Do/did you have any school subjects that you hate not because of their nature but because of other factors?

1 Answer

Answer :

I hated fine art… because I had too many broken wrists over a 6 year period. I also hated math after grade 7 because the teacher made math times tables as a punishment… I hated English because I was paranoid that I wouldn’t get credit or paid for my effort.

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther. Tell her. “I like you, and I’d like to be closer to you, but I can’t yet because of my RA job.”

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Last Answer : Its a freakin sign. Be honest already.

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Last Answer : D. All of the above

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Last Answer : answer:There's nothing to be done here. I mean okay sometimes you can't avoid them but do you have to listen or read to what they say/do? Cyberbullying can be avoided rather easy. ... to them are really REALLY weak persons. One shouldn't resort to violence or self violence because it happened.

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Last Answer : Old stupidity, old animal-nature. Someday we’ll get past it, if we don’t all kill each other first.

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Last Answer : Ans:(d)

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Last Answer : A. 1

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