Who is not surprised by this revelation by a former TSA agent?

1 Answer

Answer :

I am aware that this blog was written a while ago, but I just read the news article, and the blog that initiated it. It’s still relevant to talk about today, because it’s still happening.

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Last Answer : that noone has ever mentioned it to me until now

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Last Answer : Revelation intensity is a fundamental quantity.

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Last Answer : The first author of revelation was Hazrat Osman (RA).

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Last Answer : Revelation means revelation.

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Last Answer : In the case of prophets, revelation is divided into 3 parts.

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Last Answer : Revelation means gesture

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Last Answer : Whenever a revelation came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), a group of Companions would write down the revelations on various things , which were called Katibe ... ibn al-Walid , Hazrat Mughira ibn Shu'bah and Hazrat Tahanzala Radiyallahu Anhu are particularly noteworthy.

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Last Answer : revelation or revelation (Arabic: وحي ) Of words Lexical Money Being , such a subtle and secret gesture , which no one but the gesturer and the receiver of gestures can perceive.

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Last Answer : A single candelabra with the power of revelation.

Description : What is the unit of revelation power ?

Last Answer : A single candelabra of revelation power.

Description : What is Revelation Intensity ? What is the intensity of revelation ?

Last Answer : : The amount of illuminated flange in a square meter surface area of a surface is called the luminous intensity of that surface.

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Last Answer : Revealed secret 6

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Last Answer : Reverse order of revelation 6

Last Answer : : The amount of light emitted from a point source per second in a specific cube in a certain direction per second is the illuminating power of that source.

Last Answer : Revelation Hall Provocative , igniting _ _ _ _ _ _

Last Answer : Revelation Intensity Single Candela.