Remember when IM's were all the rage? I was on YIM for days on end. Not sure if I could log in today if I tried.

1 Answer

Answer :

Yeah, it was very popular, before Facebook, Twitter (and similar craps) jumped into the spotlight.

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Last Answer : Never tweet pictures of your junk, @Adirondackwannabe. It always ends badly.

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Last Answer : answer:1-800-MY IPHONE It's free by virtue of your purchase of the iPhone. Staffed by very knowledgeable Apple staff. Not outsourced to a foreign country. They all speak English. I've never had to wait ... I can't begin to list it all. Every single issue I've ever called about has been resolved.

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Last Answer : Yes. Yes, you can. Should you? What do you hope to accomplish by doing so? I recently read a great piece of advice: Imagine how you will tell other people you handled the situation. What will you say? Now, act accordingly.

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Last Answer : IMS Full Industrial Management Service.

Description : I am a thing of eternal paradox. My courage is fueled by righteous anger, but I am blinded by consuming rage, fed from my grudges. My empathy makes me vulnerable to others grief, but in the end, it is ... that my entire world will one day fade into dust, I am overwhelmed with joy. Who am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

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Last Answer : Find a proxy that works in china, I am not in china so I can’t test any of them.

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Last Answer : No, it is not gonorrhea, but if you do not take treatment now, you may have gonorrhea later, because you have a urinary tract infection . Enjoy. Drink more water. In the morning, on an empty stomach, eat Isubgul's bran syrup.

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Last Answer : answer:Been selling on eBay on and off for a year now. Be patient with the registration process is my first advise. You need to have a bank account and the preferred manner of payment is through Paypal ... clear. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it after going through a brief familiarization period.

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Last Answer : Keep trying!

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Last Answer : ok.

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Last Answer : Indicate that it will save the polar bears, they’ll buy it no matter what it is.

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Last Answer : Hotmail was my first website. Does that count?

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Last Answer : Pogs!

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Last Answer : answer:I was dismissed too many times to remember. And how did you get your thing in the end?

Description : When Fluther says to me "Sit back and relax. We will do the dishes today. Log out" is it trying to get rid of me?

Last Answer : HaHa! the “log out” button is there for you to do just that: to log out. It’s not part of the cute quips they have there.

Description : I don't feel anything but rage.

Last Answer : I think you know the answer to that question. You are here asking for help. I suggest you ask someone that can actually help you.

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Last Answer : What ? ? ?

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Last Answer : I had first hand experience with one of our customers which I had to deal with for quite some time. He used to get pissed for simple mistakes or someone is not following his instructions. As per me we all have that rage as a youngster which I had too but I’m much calmer person now!!))

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Last Answer : When someone blows a gasket at me on the road I usually blow them a kiss, it just melts their little brain.

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Last Answer : answer:Back in high school we were driving to our favorite spot to skateboard in downtown Eugene around 10pm on a Friday night. So we were about 12 blocks from our destination and at a light these hicks ... move on the cop mentioned a few of them had warrants and there were some guns in their truck.

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Last Answer : answer:They even have apps for that. I started using one but never finished the first pic :) Before reading your Q, I didn’t think Facebook could get any stupider/useless. But now I know better.

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Last Answer : answer:I really don’t understand why they went out looking for the guy. That makes no sense. They say it was for protection, but I think just leaving it be would have been smarter. I’m not condoning the shooting at all, but “let’s go find the crazy, angry man” seems to be the stupidest idea ever.

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Last Answer : answer:Ignorance is not illegal, but they don't know what a disservice they're doing to their children. I'm not a parent either, but I see people slapping their two year old in a car seat from the ... that her mom (now in jail for the 3rd time) was taking vitamins with a needle. It's craziness.

Description : Is rage a disorder?

Last Answer : In most cases, it is poor emotional management.

Description : How do I get rid of this rage I feel for my family?

Last Answer : answer:You sound like an island of sanity in an insane world. Are you open with your therapist? Have you talked about feeling rage-filled? You should. You might benefit from movement therapy, which puts you in touch with your body where the feelings are stuck. You can literally move through them.

Description : Have you ever gotten into a jealous rage?

Last Answer : Oh sure, especially when I was younger or when a partner tries to bullshit me when it’s too late…oh I’ve been there…these things are much more controllable now that I’m in an open relationship…

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Last Answer : answer:I hate when I see someone talking on the phone while driving, or worse, texting while driving. Since the law went into effect making it illegal to use a handheld device while driving in Ontario it ... see a car swerve a little for no apparent reason, then see that the driver is on the phone.

