Fluther history buffs, can you recommend a good book with an overview of World War I?

1 Answer

Answer :

Check out “The Origins of the First World War,” by James Joll.

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Last Answer : The Other Boleyn Girl by Phillipa Gregory http://www.amazon.co.uk/Other-Boleyn-Girl-Philippa-Gregory/dp/0006514006 has been made into a film and I think there are some follow up books

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Last Answer : I have one, rarely used it. I never liked the layout and it didn't make much sense to me. I tracked what books I read/wanted to read and that was it. Never did anything else and barely kept up with ... books I suppose. I just don't prefer the site. (I go to goodwill and buy 3 million books instead)

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Last Answer : answer:Donald Westlake was one of my favorite authors years and years ago. I still recall a line in one of his stories where he talked about how the police department of a particular area had always ... mystery writers around, and your aunt may not have read them all yet. (She was very prolific.)

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Last Answer : A Place at the Table is an excellent book to start with.

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Last Answer : This could be great blog idea because I like to write fiction at times… I wish I could help, you mean like a day long seduction between a couple? Almost sounds like me and the wife several times a week!

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Last Answer : Try some of these

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Last Answer : I only read about half of it but then I’ve read and known a lot about the Holocaust.

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Last Answer : Finished George Washingtons life story a few weeks ago, getting ready for another Mark Twain this weekend (my fav author!)

Description : Book recommendations?

Last Answer : Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee if you haven’t read it My Antonia by Willa Cather That should get you started.

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Last Answer : I've just finished Apple Tree Yard by Louise Doughty. It is the story of a very respectable lady with a high powered career and a family who has an affair with disastrous consequences. It is written in a way ... want to read on. It wasn't my usual kind of book but it gripped me from start to finish.

Description : How is an e-book different from a regular book?

Last Answer : answer:If it resides on your device, you can lend your device to another person and it is no different than if you lent them a real book. What you may not do legally is copy it electronically and give that to ... to take a paper book to a copier, and run off a whole copy and give it to a friend.

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Last Answer : I ended up solving my own problem after posting this question, by taping a small piece of orange paper over the light, so now it has a pleasant warm glow rather than blinding bright white light. I’d still like to hear more permanent solutions or good light recommendations! Thanks!

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Last Answer : answer:Well, if you liked Pillars of the Earth, you should read the sequel: World Without End. I believe those are his only books in that genre. He usually writes modern thrillers. I just read on Wikipedia ... third book in the Pillars series in the works. I'm now looking forward to that one. ^_^

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Last Answer : answer:I would give Siddhartha a try and once you finish that read everything else by Hesse. Then move on to Kafka. The world will be a bit different once you read everything both of them wrote.

Description : Can you help me find a book to read?

Last Answer : answer:The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry might work for you. Or: The Unliekly Pilgrimage of Harold Fry or: Something by Rumer Godden such as Greengage Summer. or: Have you read Pride and Prejudice?

Description : Book Recommendations?

Last Answer : answer:To start with, if you like an author then try some of their other work. I loved the 100 Year Old Man and then read The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden which was just as excellent. I loved ... for all ages so try some of his YA stuff first I found this website that looks good - Teen Reads

Description : What is the name of the book I'm looking for?

Last Answer : I’d know it if I saw it.

Description : Book suggestions for Alzheimer's patient?

Last Answer : O. Henry short stories Tuesdays with Morrie – Mitch Albom Essays by Loren Eiseley Tuesday science section of the New York Times

Description : How do you decide which book to read next?

Last Answer : answer:Mood, balance, and timing. I always have several books on deck. That's so I'll have plenty of choice, because I'm never sure what's next until I finish one. I usually start another immediately- ... to yet, and sometimes I even return books unread. I'm never reading only one book at a time.

Description : What was the last book you bought?

Last Answer : answer:I bought The Exiles about five minutes ago. It’s going to be a gift for a young cousin of mine, and I chose it because I loved it when I was her age. It’s a book about sisters (she has those), books (she likes those), and it’s a lot of fun (always good). Bought it from Amazon.

Description : Have you ever used a book stand?

Last Answer : answer:I borrowed one once, when I had hurt my arm. I couldn't stand it. The problem, at least with the one I had, is that it had one angle only; not adjustable. So you had to be sitting just so, at ... 't the way I normally sat. Summary: I can see how it would be useful but it wasn't right for me.

Description : How about a ask-public book club?

Last Answer : answer:I’m in…looking this up on Amazon right now… http://www.amazon.com/All-Light-we-Cannot-See/dp/1476765650/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1444399628&sr=1-1

Description : What do you focus on when reading a fiction book?

Last Answer : White space. Easy on the eyes.

Description : Should the preface of a book come before or after the table of contents?

Last Answer : answer:I agree that the table of contents should come first. The first thing I want to know is what is actually inside the book, not some lengthy introduction of why the author wrote the book and yada yada. I often skip the preface anyway.

Description : What book has surprised you?

Last Answer : Is this a feel good question or is it okay to bring in a downer answer?

Description : Which book from your favorite author have you not read?

Last Answer : Bleak House. And it bothers me that I’ve yet to really read it. Life is just one big tedious distraction. Like so many other things, I’ll get around to it.

Description : Have you ever read a book for over 8 times? And what's the name of the book?

Last Answer : Good night moon and pretty much every Dr. Seuss book 20 times or more.

Description : How do you read a book?

Last Answer : When I feel comfortable and then I curl up with a good book, and I read a few pages a day. When I was a child I used to read the entire textbook or novel in one bath sessions where I stay in the tub ... up all the hot water so I covered my self in a wet beach towel and kept warm in the bath tub.

Description : What's a good sci-fi book or short story I should read?

Last Answer : Slaughterhouse Five (Kurt Vonnegut) Ishmael (Daniel Quinn) Stranger in a Strange Land (Robert Heinlein) Siddhartha (Hermann Hesse)

Description : Do you take a book or your tablet/smartphone/laptop with you?

Last Answer : My porcelain library is well stocked with magazines and crossword puzzles.

Description : Recommendations for easy book to read in french?

Last Answer : Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince) by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. It may seem like a child’s book, but it really isn’t.