How can I find a fabric I saw online in a blog posting?

1 Answer

Answer :

Take the photo to a good fabric store and have a conversation with the staff.

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Last Answer : I’m honestly a little surprise they weren’t armed before.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think there's any way to prevent a post to an open group from showing up in the ticker. In fact, I'm not sure that even a post to a secret group would be left out of the ticker, ... to change it from an open group to a secret group. I get that it's not what you're after, though.

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Last Answer : I only post photos that include other people if I have their permission.

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Last Answer : Attention seeking. I hate that shit.

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Last Answer : answer:I believe it has to do with Proposition 65, SAFE DRINKING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACT OF 1986 You often see labeling that is required by the act on products that reads something like: WARNING: This ... does California know that my state doesn't know? What's my state not telling us? :-)

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Last Answer : I’ll keep my Mom as my avatar for now. :)

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Last Answer : I think one reason is to ensure that you aren’t a spammer or an autobot spammer.

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Last Answer : Banks vary on how long it takes to process, and it can depend on when the employer submits it. He needs to ask them both what happened.

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Last Answer : answer:Was it a question or a, hey look at what I made with a question mark at the end? And did you link to a place you posted it outside of Fluther in your question? If you want to make sweet love to the ... It is more of a How do I make this cool thing I made better? site. Or at least it was.

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Last Answer : Is any of this helpful?

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Last Answer : Yes, it is. I will hide posts from people who post too much. I consider once a day plenty for most of the time.

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Last Answer : answer:Theoretically, anyone on your friends list subscribes to your wall posts, unless they've blocked updates from you. Whether they'll see it could depend on a few factors: how often you post, how ... don't think there's a way to tell whether someone has blocked your updates in their news feed.

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Last Answer : Probably a bit of both.

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Last Answer : create an image of the page you want [or section of the page you want] with good old alt/pint screen and get it to display as a thumbnail.

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Last Answer : Ravi, of Plainsboro, and Wei, of Princeton, each could face up to five years in prison if convicted on the invasion of privacy charge.

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Last Answer : answer:Uh… I have been to headquarters. No way are they making millions.~ Just sayin’ But if wealth can be measured in guacamole….

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Last Answer : This features is arbitrary because the developers went for the smart but not perfect design style. An algorithm to find the perfect images to display as a thumbnail would be near impossible, so ... certain range of sizes are grabbed to give the user a small selection of possibly image thumbnails.

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Last Answer : Never heard of such a thing, is it supposed to help people who are considering suicide?

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Last Answer : I live in Manhattan. Don’t get me started…

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Last Answer : You must have, at some time, agreed to automatic withdrawals. And you should have to do the extra work because it’s your money-you bought the services, not Amex.

Description : When a job posting asks for 1-2 years of experience in the field under "qualifications", does that mean upcoming college graduates should apply?

Last Answer : college counts toward education but not experience. experience is experience. i think the reason you have never seen 0-1 years of experience is that they would not bother mentioning it at all ... means the college degree plus 1-2 years experience. college does not count toward the experience.

Description : Laws about posting things on telephone poles?

Last Answer : Here is Pennslyvania law on the subject: Signs on Utility Poles Posting signs on utility poles is illegal and unsafe. This includes signs advertising businesses, products or services as well as For ... similar thereto by a municipality when authorized by statute or by the owner of such poles.

Description : Can anyone find my posting on craigslist, or just people in my specific area?

Last Answer : Anyone searching posts from your area should be able to see your ad. If it’s a goofy ad, it might make it to the best of, where people all over the oplace can see it. is that what you were asking? I’m not really sure I understand your question!