Description : What is your road rage?

Last Answer : People who come to a dead stop. For no apparent reason. In the travel lane. This may be to let someone go who doesn't have the right of way or because they're too lazy to pull over and park ... bad this moment sucks They see a red traffic signal way up ahead and overreact Ya da ya da ya da

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Last Answer : I have no idea. I think they’re ugly, honestly. I don’t think of them as fashion exactly, more like Look How Much Money I Have To Buy This Purse. Lots of fashion is more looking like everyone else in your chosen in-group.

Description : Is the rising Libertarianism of the US Tea Party Movement's rage going to be self defeating?

Last Answer : answer:I think it should be recognized that part of the anger arises from the destabilizing fear that a 400-year-old hierarchy is being overturned, and that the White majority is ... people presumably demonstrating against health care reform. The sub-rosa agenda sometimes peeks through the facade.

Description : Does is seem like random acts of blind violent rage are on the rise?

Last Answer : What makes you think it’s random?

Description : Do you experience anger or even rage, on a daily basis?

Last Answer : Not really. I don't get angry very often. I don't like being angry. Sure, something might be annoy me a little every now and then, but I don't experience anger that often and I like it that way. I can ... do not want to see me when I can't find something. It pisses me off to the greatest extent. :)

Description : Why do I get FITS OF RAGE when I am extremely hungry?

Last Answer : its called low blood sugar

Description : Rage Against the Machine Vs Joe McElderry.... Is X-factor domination of the Christmas charts a bad thing?

Last Answer : I’ve purchased Rage! So have 4 of the lads around me in the workshop!

Description : UK Users: Will you rage against the X Factor this Christmas?

Last Answer : To show your rage you must buy something? I think it is all marketing to get people to buy a song en-masse as a pseudo protest. Some clever people are likey making good money.

Description : Do you believe that everyone has a "well of rage" within them?

Last Answer : I believe people have thresholds for rage which are genetically inherited. So some people can cope easier with frustration than others before they act out. (excuse my poor explanation here, ... . My reasons for these views stems from personal observation, introspection, and education in psychology.

Description : How do you get over intense rage?

Last Answer : I go to the gym. Whatever anger you have you can take out on the weights. Might as well benefit from some good old fashioned pent up anger by building some anger muscle.

Description : Why are Lululemon/TNA/whatever other company that makes yoga pants all the rage?

Last Answer : Because truly, there is no more comfortable article of clothing than yoga pants.

Description : Do You Understand Road Rage?

Last Answer : I think it’s usually a release for other anger and stress that’s been subdued in some way in other aspects of a person’s life. or not subdued

Description : What usually bumps up your road rage?

Last Answer : (speaking of stupid drivers, that is “etc.”)

Description : I have really bad road rage what can i do?

Last Answer : well take three deep breaths before driving anywhere. and when someone makes you mad grab a stress squishy.

Description : Is road rage getting out of hand?

Last Answer : haha, oh my god, what a spaz. That seems quite excessive. I get pissed and may tailgate for a minute, but I usually fear actually rear ending them, so I let up. I may give them the finger, or ... on me and followed me for a while. I was actually starting to get scared. People overreact far too much.

Description : How do you process rage?

Last Answer : I have a very nice punching bag. And very loud music. But. Only during the day because the other apartment tenants could get angry. At night. I try eating new foods and going to the gym. Also. ask-public

Description : Artists of Reddit, why do artists rage over their artwork with that one small mistake they did?

Last Answer : Perfectionism, that rage will drive them to do better next time though.

Description : Is tom morello really getting back together with rage against the machine?

Last Answer : lol, it was zach that left, tom tim and brad stayed together and made audioslave, but then broke up. rage against the machine already had a reunion concert at coachella last year, and a few more shows after that.

Description : How to recover from shopping frustration and road-rage?

Last Answer : OK….the worst part is over. Turns out trimming hedges in your garden can be very therapeutic. I’d still love to hear how others cope with the stress of shopping and traffic.

Description : I am hewn from Earth and Fire; But to the sky, I aspire. I am nothing but contented; Until my patient rage is vented. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A volcano.

Description : What is Parkinson's Rage ?

Last Answer : : Parkinson's disease is a condition of the brain in which the hands and feet tremble and the affected person has difficulty in moving and walking . This rage usually occurs after the age of 50 . ... the advice of a doctor , moderate diet and living a well-balanced life can keep a person healthy.