How can the US fix its dysfunctional healthcare system?

1 Answer

Answer :

The people in the U. S. are too split right down the middle between wanting it and not wanting it. Unfortunately, with such a disparity, it will not happen any time soon.

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Last Answer : answer:The only way it gets fixed' is by legislation and price controls, and that will never happen. The problem with price controls is that it takes any incentive away from the ... and unplanned for consequences which sometimes work perversely to kill the principle they are trying to save.

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Last Answer : The are for-profit corporations in the service of their shareholders and CEOs, not their ‘members’. This is the primary problem with the US Healthcare system, in my opinion (based on 20+ years working within the industry).

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Last Answer : To be honest, since my husband is a disabled vet, our whole family has been on government healthcare for the past 20 years. It works fine for us once we got to understand the system. However, the cost of it will be the biggest problem.

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Last Answer : You hear that propaganda from the AMA and the insurance industry. The Candian system works well. The US heathcare system is what sucks.

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Last Answer : My own feeling is that the basic business model is just wrong-it's insurance-based. Insurance should shield one from catastrophe, not provide a middle-man for routine transactions between ... they are predictable and manageable-and reducible with efficiency and value-per-dollar based efforts.

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Last Answer : It would seem to be a conflict of interest, at the least.

Description : Have you been satisfied with the Affordable Healthcare Act so far?

Last Answer : It doesn’t affect me personally but I am over the moon that so many people who did not have health care now have coverage and that health costs over all are going down. I really hope the Republicans don’t screw things up.

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Last Answer : answer:Can you (or his HR people) contact the Insurance Agent for his company to get a copy of the forms? Or can they send them to you in PDF format? Your situation is not likely to be ... ACA, but Consumer Reports has a site to help with some of the questions:

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Last Answer : I think many of us are unhappy that it is not true single payer universal health care and many others are unhappy that socialism is running rampant so I don't think anyone is really happy. And no- ... t think there is great glee throughout the land.. But I do think it is an important first step.

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Last Answer : seekingwolf Do you mean does medicare cover the children also? That is an interesting question. I’m betting it doesn’t, but I have no real knowledge on the topic. Or, you mean health coverage offered by a company to retirees?

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Last Answer : answer:First go Elizabeth Warren! Second - are you really asking this question? People still believe that they represent their interests. Blame corporate media or just some kind of mental illness, but these ... consumption. Do Democrats want to give your kids the gay? You decide. More at 11

Description : Why is there so much opposition to any form of Universal healthcare?

Last Answer : You know what? The majority of American’s are FOR health care reform. The ones who are against it are the politicians who have their hands in the insurance corporation’s pockets, and they’re making a whole lot of noise in an effort to convince people that most everyone is against it.

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Last Answer : I’ve not been following this as closely as I should, so please forgive my question if it sounds ignorant. Isn’t there more than one version of this bill going around right now?

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Last Answer : it seems if I had gotten 2 check ups in the year, that would put me at about 300 dollars…but now that I have dental insurance, I’m paying 200 plus another 220. Doesn’t make any sense to me at all.

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Last Answer : Absolutely. I've had excellent experiences with French hospitals, and even if I weren't covered by the national healthcare plan, it would still be a whole bunch cheaper than similar surgery ... also look at India and Thailand; many Americans go there for reasonably priced, high-quality surgery.

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Last Answer : I was in the military also and it was okay but it is not the same as my local charity hospital. I fear that place. I would sell stuff to be able to go to a private hospital before that place. I don’t know the answer but universal healthcare is not it either.

Description : What are the Democrats proposing to fix the problems with ACA?

Last Answer : Not necessarily a Democrat's stated position, but here is an articel from the NY Times on how to repair it ACA would work and work well if it had not had years of being sabotaged. ... refused to expand Medicaid programs to help the poor, and years of litigation have made insurance companies jittery.

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Last Answer : Well, I don't know, you'd probably need to ask the manufacturers, but maybe (just speculation here) they didn't feel it would be cost-effective, as so many models are available independently. ... Amazon search bar and see what comes up. It's a pretty comprehensive selection for the casual consumer.

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Last Answer : answer:If you are willing to make a few calls you can certainly get them for free. The vaccines them self are incredibly cheap. Here is a list of prices for the actual vaccine. Note those prices are ... a personal choice and cost does not play a role unless your child never ever goes to a doctor.

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Last Answer : answer:What makes you say that? I agree as a country in the last 30 years mental health has not been addressed as well as it should be. Some service even have been diminished. But mental ... mental health. From what I understand Obamacare has a mental health requirement, but maybe I heard wrong.

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Last Answer : We provide it because it is the right thing to do. As a result, our most recent hire was more than 10 years ago. We take care of our employees and our employees take care of us.

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Last Answer : I like my personal healthcare system the best. I pay for my own medical care and expect nobody else to contribute a dime. I like supporting myself and my family, am just funny that way. I'm an ... really a not let some strangers make your healthcare decisions for you type of effect, not a placebo.

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Last Answer : I agree, @daloon, but once entrenched it would difficult to dislodge them as we are finding out now. They are willing to expend an awful lot of money to avoid even the appearance of what they view as the slippery slope to a single-payer system.

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Last Answer : I’d rather turn this around and say, shouldn’t the entire American public be entitled to the same level of coverage and care that is provided to Congress? After all it is a Government Program. If they don’t dread it for themselves, why do they dread it for us?

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Last Answer : I drop Comp and Collision after about 6–8 years or when the value of the car is such that it probably wouldn’t be worth repairing if it was damaged. Liability of course, you keep forever.

