Do I have to use bags for my trash?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Well, yes, I would think so. The problem is, when the trash people dump the can some of that loose stuff won’t make it to the truck. It will look unsightly until it degrades. But it’s still better than putting it in a plastic bag. Perhaps you could use a paper bag? Just ask for paper when you go to the grocery store.

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Last Answer : I don't have a definitive answer, but I can offer a couple of observations: 1) It would add to the cost of trash pickup. You'd need to add either a second route or an extra bin to the truck. ... becomes tainted , it's a lot harder to separate out the bad parts, and it's impossible after mixing.

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Last Answer : I believe you're supposed to recycle them.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, reusable totes for the grocery. But for home, I buy small (4 gallon) garbage bags at Dollar Tree, 50 to a roll. They're even lavender scented. And unlike grocery bags, they don't ... As far as newspaper, my hubby works in construction, so we always have rolls of painter's plastic around.

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Last Answer : To me it would seem like an excellent opportunity for a bag manufacture to produce and sell a thinner Mil thickness trash bag. I for one don't think these thicker bags are as much of an issues as when ... year and wonder why I didn't do this sooner as they are soooo much nicer and easier to use.

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Last Answer : Garbage bags that we buy in the store. They have to be different colors anyway for recycling purposes and we have much bigger garbage cans – those small plastic bags are useless.

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Last Answer : I don't know off hand, but there is a bag recycling program at my local Loeb grocery store, so maybe I'll ask next time I'm in. I did a bit of searching and found this awesome ... , free money is good money, and they get the benefit of being a company that takes environmentally friendly actions.

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Last Answer : answer:Off the top of my head, I'd say that the standard' kitchen trash container came first. As kitchen cabinets became standardized in size for efficiency reasons, there was only a certain ... raises the question: Do most people keep their kitchen trash container under the sink, or elsewhere?

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Last Answer : answer:Good question. If we just carried our trash cans, sans bags, to the bins where they are picked up, our home trash cans would be gross, and when the trash was emptied, it would be strewn ... some way. Again. Good question. My question is, why do we not have biodegradable bags and boxes anyway?

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Last Answer : 648,791 x 88,252, carry 9,690 =...erm…=...lots!!

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Last Answer : More and more scientists are saying to leave them where they are because fallen leaves are homes to a lot of species. Butterflies even lay their larvae in them.