In your family, were you the oldest child, the youngest, the middle or the only child, and how did it affect you as a child being brought up and now, as an adult?

1 Answer

Answer :

With or without artificial time dilation?

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Last Answer : Ans: (a)

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Last Answer : C) Total age of 4 members, 20 yrs ago = (48 * 4)=192 yrs Total age of 4 members now = 192 + 20 * 4 = 272 yrs Total age of 6 members now = (48*6)=288yrs Sum of the age of children = 288 - 272 = 16 ... the age of the elder child 4 +x So x + 4 +x = 16 2x=12 X=6 Age of younger child = 6years

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Last Answer : When I was about 8 or 9 (4th grade), I had a friend Patty who lived with her brother and father. I think the mother died, if I remember correctly. The brother was maybe a year or two older. The ... if I were to guess, he was physically abusive. It seemed like a tough, sad life for the two kids.

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Last Answer : Any age below the legal age of drinking, so below 18.

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Last Answer : answer:No. For the sake of the child, if the natural father of the child wants to spend time with his child, he should be allowed. Becoming a parent is, and should be considered a huge step. We ... the father talked her out of it, would that negate her parental rights? Of course not. Nor should it.

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Last Answer : There are a lot of pretty good studies which show that there are sequellae from divorce, but there isn’t very much proof of any correlation with later psychopathy.

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Last Answer : For me it is more advantageous being the eldest, because if I were the youngest then I would be in someone else’s family, and I’m far too old to learn an entirely new pecking order.

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Last Answer : First and formost..find a good lawyer. That's a truely sad story. I would definitely look into Canada's laws regarding destitute and/or abandoned children. If an organization or charity has money to ... they should also have funds to hire a good lawyer to help with all the legal mumbo-jumbo.

Description : Child Abuse: Path towards Trauma, or Sacred form of Family Bonding?

Last Answer : I really hope you’re kidding.

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Last Answer : Absolutely.

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Last Answer : You ask this as I have traveled half way across the world to celebrate the birth of my 9th grand child. There are so many things I would do different! I could spend hours reciting my mommy guilt but my children have found the grace to forgive me so I am trying hard to forgive myself.

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Last Answer : 1. Borrow a camel from their neighbour to make 18 camels. 2. The big brother takes a half of it, so he takes 9. 3. The second brother takes a third of it, so he takes 6. 4. The youngest ... so he takes 2. 5. All the camels that the brothers took add up to 17, leaving the camel they borrowed!

Description : At what age range would a child be best acclimated to being a nudist?

Last Answer : answer:My mom was a hippy and went through some phases, but I clearly remember something disturbing at age 4 involving nudity, but then again, I'm from the repressed Midwest, so what do I know. As ... room. Although with all of that, I have to admit, I have some issues with clothes myself lol

Description : HOW do you keep your composure when the one that you love is being destroyed by the one that had his child?

Last Answer : Then the drama is between you and your spouse ex. I would try to find out first what is the reason and try to reason with the ex to do what is best for the child. At least I would work to keep ... as the cause of the divorce and may never accept you. In which case you would have to take your lumps.

Description : Did you ever have to deal with you or your child being the bully?

Last Answer : answer:This should be interesting! No, I was never the bully and my kids weren't bullies. That's not to say that my son didn't lose his temper with a kid in his PE classonce and put him in a choke ... to pry the poor kid out of. Coach called my son The Strangler after that. Bet Coloma was a bully!

Description : Is the incidence of sexual child abuse on the rise, or is it just that a greater percentage are being reported?

Last Answer : I think people just talk about it more now, I don’t think it is on the rise. Back about 25 years ago there were a lot of reports that wound up to be false, false memory. Some of that still happens, but for the most part I believe what is reported is true.

Description : Do you think the mother of this child was being completely irresponsible?

Last Answer : can you say a bit about what is in the video, i don’t want to open it without knowing

Description : Do you believe that the children of non-English speaking parents relish or cringe at the job of being the family interpreter?

Last Answer : answer:It depends on several things I think. Is the child naturally shy? Does the family live in a place that is very diverse? Are the people in the community understanding? Some children who grow up in homes where ... I didn't have to do it often, and it didn't involve me having to speak for him.

Description : Did you have a childhood toy that ended up defining you as an adult?

Last Answer : answer:Random dolls and toys, small objects around the house like toothpicks They were necessary tools for my movie studio . It was the early inspiration for my interest in story-telling. A pencil, ... notebook. It was the inspiration for my wish to tell stories in the form of pictures and words.

