Are spelling bees and that kind of competition good for kids?

1 Answer

Answer :

I think it’s okay, I was in them and I enjoyed it. I also hated to lose but that’s part of growing up, learning to lose gracefully. If you teach them while young, they may not go on a shooting rampage if they are disappointed later in life.

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Last Answer : You Of the song King Of competition Facebook Page Visit To do You can. There All Details Getting Go.

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Last Answer : Anyone using pesticides anywhere nearby? I would suggest looking for local beekeepers and calling them for advice.

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Last Answer : I have these in my garden and expect to see them some time next month. I also have both wild and planted orchids and so far they are all worry free plants. I also have many perennials that are intended to attract both bees and butterflies and they do a fine job. Bee keeping is not on my DIY list.

Description : Are these honey bees?

Last Answer : Yep.

Description : Help! Wasps or bees?

Last Answer : answer:That's awesome. They have a similar display at the Butterfly House in St. Louis Missouri. Call what amounts to a local conservation agent. Bees are big business, and in the states a ... them. Bees are very beneficial and are facing some tough challenges right now with massive hive collapses.

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Last Answer : answer:The cross-section of the honeycomb is hexagonal, essentially. It's because it is the only natural grid where the adjacent cells are all equidistant, in 2D geometry. The honey cells ... have some features of group organization and shared consciousness, or just plan or hologram or something.

Description : Would you be attacked by 75 hornets, 120 bees, 225 mosquitoes, 7 vipers, or 5 large dogs?

Last Answer : Dogs are the easiest to stab in the neck.

Description : Has anyone had issues with honey bees swarming their birdbath?

Last Answer : answer:My bro-in-law keeps 17 hives and is single-handedly devoted to protecting and preserving the honey bees in our area. He had several birdbaths designed just for the bees, with little rocks and ... the first food supply in the spring for the honey bees are the dandelions? I just learned this.

Description : Are honey bees on the verge of extinction, if so will Professor Einstein's calculation prove to be true?

Last Answer : answer:Honeybees aren't near extinction, they're just dying in large numbers, suddenly, and we don't know why. So they're being studied to find the cause. There are still a lot of bees and ... case of a useful quote's being invented and put into the mouth of a famous person for political purposes

Description : How can I prevent bees (or yellow jackets) from building another nest under my gas cap cover?

Last Answer : answer:Wow. You must not fill up often! Wipe the area with rubbing alcohol (won't damage the paint) and then with citronella or lemon oil. That will deter the beasties. edit to add: Not ... is if you had a bad reaction to the sting. (bad reaction meaning difficulty breathing or extreme swelling)

Description : Are Africanized bees suffering from colony collapse syndrome?

Last Answer : Hard to say, but “they” ( researchers/scientists ) think it has to do with LT use of systemic pesticides. Maybe the African Bees are not as sensitive to them, or…they are not numerous enough to be feeding in hardcore Ag. production areas. Maybe Monsanto is cloning them to be super bees. lol

Description : Why don’t ants attack the bee’s honey?

Last Answer : answer:No escape hatch? You have 8 feet-wide swaths of ants in your garden?

Description : How do bees choose which flower to visit?

Last Answer :

Description : Is it true that a hive is made up of male and female bees?

Last Answer : answer:She is the only reproductive bee, the rest are workers that have various jobs to support the colony. I don't know how a new queen is chosen in the event of the old queens death. Bees are ... all the branches in the tree around their hive and they also drink from a birdbath in my yard. :-)

Description : Problem with bees or wasps?

Last Answer : Are they honey bees? or are they wasps or yellow jackets (a kind of wasp)? If they are honey bees then call a bee keeper they will often take them away for free. If they are wasps then you ... holes and trap them inside it. You would have to make sure that they cannot escape into the house though.

Description : Did any of the gardeners that got poor production from their plants notice whether they had a lots of honeybees or very few bees?

Last Answer : I haven’t noticed a difference but there was a beekeeper that wanted to snag a swarm last year that was on the tree in my yard.He said disease had killed off alot of bees.I didn’t ask anymore about it.I figured it was none of my beeswax. The only plant I had trouble with was a cantelope.

Description : Why aren't these bees stinging me?

Last Answer : answer:Maybe. Bees are probably a lot more conservative than say, wasps, because they know (probably) they have to sacrifice their own life just to sting you. Perhaps bees have learned over time that humans are generally not a threat as opposed to bears or whatever bees natural predators are.

Description : Where are the bees dying and are cell phones killing them?

Last Answer : answer:How did you get cell phones involved in this? Bees are suffering from something called Colony collapse disorder. Researchers have some ideas about what's causing the problem, but no one ... since most estimates are that 30 percent of our agricultural products depend on bees for pollination.

Description : Do bees like all flowers?

Last Answer : I don’t think they like venus fly traps very much.