

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Last Answer : Hit the control key while clicking the track pad. It acts as a right click.

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Last Answer : Bye bye @josie.