What do you see in a post-capitalistic world?

1 Answer

Answer :

True freedom.

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Last Answer : My son works advanced AI. We just finished a week long road trip moving him from Palo Alto to another state, where he is to start up a new department for a major corporation. We talked a lot about ... you with After all, its well being may be dependent upon your own well being for a minute.

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Last Answer : The new only reports the bad stuff. I honestly think there are more good people. Sadly, if there was a news program that reported only the good things going on, it wouldn’t get the ratings that the news gets right now.

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Last Answer : Next time someone asks, break down into tears and mention you think you just had a miscarriage. That will stop them from ever asking again.

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Last Answer : I’m scared about someone shooting up my school. I still think its a great place to live based only on opportunities and the privilege Americans have over other countries.

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Last Answer : answer:I think this idea is stork-raving mad. One thing to worry about would be mis-delivered babies. Dropping it off at the wrong house. And what the stork do if the baby peed or pooped while ... Would it land to clean up the baby? Only a birdbrain would think about babies being delivered by stork.

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Last Answer : answer:Get rid of the instruments of violence. If people are shooting each other, get rid of the guns. That’s a first step.

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Last Answer : I didn’t make it back in time to correct my post. Upon more thought, computer games can be beneficial if it is complex and requires abstract thinking.

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Last Answer : answer:We either watch the bottom 99% become part of the impoverished segment, or get rid of corporate evil and government corruption, and the sooner, the better. After that, the solution is to ... to avoid homelessness, and also provide education and so on, and help people live fulfilling lives.

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Last Answer : I do, and her name is Malala Yousefzai.

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Last Answer : Being there for each other in good times and bad. Accepting each other as is. And having lots of fun together.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't rant to anybody about anything. For the most part, my opinion is if you have something you feel strongly about, I'm not going to argue with you about it, as I wouldn't expect you to ... long as we can all get along and be respectful of each other's space and needs, that's good enough.

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Last Answer : answer:Many states and jurisdictions are now limiting the terms of solitary confinement because of the mental stress that it can cause. I think life in prison may be a worse punishment than death. ... and regulations, dealing with limited choices of bad food, all that prisoners have to deal with .

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Last Answer :

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Last Answer : answer:The difficulty many people have in dealing with mental illness is it cause behavioral unpredictability. And because of that, others never know what mood or reaction they will be facing. My ex has ... can be fine this morning and raging anger by lunch. It adds stress onto the whole family.

Description : Flu vaccines. Your stand?

Last Answer : Nay. I got side affects for a week after. I only took it to look like a good little boy.

Description : Do you think the majority of the people in your country suck?

Last Answer : Yes. I know that, because I know that Humans in general suck.

Description : Do we live in a vengeance society? One where laws are less important that satisfying society's bloodlust?

Last Answer : Hmm. I have thought that about American society often, but I don’t see either of the cases you cited as examples of this. Can you explain how these cases relate to the kind of society you are describing?

Description : Do "breastaurants" rub anyone else the wrong way?

Last Answer : answer:I used to not think they weren't a big deal. Probably because I lived in FL most of my adult life and people are half naked all the time anyway. Lately, I think they are horrible. Part of what ... it might be I'm older too, and more aware of the letches in bars and how awful men can be.

Description : What things are not ok to admit?

Last Answer : While it seems more acceptable now to talk about having Depression or Anxiety, more “serious” disorders aren’t as much. I don’t tend to offer up that I have Bipolar Disorder until I am quite close to someone.

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Last Answer : I would stop wearing it. Although, I feel compelled to say that men are such fu$&ing assholes sometimes. They also can be scary, and I just would not want to consistently be attracting the attention of asshole men. If it was just an unusual stare from women I would wear what I want.

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Last Answer : Because an abortion only affects one (or arguably two) people while guns and smoking can potentially harm us all.

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Last Answer : Hubris.

Description : Should nudity really be considered taboo and shameful?

Last Answer : answer:I'm with you on this. I don't see anything wrong or shameful about nudity. As sexually liberated as Western societies like to pretend to be, however, they are in fact incredibly prudish. ... is the negative conception of nudity that we ourselves have created by hiding it in the first place.

Description : Isn't it foolish to always want to blame problems on the next generation?

Last Answer : answer:These claims are a constant of human nature. We are only noticing them now as laughable because the Hippie/Woodstock Generation is making them, about generations born after them in depression conditions.

Description : Why have some nations developed while others have not?

Last Answer : answer:Read Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fate of Human Society in which he addresses this very question. A 500-page 1998 Pulizer Prize winner. (No need to keep thanking everyone at the end of each question.)

Description : Why does society create such norms and high expectations?

Last Answer : What I’d like to know is why everything has to be so damn expensive.

Description : Why is modern day society so hypocritical?

Last Answer : Because of the internet our society as a whole is constantly bombarded with increasing amounts of BS leading to this increased skepticism.

Description : Upon extraterrestrial contact with a technologically superior race, we discover they value and promote concepts that challenge human norms. Would we judge them as bad, or convert ourselves to their way of being?

Last Answer : answer:Why would they kill handicapped children at birth, when they have the ability to erase/prevent any sort of birth defect with ease? In any case, you can be guaranteed that such conditions ... being allowed to own anything, even the ruling political and corporate elite would not agree to this.

Description : Do you believe racial profiling is a serious issue in the US?

Last Answer : This video clearly explains the difference between bein black and being white in the USA.

Description : Does the fact that there are billions of lives happening all at once here amaze you?

Last Answer : answer:It is safe to assume the LSD you bought was real. :-) Here is the fun part. You can start putting yourself in the other peoples shoes. Life is a bit better once you develop some empathy. We are all in this together and we have a duty to help others when we can. I am not religious

Description : Should I move to a Native American reservation and take on their way of life?

Last Answer : Is it something that you could try out temporarily? Just to see how it goes?

Description : Should I be more compassionate to obese people? How can I?

Last Answer : answer:1)Consider for a minute that American advertisers are way better then advertisers in other parts of the world. 2) The most fattening food in America is often sold cheaper than any other type of food.

Description : People of non-American nationalities. What is your view of American accents?

Last Answer : I am married to someone who was born and raised in another country and he thinks very extreme southern accents make people sound not too bright. It's probably more of a country southern accent. ... He loves British, Irish and similar accents. To him they sound much better than an American accent.

Description : Why do you think vanity is valued so much in this day and age?

Last Answer : It’s not just in this day and age. It’s been used as a tool to get ahead since biblical(?) times

Description : What is your personal view on ‘street art’?

Last Answer : answer:So long as it's done we'll and is visually arresting and engaging - I like it. And yes, I realize those are subjective traits. I am on the fence about whether the placement of the work ... chance the art will not get painted over if you get permission first - so there's that to consider.

Description : What do we gain from or lose to tradition?

Last Answer : answer:Tradition grants consistency, stability, you know your place and role. It leads to bonding experiences and often include rites of passage. It gives one a cultural identity. Even those ... advances we are still stymied and stuck on overcoming ourself fear and other intangibles. Good question.

Description : Since when can a person's worth to society be reflected in a mirror?

Last Answer : answer:I agree that this phenomenon exists. I suspect it is something fairly innate, not just culture. I know there are cultures where bigness is a sign of status and wealth. So I could be wrong. But I do think ... mate a person is. It's built into us, I believe, and it won't ever evolve out of us.