Are there times when you don't even want to admit certain things even to yourself?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Hmmm….thinking. Nope. Can’t tell you that one! But there is….no. Not that one either. Sorry. ;) My sister gets very, very angry when I say that Mom was a little batty. She was, but my sister feels it’s wrong to say something like that because mom is dead. I don’t know what difference it makes. Same thing with my dad. He was aloof and hardly knew me at all as an adult.

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Last Answer : After all these years there are not any original thoughts or ideas except in science.

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Last Answer : answer:I am more of a “stream of consciousness” type of guy. YOU AIN’T GOT NO PANCAKE MIX!

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Last Answer : answer:As much as I want this weekend to be a chill out time. I have work issues that are driving me crazy. :-( For the time being. ;-)

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Last Answer : I prefer tea without the minty fresh Pepsodent or whatever the name is. When I drink tea, I make sure I rinse my mouth out, and use a toothbrush with water only to cleanse my pallet.