What was the name of your first pet?

1 Answer

Answer :

Be careful answering this. It’s a common security question.

Related questions

Description : What was your first pet?

Last Answer : answer:A rock! Someone had to say it. ;-)

Description : Can you remember the name of your first pet & have you given this name to any other pets you've had since?

Last Answer : My first pet was a dog named Coco, and I have not named any of the hundreds of rescues/fosters/forever pets that have come into my life “Coco.” The only pet names that have been recycled in my lifetime are Mishka and Callie (

Description : Would you stay in the room with your pet when they're being put to sleep?

Last Answer : Every time if at all possible. Anything that will comfort them, and frankly, it is a small comfort to me as well, to be there at the end.

Description : What are the joys of having a pet bird or birds live inside the house?

Last Answer : It would be great to have an exotic bird but I would feel sad that it lives confined rather than free. Instead happy to visit a country where they are located and watch from afar the natrual surroundings and how they interact in their own environments.

Description : Tell us about your pet(s)?

Last Answer : Two doggies. A Maltese and a Doodle. Before them, we had a Yorkie and before him, we had a Basset Hound. Dog people all the way as we are all allergic to cats.

Description : I’m looking for a new pet?

Last Answer : GoldFish Link: https://pets.thenest.com/average-life-span-goldfish-proper-care-7100.html

Description : Can you please help me with this pet loss?

Last Answer : It's hard and feelings are best allowed to be had and expressed as much as one can. I have found a lot of solace with my pets whom I've lost, by considering that they never last more than those ... has me feeling good and satisfied about it all. Passing in sleep is also a really gentle way to go.

Description : Do we have the right to make the decision to euthanize a pet or other animal?

Last Answer : I think so.

Description : What superpower would you give your pet and why?

Last Answer : Gosh. She pretty much is a super power dog to me already. But, if I could give her one super power it would be to speak English so we could discuss the children that she loves so dearly. my 3 year old Grandson may not hug me on the way out, but he never fails to hug Dakota!

Description : If you have a pet, how does it talk to you?

Last Answer : One bark: I want to go outside. One bark: Let me in. Me: Do you want to go outside? Bark! (Yes!) Me: Do you want to go for a ride? Bark! (Yes!) Me: Do you want to go for a ... (Yes!) Two or more barks: Master, I have cornered a small animal and I need you to come and help me kill it.

Description : How would you react if your pet starts talking with you?

Last Answer : “The fuck…”

Description : Will you share your fondest memory of your pet?

Last Answer : I have a dog named Bruno and one day when I was trying to let him outside he curled his back up like a scared cat and it really scared me because I didn’t know dogs could do that.

Description : Is my pet trying to eat me ?

Last Answer : Yes, life insurance made out to your parents so they can bury you. You might want to check this article to see if it is allowed in your state.

Description : What would you do if someone threatened to harm your pet if you don't keep it confined?

Last Answer : If anyone threatened to harm my lovable Labrador I would keep him confined, alert the police, and possibly move.

Description : Pet owners. Do you sleep better, or worse, when your pet(s) sleep with you?

Last Answer : I sleep kind of the same. For some reason, I feel safer when my dog is with me. He is also a pit bull and he sleeps almost on top of me every night. My bed can fit two people and I'm ... , I sleep just fine (Possible better because I have more room) but I have a slightly longer time falling asleep.

Description : Have you ever looked at your pet thinking you want to say something to it, changing your mind and remaining silent, and having your pet look at you like it knew what you were going to say?

Last Answer : I have been studying my dog and she has very specific facial expressions I have come to learn the meaning of. She seems very amused when I do them back to her. Except she does not bring me dinner or even just a treat when I lick my lips at her.

Description : Would you kiss a strangers pet?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t kiss my own pet.

Description : Did the gut wrenching act of having your pet put down make you swear off pets?

Last Answer : I am so very very sorry to hear this Aster. It is indeed gut wrenching. I have been through it many times with both my own pets and my mother's. For me, as hard as it is, it does not ... getting another, or you many not. Everyone is different. I know it is beyond heartbreaking. I wish you well.

Description : Pet owners: Do you let your pets eat off your plates and utensils?

Last Answer : I didn’t consider it “eating off of”; I considered it a pre-wash.

Description : How do you cope when your loved pet is very sick?

Last Answer : answer:Awww .poor guy. Was he home alone or were other family members home during that time? I ask because he might have ingested some foreign matter, like a sock or and may have a blockage of some sort. ... Yes, not much you can do until you know exactly what is the matter. best wishes to you all!

Description : I'm considering getting a pet peeve, but I can't decide what kind. Advice?

Last Answer : answer:Congrats! You're going to love your pet peeve. Some people are skeptical and feel that they don't have the time to take proper care of the pet peeve. But I think you'll find that whatever pet ... in general and you'll find that your pet peeve will be with you so much more and for a lifetime!

Description : Would you sell your pet for money to a stranger?

Last Answer : No, as it means an emotional loss that would be hard to bear.

Description : Do you have a pet?

Last Answer : I have always had at least one cat and often a dog. I now have one cat and two dogs. Yeah, we can't just go and do whatever whenever we want unless we plan ahead. If it's overnight we have to board ... them. In many ways it's just like having a kid, except I wouldn't make a kid go outside to crap.

Description : If you caught someone that dumped a house pet out on a country road, what punishment would you consider appropriate?

Last Answer : Community service In a vet.

Description : If your pet had a Twitter account what would it post?

Last Answer : sadfijl79qw4rejn,rea4q3jn,klj”

Description : Would you put down your pet before being forced to part with it?

Last Answer : I had this same experience recently when I moved from New Orleans back to Vegas. I had a beautiful and sweet husky hybrid named Sasha. Unfortunately, I had to leave her with my brother so it was ... that it was more beneficial to them i.e. their suffering was so unbearable that death was mercy.

