Can one learn to behave confidently even when feeling insecure?

1 Answer

Answer :

Wow! You hit the nail on the head. My lack of confidence and low self-esteem have led me more than once to make a complete and utter fool of myself. Even when I shoudn’t feel that way, if I am put on the spot, I could even reach the point of not being able to write my name! I think the first of your two options would be easier to achieve than the second. I appreciate your sense of urgency in this question, as a lack of confidence can easily affect your livelihood!

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Last Answer : Being a Boss

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Last Answer : Being a Boss

Description : How does one avoid being insecure in a relationship?

Last Answer : Being a Boss

Description : How does one avoid being insecure in a relationship?

Last Answer : Being a Boss

Description : How does one avoid being insecure in a relationship?

Last Answer : Being a Boss

Description : How does one avoid being insecure in a relationship?

Last Answer : Being a Boss

Description : How does one avoid being insecure in a relationship?

Last Answer : Being a Boss

Description : How does one avoid being insecure in a relationship?

Last Answer : Being a Boss

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Last Answer : (a) Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa

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Last Answer : answer:Parents will worry about their kids regardless of their state of being. You just happen to be dealt a crummy hand and your parents are doing what parents are supposed to do and all these years I am ... you to give back to this world .until then enjoy your day and give your folks a big hug!