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Last Answer : What company is doing pet insurance?

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Last Answer : Have her get quotes from AAA, State Farm, and Geico. All will give you free quotes. Has your daughter been on anyone else's (yours) insurance? That insurance will happily give her a rate based on moving ... on my policy so she could give it to the agent, even though she was coming off my policy.

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Last Answer : Is the methodology to reach out to decision makers and interview/survey them? or simply glean insights from experienced insiders with knowledge of this process? Those seem like excellent questions, and ... on that to look for patterns such as seasonality or correlations with data breaches etc.?

Description : Would the following description given in "Without a Hitch" by Andrew Price be realistic?

Last Answer : Bogus Sure, they make a cursory effort to collect the debts, but they give up quickly and write them off their taxes. To cover their losses, they buy insurance. Since they have insurance, they won't ... the theft. They can't write off the loss and get insurance payments, that would be fraud !

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Last Answer : That’s a stupid computer system. You are not required to use insurance if you don’t want to. If you want to pay cash, that’s your choice, not theirs.

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Last Answer : Good luck. You might find evidence of this in corporate records, if they still exist. But no insurance company would pay out on the basis of that sort of evidence. If it's flood insurace - that's ... (fire, theft, etc.) is likely long lost, since the policies would have expired 50 years ago.

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Last Answer : Suicide is defined by intent. If you kill yourself by accident (reckless driving, extreme sports, accidental overdose, etc.), life insurance would likely pay out to your beneficiaries. If there is evidence ... not their intended outcome - so, no. (All this courtesy of my law school graduate wife)

Description : Is AAA accident insurance a good idea?

Last Answer : Here’s a good source of car insurance reviews .

Description : How do you approach bosses to let them know they’re wrong?

Last Answer : I agree. You probably can't have both an HSA and an FSA If you qualify for an HSA, you cannot elect to set up both an HSA and an FSA, unless the FSA is a limited purpose FSA ... , using a limited purpose FSA for expected vision and dental expenses could be a smart choice. Nerdwallet dot com

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Last Answer : All cell phones can be traced. Get your cell phone provider to track its location. This should had been the first thing to do as well as talking to the security at the store for video of the theft ... would be suspicious as to who was telling you to purchase a new one and then yours is lost? hmmmm

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Last Answer : This has got to be one of fluther's best ever questions. I am a strong believer that schools need more than just some safety bill to improve. I believe they need total restructuring; physically and ... will save that for my address to Congress. I don't need a celebrity to present for me.

Description : What do you think about my following speech about health care (in other words, details if you click)?

Last Answer : Probably accurate, but completely naive. In the US at least, big business controls all parts of health care and drug manufacturing, and they are not going to want to lose their hold on their parts ... public utilities. So, @luigirovatti - what you wrote is a dream, but it will never become reality,

Description : What is the purpose of a doctor referral?

Last Answer : They have data that says that if your primary physician is maintained as a gatekeeper, it cuts down on utilization. Less utilization, more money for the third party payer.

Description : How should we go about fixing the scratch on our car?

Last Answer : Insurance will have a deductible that it may be under. I would take it back to the dealer and see what they suggest. They may fix it for not too much or tell you what you can do.

Description : Is it against the law to ask a repairman to charge you extra so to be covered by renters or landowners inurance?

Last Answer : It isn’t the deductible, and it is called fraud.

Description : Why does this guy want a bill of sale on this salvage vehicle?

Last Answer : So there is a way to trace the car to prove it wasn’t stolen. The guy is really trying to protect himself and I would too. I would assume it’s the same with showing insurance.

Description : Does health insurance cover aides coming to your house?

Last Answer : No, not normal insurance. Health aides are covered for a period of time (change dressing, take BP, administer medicines). Housework like cleaning, cooking, etc. – is not covered by normal health insurance. You can get supplemental (Aflac and such) that will cover other services, but that’s extra.

Description : Should I feel bad? (details inside)

Last Answer : No. It sounds like your friend has far more issues to deal with besides his irrational fear of “socialism” and his desire to feed corporate power.

Description : Do motorized wheelchairs need insurance and do the users need a drivers licence where you live?

Last Answer : NO, they're not treated like automobiles more like bicycles so no insurance, no drivers license & no tags. They are also not supposed to be used in the roadway but are supposed to be used on the ... moments. Don't think I've heard of anybody here being run over by an electric wheelchair either!!!

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Last Answer : Dental schools sometimes have free discounted dental work with the students. So that the students can practice with a real person. It might even be free. Go ask.

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Last Answer : I was involved in a very serious accident some years ago and was being sued. The car was a business car and the lawyer who represented me was selected and paid for by the insurance company that insured ... to so they have a vested interest in your interests as well. At least that was my experience.

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Last Answer : I would think that if you can prove the theft, and if you can enlist the client's bank (via a request from the client, because it's in the interests of all parties to resolve the issue) to ... else, then they acted badly, it would seem, and need to overhaul their processes, at the very least.

Description : Has anyone applied for the Market Place 2018 (Obama) health care insurance or had it before?

Last Answer : I did it for 2017. I feel like I didn't have great advice from other people when I did. I will likely make too much money and wind up owing money. I knew I would be cutting it close though, ... marketplace and subsidy was going to be my best option, I wish I had had a broader discussion with her.

Description : Can one buy employment insurance privately and not just from the government?

Last Answer : One should never need to buy insurance for unemployment. One can pay whatever one assumes the premiums should be into a savings account - and then draw down on that account during times of unemployment ... your door, and beat it down to buy your product and live off of your generosity forever.