Description : What insect have you had as a pet, and how rewarding was it?

Last Answer : answer:When I was young there was that kind of bug that was regularly sold as pet. They mostly targeted us children. I still don't know the name, but the bug was very big - about a quarter of a 6-year- ... , and one boy stole it and crushed it right in front of me! I cried for two days after that :(

Description : How do you cope with grief when a beloved pet passes away?

Last Answer : I'm sorry for your loss. I think the only advice is to give yourself time. You will feel quite a void in your life for a while if you've spent a lot of time with your pet. Perhaps you can ... I regularly notice it when I'm in my garden and think about my old friends. Give yourself time to grieve.

Description : Is it sometimes normal for an old pet to go away to die?

Last Answer : Yes. It is normal animal behavior. The last pet I had to pass away hid in the laundry room for the last three days she was alive. Her constant companion mate actually wrote her off and wouldn't ... she hid from me. It broke my heart. Animals are not people, and nearing death this becomes obvious.

Description : Does your pet do anything weird?

Last Answer : answer:I had a BC that would run over to a particular tree and stare up into it for several minutes each time she went outside. She used to scratch and gnaw the bark off the tree until we put ... thing is that she treed many a squirrel in her life but that was the only one she obsessed over.

Description : Is pet rental inhumane?

Last Answer : Yes. Animals are living things, too.

Description : Nowadays pet owners are using Skype as a way to check in on and interact with their pets. Would you skype with your pet?

Last Answer : No. My cats would just ignore me.

Description : Owners of pet turtles: What kind of setup does your turtle tank have?

Last Answer : www.video.about.com/exoticpets/How-to-Set-Up-a-Tank-for-Red-Eared-Sliders.htm

Description : What type of rodent(s) would you recommend as a pet?

Last Answer : Rats. I know most people hate rats but they are actually great pets.

Description : Why is my pet rat afraid to step on its new bedding?

Last Answer : Maybe he is sensitive to something in the new bedding. I would try a different product.

Description : How hard will it be for you when your Pet dies?

Last Answer : I don't know that Chaos is dead, and I've found a lot of comfort in thinking that he's with someone who loves him. My mom got me a new kitten for Christmas, and I love him so much already. I wouldn't ... When I lost Asher the pain comes in big waves. When I think I'm okay, I realize that I'm not.

Description : Which two animals would you combine to make your dream pet?

Last Answer : answer:Well, I have a cat that comes when I call him, gets down when I say “down”, and relieves himself outside. I have a cat that is all the good bits of having a dog, without the slobber and neediness.

Description : For those who have had a pet euthanized, did you ask to have the pet's ashes (urn), or did you have the vet dispose of the ashes?

Last Answer : answer:I'm sorry for your pending loss. :-( It's a very personal decision, would you like to have a little memorial for him or, do you accept he is gone and really, it matters not whether you ... scattering and a little memorial. I see no point in having urns of remains in the closet for 20 years.

Description : Any ideas on a good pet for a college student?

Last Answer : Snake, lizard, crab, spider, etc

Description : Pet owners: Do you take your pets to the vet annually to get their vaccinations?

Last Answer : Yes, when I had a pet I did. I had to because when I was out of town I would kennel my dog and she had to be up to date on her shots including kennel cough vaccine before they would take her. I would have taken her to get her shots even if I didn’t kennel her because it was the thing to do.

Description : Buying pet meds online; the better way to go? If you've done it, any issues?

Last Answer : The housemate purchased heart medication online, and yes, it was much cheaper. I don’t know what site he used, and it was many years ago. There were no problems experienced.

Description : How to befriend my new pet rat?

Last Answer : Food, food, and more food! Rats LOVE food and will tame down quickly with food rewards. A bit of peanut butter on a bite of bread or a piece of fruit like watermelon or apple will have ... into the room. Rats are very intelligent and positive rewards always work woth most animals, including us. lol

Description : Does anyone have (or have had) Pet Chickens?

Last Answer : I am from the midwest where chickens aren’t pets . . . I would encourage you to spend some quality time with chickens before you think about “playing with them” or “walking them on a leash” or whatever you are imagining . . .

Description : (Spoilers-Revenge)What pet owners do in the following situation?

Last Answer : answer:I watched that and thought it was a magnificently bad idea. With tides and erosion and all that. But we just bury our pets in the backyard. A two feet deep hole and a garbage bag has never failed us.

Description : What are pets for? What are things that pet owners do that seem borderline offensive to you?

Last Answer : answer:I guess it is subjective, as long as no harm or suffering is intentionally done. That dog wasn't in pain, and he learned a lesson, so that's a good thing to teach a dog for next time. One ... jokes on their pets. No one can really say what pets are for, since we use them for so manty things.

Description : Does this pet owner need to have his head examined or do I?

Last Answer : answer:Oh the temptation. The temptation. It's not clear that it would have been possible to call off the dog. It's a rodent hunter. That's what it does. Perhaps the owner should have gone in and ... the skunk and taken the hit himself? After all, isn't that what humans are for? To serve dogs?

Description : Where do you pick up your pet at your final destination when flying?

Last Answer : Your airline should be able to give you that information. They all have their own unique rules regarding pets so there is no one correct answer. Different airports also have their own unique rules.

Description : I'm Canadian, can I adopt a pet from Michigan?

Last Answer : Go to the AFCA website and should be able to obatin the info you are seeking.

Description : Any advice on what kind of pet I should get?

Last Answer : You could take it with you. Get a really small one like a mini lop.

Description : What does your pet do that really ticks you off?

Last Answer : I cut my dogs a big break because they were abandoned by the guy that thought he could make tons of money breeding them.