Are 37 year old adults are not supposed to have friends like in high school?

1 Answer

Answer :

I Think as you get older & know yourself, you are less dependent on others but good friends enrich your life.

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Last Answer : On a regular basis, none. Occasionally, one. From time to time on Facebook, three or four. If it helps I’m 35.

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Last Answer : answer:From Elementary school - exactly zero. Most of my grade-school years were spent in New York, and since we left with no warning to me, there was no time to get an address to remain ... once or twice a year during Renaissance Festival season. Other than that I've repressed most of high school.

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Last Answer : answer:It's not. In fact, children under thirteen are not allowed to have a facebook page, according to facebook. They believe it is in a child's best interest not to allow them an account at too ... one of your children's friends would not make you, or your child very popular, though. I guess.

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Last Answer : answer:Many friendships, in my experience, are circumstantial and closely tied to the situation in which it began. School-friends, work-friends, friends-of-friends, etc. Often, when those ... will transcend circumstances. You're lucky to have a few if these friendships in your lifetime.

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Last Answer : I dont know… I dont do it. I would guess its some bullshit macho thing though….

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Last Answer : Blind loyalty to a cause ,religion, political party, with out even a try to listen to what the other said has to say.

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Last Answer : No. It was especially difficult when I had no money. I have no problem not receiving gifts, either. And your coworker is obtuse.

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Last Answer : I have an old fraternity brother that, other than one day last month, I had not seen in 15 years. He lives in Kansas while I am in California. He and I text 3 or 4 times a week, and chat ... not on a regular basis. The only friends I see on a frequent regular basis are people who are in recovery.

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Last Answer : I was snuffed out in university, because I admited to have a mental illness. My only advice is to focus on your studies. Adults usually stop bullying eventually. The rest end up on the street or in ... a saying. One cannot lose a true friend by being yourself, and every one else doesn't matter.

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Last Answer : Thank you for trusting us with your situation. It took courage to write to us. Good on you! Making friends is always touchy. I suggest you relax when you're interacting with them and be yourself ... . It took time. Take some deep breaths, and remember that making friends takes time. Good luck.

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Last Answer : Family and friends # 1, career if you want to call it that, is over. Semi Retired and working a part time job with a friends company. So pretty far down on the list. It’s extra money is all it is.

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Last Answer : It took a while, but in at least some cases, I’ve kept in touch with people via regularly scheduled recurring Zoom meetings and/or some shared context or things we do together or talk about.

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Last Answer : In the case you describe, no. In fact, in most cases, no. It’s been a year. People know what they know by now. If someone chooses to make decisions about themselves, fine. It may result in me making the decision to not hang around them, or only under very specific and controlled circumstances.

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Last Answer : Unfortunately there’s not a lot you can do. I love cats but am highly allergic and puff and wheeze, especially indoor/outdoor cats. I simply can’t be in the room with them or where they hang out for more than 15 minutes, so I don’t.

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Last Answer : First off, Welcome to Fluther! As to the deal between your wife and her friend, it sounds like they had different expectations from the deal. Was there anything put into writing up front? I think ... clothes they wore? I think being friends is the initial problem. They needed to talk more up front.

Description : What's your favorite thing(s) you do to cope with solitude and don't have any friends?

Last Answer : I do the things I like (like going to art museums or going on hikes or long walks, or going to music performances). And if I crave company, I look for groups that do those things. A good place ... . And once you meet a few people, you can do things with them that are separate from any organization.

Description : A question for those that have been diagnosed with a chronic disease or illness - did you make an effort to let extended family and friends know?

Last Answer : No. I didn't tell anyone but my husband until much later. I had to figure out how I was going to deal with it myself before I started answering anyone's questions. I eventually mentioned it to friends ... much have stopped talking about it. I would not have wanted to be asked about it all the time.

Description : How do you respond to your "friends" Facebook memes about being sad and lonely?

Last Answer : Respond with another meme?

Description : How can I make friends here?

Last Answer : Welcome to Fluther. Answer questions. When you see an answer you find especially interesting, insightful, or good in other ways, give them props by tapping the great answer, and post a comment reflecting ... days, and sometimes come off snarky. I hope you will find a happy spot for yourself here.

Description : How many of your facebook friends do you actually hang out with in real life?

Last Answer : Most of the people on my friend list have at least met me at one point. I don’t go around adding people for no reason.

Description : I keep catching my friends hanging out without me. Should I stop talking to them?

Last Answer : Find friend that you can relate, help and grow with. People change. You will change and sometimes the best thing to do so is leave those friends to their own paths as you follow yours in a different route.

Description : Why do casual acquaintances wish to become FB friends?

Last Answer : More than half of my Facebook friends are aquantiences – from past jobs, high school, college, meetup groups, etc. I think it’s normal, Facebook is about connecting with people, not just people you know really well. Just my opinion

Description : Can we get a rousing cheer for our Canadian friends who are celebrating 150 years?

Last Answer : SO glad to have you! Congratulations on 150 years!

Description : Would you feel comfortable seeing a therapist if you had mutual friends on Facebook?

Last Answer : This is a good question. I have been in therapy for a very long time. My relationship with my therapist is very important, and I want the ability to talk about absolutely everything that is ... will receive my words because they know whom I'm talking about. I would choose another therapist.

Description : How do you form a group of friends?

Last Answer : Welcome to Fluther. I see that at least two other people before me have marked this as a Great Question, and I agree. So if you don't mind - which is just a figure of speech, after all, because it ... skill, so let's see what comes of this question. I sure don't have an answer for you, though.

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Last Answer : Peter Sellers. We had a movie night for six years. We watched Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, and The Pink Panther series. Blank looks if you mention his name.

Description : Do you have more real friends or virtual friends?

Last Answer : answer:According to your definition, I have more real friends. I'm a pretty cautious person on the internet, and generally my social network friend list only includes friends that I have already known in ... then my real life support system just grew. And what is Trump doing here among the tags?