Am I afraid to lose weight?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I don’t know how you approach losing weight, but I had to tell myself I was not dieting but I was restructuring my life so I could live longer. I knew it could not be a temporary thing, it was a wholesale change in eating habits and in exercise habits. And I also told myself that I would give myself 6 weeks to get past being uncomfortable. It actually took much less time than that, I felt better within a month. I slept better, I had more energy and didn’t feel I was as much of a burden. The most difficult stretch for me was that after losing 30 pounds, I started feeling a lot of feelings. And what I realized is that all the protection from emotion that comes from eating too much and having too much weight doesn’t make the feelings and emotions go away; it just means they get addressed in an unhealthy manner. And once you lose weight, you don’t have any other way to address them except to deal with them and process them. But once you do, it is so liberating. Good luck. I lost 60 pounds last year, and have kept it off for over a year. If I can do it, you can also.

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Last Answer : Your age may have some impact. Perimenopausal and menopausal women have more difficulty losing weight. You may not have felt the effects earlier, but it’s not an “either/or” situation; there’s a prolonged, gradual change which you may finally be feeling.

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Last Answer : There use to be a pill they offered by mail order a hundred and twenty years ago. . . . . . . . . . .It was a tapeworm egg, guaranteed weight loss or they would send you another one.

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Last Answer : I know of one person who had bypass surgery and kept the weight off for at least 4 years (I lost track of him after that). And I know another man who lost a significant ... , from constipation to diarrhea to diffculty swallowing and alcohol use disorder, plus difficulties from the surgery itself.

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Last Answer : I’d like to lose about 10 pounds from my waist.

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Last Answer : answer:Weight loss is mostly driven by your food intake. You need to cut back your calories. Exercise will help, and it is important for moving internal fat, but the main thing is to reduce calories. I'd ... the calories in though. So make sure you have a real sense of what energy you're taking in.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think the way to lose weight is any different after menopause than before. Find an eating plan you can stick with; don't consider it a temporary diet. Make small changes, eat more ... you. The aches and pains sound worrisome and not normal. Have you talked to your doctor about them?

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Last Answer : Yes , that is true but it takes a long while, thats for sure!

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Last Answer : answer:It's a self defense mechanism. People don't want to be taken out of their comfort zone, and losing weight takes work and effort I had to lose weight because I was becoming a time-bomb and wanted to ... my old age. But I know that the steps I took applied to me and not to people in general.

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Last Answer : answer:Do not begin any weight loss or exercise program without seeing a doctor first. Tell your doctor what you want and follow his instructions. There is only one person who can be sure you follow your program and that is YOU.

Description : How to lose weight.

Last Answer : answer:You are still growing, a LOT, at this time so you should NOT put yourself on an extremely hardcore diet. I would suggest just eating healthy, getting plenty of protein in your diet and ... think just paying attention to your diet and ramping up your exercise is all you really need to do

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Last Answer : It is imperative that you discuss this with your doctor. Fluther is NOT the place to find accurate medical advice.

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Last Answer : This used to happen to me for a few years on and off. Maybe it still happens, but I no longer use a scale ever. I concluded in the end that it was because of my bowel issues .that sounds ... totally wrong too. I never went to a doctor and asked since the issue resolved on its own. Hallelujah Mary.

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Last Answer : answer:Not in a healthy way. A healthy weight loss regiment should have you shedding no more than 2# per week. Tell they opera they can go suck an egg if they’re willing to jeopardize your health.

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Last Answer : answer:Stop drinking soda, flavored waters and juices. Stop adding sugar or salt to any of your food or drink. Drink water by a small mug between meals so you have to fill it more often than drinking ... whatever you like but the rest of the days eat only half the amount you'd like of your foods.

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Last Answer : A nice stomach filler… 5–10 minutes before a meal, spread olive oil on a piece of whole wheat bread. It helps curb the appetite.

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Last Answer : Fat is fuel. It burns off.

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Last Answer : In the beginning of weight loss that is possible due to losing water weight. Has he discussed this program with his doctor? If not, he should so that his doctor is aware of what he is doing and so that his doctor can monitor his overall nutrition while he’s doing it.

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Last Answer : What is the medication?

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Last Answer : Now really, what do you think?

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Last Answer : It don't believe that it is possible to lose fat from spectfic areas. Fat loss is a generalized thing, some people just accumulate it in different places. You can build muscle mass in the ... extent being satisfied with the shape nature gave you. Healthy is more important than a specific look .

