Do you think this picture is interesting?

1 Answer

Answer :

Love it!

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Last Answer : “Meeee!”

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Last Answer : Try taking a screen cap by hitting the print screen button, paste it into a photo-editing program like paint, and save it from there.

Description : Photobucket freezes when ever i upload a picture!

Last Answer : answer:Need more info. Is this the first time you've used photobucket? If not, how long have you had this issue? Can you upload any other pictures without a problem? It will probably resolve itself ... part is called trouble-shooting'. don't worry, it's not as troublesome or violent as it sounds

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Last Answer : Facebook will always resize them, it doesn't matter what size they start. You might want to start with a large image from the camera and crop to what's important before uploading. Here the key isn't ... in the background so you can get it all and still be relatively tight on the person. Sorry, TMI.

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Last Answer : I don’t have an iPhone, so I can’t tell you exact directions, but you can e-mail yourself the picture, then go into your e-mail box and open the e-mail, save the picture to your computer (in a folder that you know where you can locate the picture), and then upload the picture from there.

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Last Answer : Here’s a link to a similar question asked before. Enjoy! :)

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Last Answer : There should be a button on your remote. Do you have satellite or cable?

Description : Good idea or bad idea: save a photo of your drivers license in your cellphone?

Last Answer : Generally a bad idea. If someone steals or finds your phone, and finds that photo, then they'll have your residential address, birth date, and driver's license number. It might be okay if you ... phone's files. Specifically, see if your phone gives you the option to password-protect your photos.

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Last Answer : The way I organized them is quite simple and effective. Couple of shoe boxes. Guaranteed hours of nostalgic fun. Every time you browse through them it’s a complete surprise what you’ll encounter next.

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Last Answer : Instagram is a social networking platform in its own right. You don’t need a Facebook account to use it, but you can use Instagram to post on multiple platforms. It’s just different strokes. Kind of like how some people share craft how-tos on Facebook and some use Pinterest.

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Last Answer : answer:Can you please go to the Apple in the upper left of the menu bar and select About This Mac? Does it happen to say Version 10.10.3?

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Last Answer : answer:There are a number of folks in the business like Met-Art. Is there any particular reason why you wouldn't contact them (in the business) for advice as to what they're doing? Surely the ... agents? It might be worth talking to several of them in order to get a ballpark figure for payment.

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Last Answer : Try the Google Play store here’s one of the App’s.

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Last Answer : Look for a toolbar at the bottom of the email you’re composing. There’s a little + sign that allows you to open it fully. On the toolbar, you’ll find a button that allows you to attach a photo. Check the Gmail help page if you need more info. Good luck!

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Last Answer : Local historical societies usually have such photos.

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Last Answer : Bugger all i’d imagine, they were took on a public road in full view of the residence, hardly scoop of the decade, more like oppurtunistic peeping tom.

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Last Answer : answer:It has to do with : - the the kind of graphics subsystem is on the machine, - combined with how well the operating system takes advantage of the capabilities of that graphics subsystem, - ... the browser you're does not take advantage of whatever better way to move horizontally there may be.

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Last Answer : Only his friends saw it, if he has that setting on, unless his profile is open.

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Last Answer : answer:MIlo here; Gail continues to laugh at this. I feel it’s both undignified and not very amusing. You decide. Here Now this is more like it. Should I start a line of products like the Kardashians?

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Last Answer : It’s not the peace sign. It is “throwin’ up the duces”. It’s a cooler way to say peace.

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Last Answer : Oh but there is, the whole sorry takedown was viewed as it happened in the situation room by Obama & his cohorts. I heard somewhere photos of his body were soon to be released & apparently ... for public consumption any time soon. Sure to satisfy the bloodlust brigade, for the time being anyway.

Description : Need funny group photo ideas.

Last Answer : At a family reunion I was at several years ago, we took a normal group photo and then one where everyone just did whatever weird thing they wanted. It sounds fairly innocuous, but to this day, clicking ... those photos on Facebook cracks us all up because it's like a quick movie of Normal vs. Nuts.

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Last Answer : This one

Description : I need a private photo-sharing website or program...suggestions?

Last Answer : Picasa through google; you can set privacy settings and also allow certain people access.

