What are your top 3 Video Games, that everyone seems to think are great, while they are actually crap on so many levels?

1 Answer

Answer :

Mass Effect Deus Ex: Human Revolution dota/LoL

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Last Answer : answer:In my experience no, and in fact that's almost exclusively how I buy them. I only ever buy a brand new game if it's something I'm really looking forward too (once a year or less). ... reliable source (game stop, an amazon seller, etc), or check that the game works before you purchase it.

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Last Answer : Screen Resolution is not everything. In fact, Screen Resolution is a minor Component in what defines the Performance. The Differences between Console and PC Versions are: - Console ... Console Versions Ported to PC, with substandard Optimisation, resulting in a significant Performance Impact.

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Last Answer : Wikipedia article claims that jnes has online play which I assume means multiplayer.

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Last Answer : I used to have one… my favs on the 360 were Left 4 Dead (the original), the Armored Core 4 games (I think 5 is almost out now), and Bioshock. I had Arkham Asylum on the PS3 later on (I believe it’s available on the 360), that game was amazing.

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Last Answer : I would try to use it as a boomerang. Or, possibly as a target at a shooting range. Maybe try it as second base in a sandlot baseball game. I suppose you could use it as a paperweight but that wouldn’t be much of a game. Maybe hide it in a closet and play hide-n-seek. ~

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Last Answer : answer:Yar’s Revenge. For a little while at least. Arcade version of Tron. Dig Dug.

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Last Answer : yes you will, it happened to me :)

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Last Answer : answer:The original Nintendo was mass produced on a massive scale only a couple of decades ago, you wont get that much. $80 best price would be my guess, probably even less. You can still get many of ... out of the package will be the keyboard, and the gun, things like that are slightly more rare.

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Last Answer : Do you stand completely still all the time? They can’t do that either.

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Last Answer : It's probably because the game's price was lowered from 17.99 to 11.99, and some of the store clerks simply overlooked the changing of price tags. Used games move in and out of those stores so quickly that it ... a $17.99 copy up to the register, you'd find that it was $11.99, and just mis-labeled.

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Last Answer : Have you tried Wikipedia?

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Last Answer : Halo 1 and 2. Fable is a great game too. You could try find a copy of star wars republic commando 2. I think that’s what it was called. Great games.

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Last Answer : I’ don’t know if it was a game, but it sounds like Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy.

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Last Answer : Yes. That is all.

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Last Answer : sure, just make it an .ISO, only question is, will your console play the disks if you burn them?

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Last Answer : Dang. My Bad. I meant Wii64 ;). Miss typing

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Last Answer : I would lean more toward the 360 in terms of game selection. PS3 does have some racing and sports games, but the selection is fairly slim. Wii is pretty fun, but I doubt you will find many 007 type games on it. The 360 offers a wide variety of games of several genres.

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Last Answer : answer:Zoey. From Left4Dead.

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Last Answer : I think it’s pretty silly, personally. However competition is usually good for innovation, so it’s probably good for the industry as a whole.

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Last Answer : Next gen console will require no controllers, you will control the games by a series of blinks with your eyes. They won't sell actual consoles anymore, instead you have surgery to implant a chip ... want to buy a new game its downloaded wirelessly into your head through the internet. True story :P

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Last Answer : I dislike the Doom and Quake games after Quake 2. And Myth III (which wasn't made by Bungie). The original Atari Star Raiders was a classic and by far the best - the later versions weren't ... 't really very finished, so I never got into it even though the space battles were spectacular to watch.

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Last Answer : Resident Evil?

Description : What is the antagonist talking about in this video?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Stupid video game question for State of Decay?

Last Answer : answer:Never played this, so I have no idea, but looking it up I believe the game has an inventory you bring up, and whatever snacks you've collected should be there. Some refill your health, while ... across any, or are not accessing the inventory. more or less a wild guess here, though. :/