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Last Answer : My brother gained weight because he had the major munchies. It was horrible. He ate 2–4 loafs of bread everytime. So it depends on how hungery it makes you while you are high. I can’t tell you for myself, cause I have never gotten high

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Last Answer : Holy shit. Chill. It’s probably muscle you’ve gained not fat. Talk to your parents about counseling. It’s not healthy to think you need to lose weight at 119 and 17.

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Last Answer : Eat less. Move more.

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Last Answer : Stay busy and broke. You won't have time or money to eat. :) Just kidding, I would recommend writing out a meal plan for yourself every day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. All of them ... It really helps to get motivated. I think they even have Podcasts you can download specifically for working out.

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Last Answer : no….exercise

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Last Answer : Eat less, and eat healthier. Figure out how you relate to food, and if you're eating for distraction or comfort, find replacements that have lower calories. Find ways of being more active, like parking ... far end of the parking lot when you go shopping or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Description : how can I get motivation to lose weight?

Last Answer : answer:I have been a smoker for four years. I started at three-plus packs a day (stressful job) I broke up with my girlfriend and came out of the closet, releasing my stress and reducing my intake to one. For ... I can light up or a lot of truths I have to deny, about myself, before I can enjoy it.

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Last Answer : Yes, I have. I don’t know about phentermine but I believe there is a company that is coming out with a safe weight loss product that is more effective than phentermine!

Description : How do you lose weight quickly?

Last Answer : answer:don't eat more than calories than your body needs. Its honestly that simple. If you really wanna get crazy, start running. Cardio is king. Weights just make the muscle under the fat bigger. As ... 'll burn off excess fat as fuel. Be careful though, too much weight loss too fast is unhealthy.

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Last Answer : what’s your workout routine? body condition? If you’re “skinny fat”, then you have to follow a different routine. But generally, before doing cardio, do core strength exercises like squats, leg raises, lunges, push ups

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Last Answer : I have found that for me, the less I lose per week, the easier it has been to keep it off. The crash diets where I lost a bunch of weight just came back with about 10 extra ... ? Developing good eating habits at your age will probably do more for controlling your weight than constantly dieting!!!

Description : Is it possible to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks?

Last Answer : It’s possible to lose 10 lbs in one week but it’s definitely not healthy.

Description : How do I lose 20 pounds in 6 months?

Last Answer : Eat half of what you normally eat but try to go easier on the greasy stuff and heavier on the veggies and fruits and lean proteins. Exercise for about half an hour a day. Weigh yourself. You should be able to lose 20 pounds in six months. It’s not an unrealistic goal.

Description : Is it possible to eat 2000 calories a day & lose 2000 calories a day?

Last Answer : answer:We'd need to know your height, weight, age, and gender in order to answer this accurately. You may be burning 2000 calories per day just by going about your day as you normally do. Calculate ... and veggies daily; stick to whole grains; steer clear of fast food, soda, and pre-packaged meals.

Description : Partner wants to know, what's the safest way to lose 1.5 lbs per week?

Last Answer : Eat TDEE-20% calories per day and exercise. Lots of water and nutritionally dense foods. There’s no magic solution in weight loss.

Description : How to lose the maximum amount of fat in just two weeks?

Last Answer : answer:This doesn't make sense. You must have other restrictions or criteria. To lose the maximum, don't eat anything. Do you want to remain healthy as you do this? If so, what is your definition of ... and exert the maximum amount of effort you can. Maybe you could be stick and bones in a week.

Description : Would cutting sugar out of my diet help me lose these stubborn 15 pounds?

Last Answer : This is not a direct answer to your title question, but I was wondering if you might be able to try bicycling or swimming? Either one is an excellent form of cardio exercise. Perhaps that could help?

Description : How can someone lose 50 pounds in one week?

Last Answer : Are you serious? Losing 50lbs in one week is virtually impossible, and would be extremely dangerous and probably require severe dehydration. And by “dangerous” I mean “probably fatal.”

Description : How to lose 30 lbs?

Last Answer : You might try eating less, if your lung trouble is keeping you from a good workout.

Description : Any good tips for trying to lose 30 lbs by December?

Last Answer : answer:There is one and only one way to loose weight. Calories in must be less than calories out. In order to loose 1 pound per week you must take in 500 less calories than you burn each day.

Description : How many calories do I eat a day to lose about 10 sizes in 1 summer?

Last Answer : It's impossible to drop ten sizes in one summer without literally killing yourself. If you want to go from a size 16 to a size six, that'd require you to lose about 80 lbs. That 80 lbs ... simple things like drinking water instead of something else, and going for a brisk walk every day. Good luck.

Description : How many pounds does a person have to gain or lose to go up or down one clothing size?

Last Answer : It probably doesn’t have much to do with pounds, since weight could be gained with either fat or muscle.