Recently started to get over my social anxiety, but now the holidays are starting to freak me out. Can I just get some words of support?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Thank you very much for sharing this problem with us. It takes a lot of courage to reach out and invite insight from other people into our own dilemmas. I am not a doctor. I am, however, a Hawaii Certified Peer Specialist in mental health. I work with people with mental illness, because I have one, too. I do not suffer from social anxiety as you describe, but I understand anxiety all to well, unfortunately. I get anxious in crowded stores and other places. There are other situations and things that cause me anxiety, too. When I feel anxious, I practice deep breathing exercises: in through the nose and slowly out through the mouth. I also remind myself that the feeling will pass. There are rare occasions when it doesn’t pass, and I require medicine. Holidays are difficult for the vast majority of people for one reason or another. You are not alone. Families are especially prone to cause us negative emotions. It’s sad but true. I don’t give advice, but I can offer you an Internet hug. I hope you make it through this time unscathed.

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