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Last Answer : I can’t imagine that it would be legal. It is a clear way to make judgments about race, national origin, etc. What the hell . . . .

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Last Answer : I would recommend its a free to use online photoshop replacement. It has all the brushes etc so you can do your blending.

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Last Answer : answer:The ability to answer with an image is a setting that the person asking the question needs to set. There's a checkbox for Allow photo responses or something like that. I guess if the person ... 't allowed it, you can't put an image in your answer. Tumbr really sucks for user interaction.

Description : Pictures aren't showing up when I try to upload them?

Last Answer : answer:Not sure, but do you have the right plugins for viewing stuff? (flash, java, etc.) Also check your filtering.

Description : How to get Facebook photos from a friend's album, which is limited to their friends only, to show up to all your friends, without creating separate album?

Last Answer : The only way they would show up on your page would be if you are tagged in them. If your friend has them limited to only their friends, your other friends won't be able to see them unless you are ... your friend if you can have some of the pictures as well (especially if they are pictures of you).

Description : Is there an online photo service that will send a personal note with the photos?

Last Answer : FLICKR will do this. Pick “send to a friend” at the bottom of the photo, and a screen comes up with a place for the email address and a place for the message. I have a pro account but I think it is also true for free accounts.

Description : How vain is too vain?

Last Answer : When you think this song is about you.

Description : Should upside down or perpendicular facebook/avatar photos be allowed?

Last Answer : Does Facebook really prohibit this sort of thing? Seems like a waste of energy. Should we not be allowed to display ourselves upside down if we want to? If Facebook has a problem with this, it sounds like a big reason to not use Facebook. Short Yes

Description : How to send a photo?

Last Answer : I don’t really know because I am new here, but it I did I could have helped youxD

Description : Where can you find Google Streetviews of crimes in progress?

Last Answer : Well… I googled “google street view crimes”... This is my first result: 20 Crimes Caught on Google Street View – Criminal Justice Schools I hope somebody’s learned a little lesson here…

Description : How long do images remain in Google search?

Last Answer : The pictures are most likely tangled up in the interwebs until you delete them from your profile and wait for the site to get indexed again. You can try going here, but Google is a big company, and it probably has a lot of stuff to sift through before they get to yours.

Description : How can you print off pictures when the pictures are just saved on your laptop?

Last Answer : What do you mean, “it doesn’t work”? You can’t copy correctly to the flash card? Or when you take the card to the photo store, they’re unable to read the pictures from the card? Or that the pictures just print out poorly?

Description : Where can I store videos from my iphone?

Last Answer : I upload mine to a private YouTube account. Other than that I keep them in iPhoto so I can play with them in iMovie.

Description : Is there any way to send all my photos and videos from my blackberry 8900 to my macbook at once?

Last Answer : your phone should have came with a software cd and a usb…..

Description : When it comes to models on magazine covers, what would you prefer to see?

Last Answer : I’d rather see fish.

Description : How do I make a curved edge in photoshop?

Last Answer : you can use the path tool, and convert it to a mask or you can make a mask and smooth the border.

Description : How do I watermark photos in ACDSEE Photo Manager 2009?

Last Answer : Sadly i dont use this and don’t know how or what to do , you could email support or look for help .

Description : What kind of lens should I buy for my Nikon D60?

Last Answer : The kit lenses for most dSLRs are 18-55mm with an aperture range of maybe f3.5-22, which is great for all-around photography (hence it being the standard!). If you want something with as much flexibility as you ... I got to augment it. (And I actually use my 50mm a lot less than I thought I would!)

Description : How to add photos/pictures to emails?

Last Answer : One more thing, I also tried using HTML to get photos/pictures into the web browser and copy pasting it into gmail or yahoomail. That way, it was there till I send it. But, in email message afterwards ... picasa, and give links in the email. However, I'm stll wondering how others succeed to do it.

Description : How do i change the name of pictures?

Last Answer : you could do the renaming with a renamer tool, and the sorting within iphoto, it’s a lot faster than figuring out how exactly to change it on the camera (if it’s even possible at all)

Description : Has anyone ever discovered pornographic photos of family members?

Last Answer : wait – she’s posing with your dead grandfather?! freaky! thankfully, i’ve never found a pic of anyone in my family doing it, dead or alive.