Have you often hurt someone's feelings with your words(whether they deserved it or not )and then felt awful?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes I told my best friend in university to F off in a chat room and I regret that she did. I haven’t talked to her in 14 years.

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Last Answer : Create Fortune Classics Wonder Tutor Intent Benign

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Last Answer : tat Tet tit tot tut bat bet bit bot but fan fen fin fon fun

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Last Answer : I cannot read the Japanese. It’s too advanced for me. I can tell you what it is, though. It’s a very hard, thick paper square used to write stylized Kanji on and display. It could also be used for painting sumi-e or ink paintings.

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Last Answer : Missspelling. It’s hit or miss. Miss Spelling. Missspelling. Misspelling. Mispelling. You are welcome.

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Last Answer : Stress can do that to you.

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Last Answer : Two of my favorites are maroon and quiver. This is a game I used to play with my daughter, spelled the same, pronounced the same, but have no connection whatsoever.

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Last Answer : Are you referring to only people How about: “rescued” or “saved” – if they are alive. “Recovered” – if they are not.

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Last Answer : This doesn’t answer your specific question, but until you get an answer that helps, can you have a tablet right there with IMDb to give you some idea? Or are you already doing that?

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Last Answer : Shortened, summarised.