Description : Mothers...Would you allow your adult son to crawl in bed with you for the night?

Last Answer : It seems odd but I don’t think we have enough information to judge (and I don’t have a need to.) Perhaps he has been suicidal and this prevents that.

Description : Do you ever give your adult children parenting advice?

Last Answer : When they ask. Sometimes I will make “observations” in general but nothing specific unless they ask and never in front of the grandchildren.

Description : Should you tell your adult children your income?

Last Answer : If you are worried that the boyfriend will ask for money, then no, I wouldn’t tell your daughter your income. It’s none of her business anyway.

Description : Effects of divorce on young children vs adult children?

Last Answer : From what I’ve been reading, it is easier on the kids if the parents divorce when the kids are young. Of course, this is a broad generalization because there are so many factors – like money – that enter into it.

Description : As an adult, have you ever purchased a toy or item that you once had as a kid?

Last Answer : I’ve looked for a specific toy that a childhood friend had… with no success. But I’ve managed to find several well-loved books that I had as a child, in the same editions. I find it funny that I should want to get them back after so long – but I like having them.

Description : Okay to be friends or even best friends with your adult kids? Should one stay the parent?

Last Answer : Adult kids? Friends is great. Children? Friends is a quick path to horribly behaved monsters, usually.

Description : Do you let your teens or young adult children smoke or do illegal drugs in your home?

Last Answer : Good god no. I’m the house that all the my son’s friends come to as well. We often have 6 or 7 teenage boys in our basement. They don’t seem to mind my rules. Actually, those are their rules. They all made a pact to not smoke, do drugs or drink and, so far, they’ve all stuck to it.

Description : Do kids really catch on to many of the adult themes in Futurama?

Last Answer : answer:They’re probably more aware than you realize. You’re obviously not aware of the smut televised daily on The Disney Channel.

Description : Are parents to be credited &/or blamed for their adult children's general behavior?

Last Answer : My psychology textbook says yes.

Description : How much would you spend on groceries for 1 adult, 3 young kids for a month?

Last Answer : 1 adult… 100 pounds per month 3 young kids 150 pounds per month total=250 pounds per month. final total= 250 pm + 50 pm (extra) = 300pm

Description : What is the name of that young adult book where the girl gets to name her new brother Sam?

Last Answer : Anastasia Krupnik, by Lois Lowry. It's a series, but it's one of those.

Description : The ‘double standard’ normally refers to the difference in social attitude towards [A] Homosexual and heterosexual sex activity [B] Child and Adult sexual activity [C] Male and female sexual activity [D] Working class and middle class sexual activity

Last Answer : [C] Male and female sexual activity

Description : Parents, how did the size of your family growing up affect the size of your family as an adult?

Last Answer : answer:I had just one sister (and some step-siblings) and for as long as I could remember have wanted a much larger family. Once I married and we began having kids I used to say I wanted at least ... them (primarily the younger ones for some odd reason) not want to have a large family of their own.

Description : Why are parents more protective of their older children, but they give the youngest child more freedom?

Last Answer : The more kids you have the less time you have to supervise every moment of each child's time. It happened with me. I was so careful about what my baby ate, etc. By the third kid, as long ... 5 children 9 and under, it was more about survival than anything else. Literally. And that lasted for years.

Description : The average age of a family of 6 members is 22 years. If the age of the youngest member be 7 years, then what was the average age of the family at the birth of the youngest member? A.15 B.18 C.28 D.24 E.None of these

Last Answer : Answer – B (18) Explanation – Total age of all members = 6 x 22 = 132 years 7 years ago, total sum of ages = 132 – (6 x 7) = 90 years But at that time there were 5 members in the family Average at that time = 90 /5 = 18 years

Description : The average age of a family of 24 members is 132 years. If the age of the youngest member is 22 years, the average age of the family at the birth of the youngest member was? A) 75 B) 110 C) 100 D) 95

Last Answer :  Answer: B) Total age of the family of 24 members = 132* 24 = 3168 yrs Total age of the family members 22 yrs ago = 3168 - (24*22) = 2640 at the time total members in a family = 24 average age of the family at the birth of the youngest member = 2640/24 = 110yrs.

Description : If you were invited to a wedding where no children were allowed at the reception, would that affect your decision to attend?

Last Answer : That sounds like a wedding to go to!

Description : Is it selfish to only want one child?

Last Answer : answer:No, why would you think it selfish? Because you are not providing replacements for the both of you? FWIW I enjoy having a brother and sister. I always feel I have someone at my back when I need a helping hand.