How can a college student be whole-brained in a system that wants you to be either right- or left-brained [long details]?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Sorry, your details got lost in my left-brain. But my answer is quite simple. The system does not control this. You are either left-brain oriented or right-brain oriented, or you are able to use both sides equally. This is up to the individual. If you allow the system and the energies forcing conformity upon you to win. that is your choice. Okay, I read most of it. It sems your real question here is, how much can I really self-teach myself?? You can self-teach yourself , well, just about all there is to know. It just takes a desire to learn and discipline. So you have to ask yourself if you want to be part of the system or do you want to be a free man? Most people can’t have it both ways.

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Last Answer : Republicans: “This private club should be allowed to exclude anyone it wants.” Also Republicans: “This private university should not be allowed to exclude anyone it wants.”

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Last Answer : Because a college degree, even in Art History or English, shows a level of maturity in completing a long term project (one’s education) and that one has been exposed to ways of thinking and alternative ways of solving problems.

Description : Did your college or university require a religion class?

Last Answer : Nope. I went to a public state school as well.

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Last Answer : My parents pushed us to go to college, and so did our schools. It was always when you go to college and when you're in college , as if the decision was already made for us. I grew up ... really like it too much, though. Both of my parents went to college and so did the majority of my relatives.

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