What do you think of this math explanation?

1 Answer

Answer :

Math is evil.

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Last Answer : answer:I think there is an error here where you write… = 3(g(x)) + 1 = ... that + 1 there should be a + 2, right? Maybe try writing the functions in different colors or fonts to emphasize how the one plugs right into the other.

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Last Answer : answer:Maybe not the best way, but if it, as a reward system, appropriately incentivizes a child to apply themself to the learning project, I don’t see that it’s a bad thing. There is no absolute or right answer, it’s really about what works, as long as physical or emotional abuse is not involved.

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Last Answer : Forget the blackboard. Use raisons or M & M’s. They are very young for the standard written math conventions, but that is the only way you should be writing the equations.

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Last Answer : Just in case anybody was laboring under the delusion that I had a life, I had to drop in for a quick visit on Christmas Day to post this question. I can handle waiting a day or two for answers as the rest of you enjoy Christmas gatherings and time with family.

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Last Answer : Mirrors come to mind, as do scales. You could always do the snowflake cut-out technique where you fold a piece of paper several times, cut out shapes and then unfold. This could show radial ... more advanced than what you're going for, but it helps illustrate the underlying concept of symmetry).

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Last Answer : answer:When I had to sign up for a live (on the computer) presentation time in an online class, the instructor started a discussion about it, that way we could see which spots were already ... be assigned to the remaining times and it would be their responsibility to make it for the presentation.

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Last Answer : answer:You’ll need to add qualifiers to your universal assertion. The parabola for y = x^2 is not the same as the parabola for y = x^4.

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Last Answer : answer:In this situation, the obvious might be the best.. This is not a creative or artistic project but one with gravitas. I was a teacher for many years and appreciated ... guidelines and other startup information Guidelines for what? Academics, discipline, admin. stuff? Grade-specific?

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Last Answer : ESP as in Extra-sensory Perception?

Description : Teaching techniques?

Last Answer : answer:Good luck. I can’t say it better than this: “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” William Arthur Ward

Description : Why are college students so apathetic?

Last Answer : How early is your class? ;)

Description : Have you ever taught someone how to drive?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, my daughter. She is 24 now and a great driver but it was no picnic being in the passenger seat. Kids are headstrong and think they know it all, depending on your sons personality he will be ... close my eyes and hope for the best! haha Skimmed by the tree and the truck by inches whew!

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Last Answer : Yes they would. I can't speak for where you are but where I live quality teachers are in short supply. Your attitude to and aptitude for teaching will determine whether you are successful or not. ... registers teachers in your area but I would be really surprised if your age was a negative at 35.

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Last Answer : Here is the CA government website on getting credentialed as a teacher in California.

Description : Is there a reference site for proper use terms?

Last Answer : …like a dictionary?

Description : Grades needed for Teaching job?

Last Answer : Assuming you're in the UK you would need grade A-C passes in maths, english and a science GCSE. You would need A-levels. You would probably need at least an upper second class ... qualification that confuts newly qualified teacher (NQT) status such as post graduate certificate of education (PGCE).

Description : What are the newest InTASC standards/principles? As of 2011...

Last Answer : answer:It appears there are still 10, at least as of April 2011. Here is the most recent publication, in PDF form, courtesy of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). Here ... the CCSSO website, it includes among other things, POC for questions regarding the standards. Hope that helps!

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Last Answer : I am not a teacher, but my understanding is that the majority of physical education teachers teach other subjects in addition to physical education, so it would be safe to assume you would be required ... I would certainly look into your state's teaching requirements, and go from there. Good luck!!

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Last Answer : answer:The cons to that would be lack of peer interaction, which might make them awkward in social settings around other kids. No Intramural sports. Maybe limited access to lab setups, etc. ... often with other homeschool kids, and sometimes more often and of more variety than public schooled kids.

Description : What's the difference between teaching Kindergarden and teaching First Grade? How do you choose?

Last Answer : answer:There is no better or worse. You need to spend some time in the classrooms of each grade that is covered in your degree. There is the curriculum and the maturity of the kids both can ... fun for the teacher to have a slightly different experience from time to time..that relieves the boredom.

Description : Can I make up an "F" on my report card easily?

Last Answer : answer:You are probably going to have to ask your teacher what you can do to bring your grade up. You could start with an apology and saying that you learned an important lesson about helping others. ... account for a portion of your grade. You should be asked to do real work, like writing papers.