Is anyone else just disgusted with this country's stupid position on guns?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’m fed up, but for the opposite reasons as you, I expect. We seem to have learned nothing from history. Prohibition isn’t going to work. It never did, and it never will.

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Last Answer : All i can say is – Oy vey!

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Last Answer : If people actually believed that, they probably don’t understand the rules of proper gunplay. And if you don’t understand the rules, you’re screwed no matter what.

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Last Answer : It is allowed BUT is not legal to sell in states that require a background check. The only reason that Facebook would not let you sell a firearm is if you FB page is for a commercial sales page.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, I live in Georgia, so there's no escape. To answer your second question: NO - tourism was not taken into account. This was propelled by the right wing legislators following the conservative ... be carrying. My guess is that except for a few rowdy assholes, not much will really change.

Description : Do Americans love guns too much?

Last Answer : 1. We are not only white people. 2. Potentially. 3. No. 4. Partially, but we decide what we adopt into our daily lives.

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Last Answer : Umm – let me think for a moment. No.

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Last Answer : How could there be. Even including wars (my only experience other than plinking targets) every time somebody gets a gun out to use it, something bad is happening.

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Last Answer : They hope to prevent a Va tech.

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Last Answer : No, do not have any in my home!

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Last Answer : Own and use, i guess you mean?

Description : What limits should there to owning and carrying guns?

Last Answer : answer:1. You should have to pass a background check before you get your gun. 2. There should be a waiting period of several weeks before you can own a gun. 3. You should have to take a firearms safety course. 4. You should be subject to a home inspection to demonstrate safe gun storage.

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Last Answer : I am anti-gun (personally and for my family) so nothing would really change, for us.

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Last Answer : Yes,why not?

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Last Answer : The scope needs to be properly sighted so the line of sight and barrel converge at a certain distance. This distance can be re-set depending on what you are using the rifle for.

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Last Answer : Get a gatling gun, or a sniper rifle.

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Last Answer : I have a left and a right bicep…. so two.

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Last Answer : here is a link to see what the inside of a bullet or round might look like The primer is the part that gets hit when you pull back the trigger on a gun, igniting the inside of the bullet, ... a pistol, it's a good idea to wear eye protection because sometimes the bullet casing comes back at you.

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Last Answer : Small penises?

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Last Answer : i would think so, but i dont know about the whole gunpowder thing working too well, if it gets wet. im not familiar with guns, but im pretty sure the gunpowder is contained until it ignites. but if it needs oxygen like a fire then it may not work

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Description : Pneumatic Nail Guns

Last Answer : Most people prefer pneumatic nail guns or nailers over other types because of their power. A pneumatic nailer is powered by compressed air, so an air compressor is needed to operate this tool. ... these tools. Never fire them beyond the appropriate distance and keep them out of reach of children.

Description : Framing Nail Guns

Last Answer : If you are working on heavy carpentry tasks, like framing a house, you can use a framing nail gun or a framing nailer to make your work easier. Framing nail guns drive heavy-duty nails ... remember to handle this tool wisely because its great power could also mean a higher potential for injury.

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Last Answer : And once again, the process of natural selection shows its primacy. Stupid people do stupid things.

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Last Answer : answer:I have a Smith & Wesson Ladysmith, 5-shot 38 revolver, hammerless. This is the preferred gun for women who are going to carry. You didn't say if your wife was planning on carrying, but it is a good ... son-in-law has quite a few Tauruses. He says they are good, and he owns a lot of guns.

Description : Does anyone have a final count on the number of gun questions that have been asked?

Last Answer : answer:007 I checked. fact

Description : Do you personally know anyone who owns a gun who actually had reason to use it?

Last Answer : I have had a wounded deer stagger onto my property and was grateful that one of my neighbors (female) came down and shot it (during hunting season).

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Last Answer : answer:Guns require parts made of quality steel in order to work effectively. Parts like the barrel, bolt, receiver, and other parts that are subjected to high pressures cannot be printed at this ... . Also, 3D printers are still extremely expensive. So yeah. People shouldn't panic about this.

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Last Answer : Well he has a start; NRA has declared bankruptcy, I wonder if that is because Putin and the Russians stopped sending them money ? ?

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Last Answer : It’s not necessary at all, it’s just cheaper. The sounds and puffs of smoke (if they want) can be easily added in post production.

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Last Answer : Anything for a buck

Description : How can we prevent people like Hole purchasing weapons?

Last Answer : Well, there’s one very obvious (and simple) stop selling guns altogether. Still leaves dozens of millions of guns on the street and in the houses (and holsters), but it would at least make it more difficult to come by, if some confused mind wants to get one.

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Last Answer : It’s the Oscar Grant defense. In the “heat of the moment” all training and presence of mind go out of consciousness,a nd cops are acting only on adrenaline and anger. They are not robots, don’t expect them to not make mistakes. Patrol cops should not be allowed to have guns.

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Last Answer : Depends on whether the gun is open or closed bolt. The latter do.

Description : What the difference between each bolt action rifles?

Last Answer : Here is a great Youtube Channel, that should answer your questions:

Description : In your opinion do you think the U.S. will ever come together and put out some real sensible gun laws?

Last Answer : NO!!! I used to think that someone would come up with a reasonable law that would work, but now I realize that no one wants a reasonable law…They just want to be able to shoot someone that dares to look at them cross eyed!!!

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Last Answer : No. Free speech is sacred. That said, it’s not unconstitutional for the FBI to investigate people who are discussing/planning acts of domestic terrorism.

Description : What is the minimum age, in your opinion, to start teaching a child lethal knife fighting for self defence?

Last Answer : I agree, 5. The best knife depends on the common weapons of the other children, and the cultural responses to violence. My choice in my circumstances was the pencil.