Rude obnoxious kids, product of parenting, or they are just born that way?

1 Answer

Answer :

Products of bad parenting, from what I’ve experienced with neighbors and friends.

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Last Answer : the only way they will learn. Go for it.

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Last Answer : I didn't read all your details but I do agree with you people should prove they are at least somewhat capable of raising children before they have them. Because we all know making the kids is the fun ... to have children and the older I get the more happy I become knowing we made the right choice.

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Last Answer : answer:It depends on when one enters their lives. A new dad moving in with mom when the child is 7 or under, can integrate so that the step parent becomes a fully accepted parent. Older than that it ... ), and the kids accept us as a couple, but neither of us are stepping into a parental role.

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : answer:If you are close to home, and know it is relatively safe – then ok – out in the country or unfamiliar area – no. I would follow them in the car. I don’t use that particular method, but they know that if I have to stop the car, everybody is going to end up very unhappy.

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Last Answer : answer:I think you are very brave for exploring this issue. The first step in anything is to recognize the problem, or to quote a certian big psychologist - to own it. You have. I do think ... ask a fluther question. I suggest taking this up with a professional. Good luck, and welcome to fluther.

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Last Answer : Teach them how to read.

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Last Answer : yes. It's called parenting. you need to monitor what you daughter is doing better. Don't let her have her own laptop or computer. Its actually illegal for your 9 year old to be signed up to sites on ... sure she is using a computer where you can see her. That's the best web filtering in the world.

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Last Answer : I don't think so. Telling a child they are special just the way they are, does not equal entitlement. I think telling a child that is more so they accept who they are, flaws and all. That first article ... and let a child grow and learn to be an adult. There are life lessons that need to be taught.

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Last Answer : Seriously? Please tell us that you are making this up.

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Last Answer : answer:This kind of parenting is begging for a teen pregnancy. I mean, I’m all about encouraging the kid to focus on school but ordering them not to date is asking for rebellion.

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Last Answer : Wing clipping is not allowed. Ignore for a while and live your life if they make you feel bad and deflate your self worth. Actively seek out groups that help with negative self talk because even if you ... them again it will be easier to take their negative nature's. Like water off a ducks back.

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Last Answer : I think consistency is so important in parenting. And all the better if both parents maintain similar rules, even in divorce.Perhaps even more so in a divorce situation, (to establish security in children). Also to ... visit. Is it for pizza or fun, or is it for real dad time.That kind of thing.

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Last Answer : excuse me for being naive, but what does under my wife beater mean?

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Last Answer : You point to our President as the model for what can be achieved through telling the truth.

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Last Answer : We have reached a point in society where personifying objects, and objectifying people is the norm. It’s broken on both ends.

Description : So, should we tell our daughters that they are pretty?

Last Answer : I think you might be interested in this Q. Not the same question as yours, but related. I just asked it a few days ago. When I saw your question, I thought you were linking mine at first, but then I realized it is an article you read onine.

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Last Answer : /facepalm

Description : Will my children grow up to be thriving adults? Will I go crazy before they get there? Will we still like each other?

Last Answer : answer:They will always love you. Be the best you can be. Don’t sweat the little stuff. And… RELAX!