Do colleges care about the classes you took in high school?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I am the director of a design department at a college. We teach graphic & web design, photography, etc. I review high school transcripts for admission all the time. While I do review portfolios (work samples), the main thing I look for is academic performance (consistency or improvement), cumulative gpa, and what is written in the essay. I also interview potential students sometime and am mostly interested in communication ability and stated work ethic. I also like to see family involvement (bring your mom to see me). This tells me you’ll have a support system. Demonstrated creativity gets you in the door to apply, but other factors get you accepted.

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Last Answer : I'm sure this varies in each higher education school district, but I'm pretty sure while you can take classes in community colleges without much scrutiny into your transcript,signing up for an Associate Degree ... to take college level courses, why not just get a GED and be legit from the get go.

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Last Answer : Be prepared

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Last Answer : Oh shit… where do I start!? Spent way too much time on boys and not enough time learning. I may have graduated National Honor Society and with a good grade point average, but I should have taken more math and science.

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Last Answer : Plan a reunion before everyone loses contact with each other. Ask the hot girl /boy our before you never see each other. Also see your high school guidence counselor and take all of the career tests while they are free. Also get at least 3 character references from your teachers.

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Last Answer : answer: I would like to be a comedy writer one day Is there something stopping you from starting tomorrow morning at 9am sharp? Whether continued education would help or hinder that dream, I cannot ... not. Unless you're not feeling very funny. Maybe you'll feel funnier on Thursday. Start then.

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Last Answer : I think it is because college represents a new environment where people from all over are thrown together. There are no established hierarchies or cliques.

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Last Answer : I do think it should be mandatory. It still is at the high schools in our area of Illinois.

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Last Answer : answer:It seems ridiculous to me. It's a knee-jerk reaction. I agree if she did have such tendencies, and writing a poem doesn't suggest that she does or doesn't, suspending her is more likely to fuel her ... out what's going on to make them feel the way they do and what can be done to help them.

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Last Answer : answer:hmmm, I always thought I was older than you I just looked at the top songs of 1993, and recall many of them. However the ones I recall from MTV mostly sucked. So I'm listing the ones I still ... Insane in the brain Cypress Hill Check yo self Ice Cube feat. DAS EFX It was a good day Ice Cube

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Last Answer : Keystone National High School has a credit recovery program.

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Last Answer : answer:Homecoming started out originally as a date when alumni came back to the school, usually for a football game and a dance. Nowadays, I don't think alumni really are involved and it's just an ... . When I was in high school, Homecoming was sort of the kickoff social event of the school year.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think thats so much a discrimanatory practice as it is an issue with schools not having enough money. The reason cheerleaders have to buy their uniforms is because the school doesn't ... afford to pay for all of that stuff. Most of them barely make budget with ANY extra-curriculars.

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Last Answer : Treat others how you wanna be treated. If your nice to other people they’ll most likely be nice back. & you’ll make alot of new friends that way.

Description : If I apply a second time to the same college, do I need to send my final high school transcript again? How do I do that?

Last Answer : answer:You must have an official transcript (from your HS ) sent to any college. But you are entitled to one also. Call the HS and ask to have transcript sent. Suggest to community college that it edit “graduating High School” to “graduating from high school.” (received).

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Last Answer : Only if the mascots were paired in a theme

Description : Can I get an internship at BP if i'm in High School?

Last Answer : [mod says] Please remember, this question is in the General Section. Responses must be helpful and on-topic.

Description : What does being in a high school band mean to you?

Last Answer : My band sucks, because no one really cares. It’s really fun and it’s a good experience, but we don’t sound that good. I’m hoping to change that when I get elected Drum Major :)

Description : For all you high school/college students: What are you doing this summer?

Last Answer : answer:At the end of May I will plant the crops. In June I'll be live for a month alone in a cabin in the country, tending to the garden and reading and bike riding and walking and drinking tea ... halves of July and August I'll probably spend most of my time upstate as well, checking on the garden.

Description : Why are girls in my high school saying they are vampires?

Last Answer : Tell them to stop, assertively. It's a fad in pop culture right now and these girls have taken it to far. Actually, the vampire obsession is a common thing in the teen world currently. I guarantee it ... t put up with it. Get a teacher's backing if necessary. And remember, this is a passing thing.

Description : How many years of experience does a teacher need before he/she can teach senior high school students?

Last Answer : One of my old teachers was straight out of university and was my science teacher in grade nine and a 30–1 chemistry teacher.

Description : WHY Why Why...Do high school boys insist on drawing phalluses?

Last Answer : Boys will be boys, I bet the ring leaders name is Dick Head. A name that would suit him just fine~

Description : How long will I keep having dreams about high school?

Last Answer : Well, you spend a damned long time in school. I still have dreams in fact, I've just woken up from one about people and places from my second school even though I've been to 4 in ... years. I would expect it will diminish over time as increased experience in other areas intrudes upon your brain.

Description : Did your High School have a nurse? A guidance counsellor?

Last Answer : My school had a nurse but not really counselors, for non academic schedule issues at least, though there was an integration counselor who I remember fondly whining to about a bunch of pointless crap that bothered me.

Description : Blackwater's (Xe) CEO wants to be a high school teacher. Discuss.

Last Answer : Has he been charged and found guilty of a criminal offence?

Description : What are some small talk conversation starters for a high school reunion?

Last Answer : Politics of the past week?

Description : What perfumes/colognes remind you of High School days?

Last Answer : Polo makes me think of high school. That and cafeteria Pizza but I don’t think anyone wears that to smell better…

Description : How close are high school mock elections?

Last Answer : It's a crap shoot, especially at bigger schools. I know at my school there was no way we could know everyone well enough to get a proper choice made. Also in regards to most successful, who is ... then I would say the girl is by definition more successful since she did what she set out to do.

Description : What are the obstacles to learning Algebra in high school?

Last Answer : Obstacles? I failed 2 years of Algebra because I couldn’t see a practical application to what I was learning, I didn’t understand what the mathematics were actually for. and now as a consequence I have to go back and take it in college after 5 years of not a single math class

Description : When are the official high school holidays in California 2010?

Last Answer : Why? It almost sounds like you’re trying to stalk a high schooler. Which is ill-advised. Plan on the standard federal holidays, plus a few comp days each term.