Can I make a list of the people who've liked a certain Facebook status?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I can’t currently test out this idea, but try to open up the list of people (by clicking the “likes”), and use your mouse to click+drag to select the text of the names. If you drag your mouse downward, it might auto-scroll through the list, allowing you to select (and copy) all of the text at once. Edit: also, if you paste your text into a word document, there is the “text only” paste option which should give you all of the text without copying other stuff, like formatting.

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Last Answer : answer:Right hand side of screen, click on Account, then Privacy Settings. Bottom left of screen, (scroll down), Apps and Websites – click on Edit your settings. First on list, Apps you use – click again on Edit settings. Tadaaaaaaa….

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Last Answer : OHHH YAAA

Last Answer : No , you can't. Because , you are the main admin of the page. But you can remove anyone you want.

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Last Answer : Relabel them “former friends”?

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Last Answer : That would make sense. If it had happened in Syria 15 of them would have been dead by now.

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Last Answer : Isn’t there a ‘remove from profile’ button beside everything they say?

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Last Answer : answer:I'm a member of a number of groups, so I can give at least my input into the situation. When you are a part of many groups (I join most of the ones that I think are ... to respond, when they realize you aren't posting advertisements and senseless questions like Whats your favorite color? .

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Last Answer : Go to the groups menu, and make a new group.

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Last Answer : Probably can be viewed as harmless fun. However I take your point on celebrity obsessed individuals who tend to take their adulation to the extreme. That is unhealthy shallow nonsense.

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Last Answer : Search for groups on facebook called “500 members fast” and so on. People in these groups don’t care if you add them only to be friends in Mafia Wars. Word of precaution though, this game is utterly pointless and time consuming :)

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Last Answer : Hmmm interesting….are they generally job related…

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Last Answer : I request good friends, but just wait for anyone else. I only have about 150 people people on my friends list, and I speak to every one quite often. I usually reject or just don’t do anything if a person I don’t know requests me.

Description : Does facebook allow people to see who viewed them?

Last Answer : Facebook does not allow you to see who has viewed your profile, nor how many times they have viewed it.

Description : Do you think it's weird when older people have myspace and facebook?

Last Answer : Yes, I do. Haha

Description : On the new iPhone mobile facebook app, is there a way to search for people who aren't your friends?

Last Answer : Nope, which is a shame. Hopefully they will update that.

Description : How to deactivate or delete your Facebook account ?

Last Answer : To deactivate or delete your Facebook account, follow these steps: Deactivating your account: Log in to your Facebook account. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner and select "Settings & ... ve deleted your account, you won't be able to reactivate it or retrieve anything you've added.

Description : Facebook group posts are gray?

Last Answer : I’m not having that issue. Is is only facebook all every website on your computer or phone? If it is every site then you probably have your settings on night mode or energy saving.