I saw this and thought, I wonder if fluther could do better than this?

1 Answer

Answer :

He screamed until his throat ruptured and blood began to leak from the corners of his eyes. The last thing he saw before his vision first went red and then black was that morning’s headline, ”Prohibition Reinstated”.

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Last Answer : Death throws life into sharp relief, especially its fragility. Tends to downplay a lot.

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Last Answer : ibstubro that sounds like a great attempt at a dodge. I love it. I don’t think I could come close with any story I might recall.

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Last Answer : answer:Here’s mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtmi4Nc-3dE

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Last Answer : answer:Neighbor comes over around 6:30pm last night, asks if we want to come swimming at her pool. I saw thanks, but we're watching a movie right now, maybe another time? She said sure, it's full of kids ... So yeah, that was weird. Why did she invite us in the first place if the pool was full? :)

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Last Answer : answer:I suppose it depends on your definition of story teller'. I have been to see people like Clive James speak. Much of his presentation is story telling. I am sure there are other theatrical ... that I could pay to listen to someone telling me stories. What sort of stories would you tell?

Description : Two anecdotes. One true, one false. Wanna play?

Last Answer : answer:I think you set fire to the community center, you pyro! Once upon a time my German Shepherd went clear over a 6 foot fence in the middle of the night to protect a six year old who was wandering around the neighborhood crying and lost. I CAN’T THINK OF ANYTHING! This is hard!

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Last Answer : The midnight premier of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. I’m a nerd. =0)

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Last Answer : I used to work for one of his minions, but I never saw his boss.

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Last Answer : answer:@QueenOfNowhere that is a horribly sad tale; and I'm so thankful you took action. My god! I've got plenty of sad stories in my bag, but I'll provide a humorous (and possibly interesting) moment. Right ... , No, but I'm wearing my husband's underwear. I didn't get the job (thank goodness).

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Last Answer : Elvis is still alive.

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Last Answer : Yes, if you look up “Microsoft Screen Saver” in an image search, you can find the photographer listed on the image. For example, my favorite screen saver was called “Falling Leaves”. When I looked up “Microsoft Screen Saver”, I found that the photo was taken by Peter Burian

Description : Let's make a story line by line! 2.0.

Last Answer : There was once a very short banana farmer named Stanley.

Description : What are your favorite fanciful legends/stories?

Last Answer : I liked Monty Python’s Holy Grail story.

Description : What should I title a story about cotton?

Last Answer : Fluff to fiber or: how threadbare is my life?

Description : What degree murder is this?

Last Answer : Neither. He sounds insane. Maybe a Scizophrenic who is suffering from a psychotic break with reality, sooo, I’d say he is not guilty by insanity. lol

Description : Whats your best "OMG I cant believe that happened!" story?

Last Answer : When my friend told me I was unconventionally beautiful. I nearly had a heart attack from happiness. Heh. Unconventional Beauty. :P

Description : What's your best scar story?

Last Answer : Probably the one where I bit off my own bottom lip. Not a great scar, but makes for a hell of a story.

Description : First I was afraid I was petrified....., what tales of survival famous or otherwise have caught your interest over the years?

Last Answer : A friend of mine relayed the true story of meeting a spider in an unlit hallway in the middle of the night. It was SO large, that she felt a breeze as it passed her leg. Now, that’s scary, I don’t care who you are.

Description : What would a three-quarters successful exorcism look like?

Last Answer : Isn’t that just a woman on her period?

Description : What gods are associated with storytelling?

Last Answer : Um, all of them?

Description : How did you come up with your handle (screen name, interwebs I.D., ect..)?

Last Answer : Mine is the initials of my name and my surnames. 17 is just my favourite number.

Description : How do you cheer back up after reading a dark, depressing story?

Last Answer : I fluther.

Description : What's the best "bar story" you've heard?

Last Answer : I grew up next to Amityville, Long Island NY. Up the street from the infamous Amityville horror house. Was a bar called the Dacoda Rose. A friend of the family was there one day and Ronald DeFeo, JR ... a bit. The rest is history. As he went home and killed his family, the house becoming haunted .

Description : What is your best "Lifes most embarrassing moment" story?

Last Answer : I have so many, and I try to not dwell on them because they cause me anxiety even later on, so I don't have a best .. however, today I got an exam back, one that I was really anxious ... on the stairs and fell almost on my face (barely managed to catch myself), in front of the entire class.

Description : Hey, where can I find brain teasers/puzzles/mysteries?

Last Answer : http://www.fluther.com/disc/47372/what-are-your-favorite-logic-puzzles/

Description : What did you find recently, that you lost a long long time ago?

Last Answer : nothing

Description : Is there anything your parents told you that was a straight out lie, or myth that you believed for a long time and what was it?

Last Answer : Oh yeah, Santa Claus, Toothfairy, That I had green eyes because I ate alot of peas, And someday I was gonna be a Princess.

Description : Who is on your bad-ass list?

Last Answer : Your first example: Bad ass. Maybe. Your second example: Dumb ass. The students in our welding classes would never do that. And they are 12–18.

Description : Has anybody experienced any paranormal activity?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Does your avatar have a story behind it?

Last Answer : Not really. It came from here. It’s the closest thing that program could make to what I really look like.

Description : Looking for scary stories for a bonfire party...

Last Answer : You could look up some Urban Legends/Myths for your area or just in general. I found this website, if you scroll down under the Halloween ones there seems to be loads of goodens. You could also watch Supernatural and take some from there :P