Would your pet cat defend you if you are attacked?

1 Answer

Answer :

Of course he would. just like Beezel

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Last Answer : Yes

Description : Cat and dog lovers, would you agree a dog-cat hybrid could be the best pet ever?

Last Answer : A dog that uses kitty litter box. Cat that actualy gives a crap about me instead of considering me as replacable staff.

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Last Answer : I agree it’s ridiculous. The cat’s fur serves him in a lot of ways. What can he do without fur? If she is allegic to cat she shouldn’t have a cat in the first place.

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Last Answer : Kitty-Max will go to the letter box and fetch your newspaper , then walk to his litter box and shit on it.

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Last Answer : answer:Ply her with treats. First start off by giving her a treat when she comes up to you. Then follow up by giving treats each time she lets you pet her for 10 seconds. Move it up to 30 ... time, she climbed the windows trying to get out of the house. She now follows me everywhere like a puppy.

Description : Being a responsible pet owner did I change my cat by spaying her?

Last Answer : answer:I cannot tell you if it changes the whole nature of the cat, but it does seem to make them more docile. I had a male kitten we intended to neuter; however, he got out of the ... them more domesticated. Also, it keeps them from pro-creating when there are already too many cats without homes.

Description : My cat is in her pet carrier and is eating the newspaper, is that okay?

Last Answer : Is she locked in the carrier??

Description : Is there ever a reason to worry if a pet, namely a cat, becomes super needy?

Last Answer : Any sudden and dramatic changes in behavior can be indicators of problems (I have a cat who has attention seeking behavior when she is injured or stressed). If everything else seems normal (eating, playing, no vomiting, no diarrhea, etc) then I would probably tend to accept it as a really good mood.

Description : If you buy bunnies from a pet store, will a domestic cat make them dinner? (read details pls)

Last Answer : answer:Are you trying to make your cat feral? Personally I find the idea of mixing a domesticated animal with wild behaviors a bit disturbing. Do you want a pet or a wild animal? If the latter, why not ... food? If you want to feed your cat raw food, you could just buy fresh meat at the butcher's

Description : Why does my cat yawn when I pet her?

Last Answer : Maybe she’s dissapointed in you.

Description : Why, when you pet a cat from head to tail, do they lift up their little tookus' as your hand gets there?

Last Answer : I think it is to help finish the pet with the most frictional contact.

Description : Dealing With the Hairballs in Pet Cat

Last Answer : The hairball problem is very common in the cats especially the ones that developed long hairs; I mean the long hair breeds. Per se the long haired breeds are preferred and loved by many which ... hair ball problems. The vets need to be consulted before deciding on purchasing them, which makes sense.

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Last Answer : This is not a fun question. A lot of women on this site have been attacked and raped.

Description : Does it make sense to you that many schools have a policy where, if a child is attacked by another child, they cannot defend themself or else they are considered just as guilty as the attacker?

Last Answer : I would immediately remove my children from such a school. They would NEVER go back.

Description : When a teacher is physically attacked by a student can they defend themselves or not?

Last Answer : I think when attacked anyone should have the right to defend themsevles. This kid is old enough to hurt someone severely and even kill the teacher this size, I think though the teacher should do everything in her power to prevent having to do bodily harm by calling security.

Description : How do you best defend yourself if attacked by a pitbull or presa canaria?

Last Answer : Well, I certainly wouldn't recommend running. Unless you are certain you could make it behind a closed door or over an extremely high fence before your pursuer. You won't be able to outrun the dog. Call 911, ... eye, groin. Or if you are in a conceal/carry state .well .you fill in the rest .

Description : Have you ever been attacked by an animal?

Last Answer : Yes. My Iguana Charlie whips me with his tail everytime I go to feed him. He has such a temper , Rather mean!

Description : What is the longest you've owned a pet and what were they like?

Last Answer : I have a 21 yr old cockatiel and my oldest dog was 15 when we put him down, cancer. My cockatiel is old, cranky and wants to be left alone with my other bird, usually. He only gets excited ... loved to go with us everywhere, loved everyone and all animals, loved water-we had a great life with him.

Description : Pet owners: will you keep a pet in the first place if you know that it can only live healthy with raw diet?

Last Answer : I would definately keep them, no question. A little rice, chicken (or salmon, or cooked burger, steak, etc..) and veggies and they're good, it's not that hard, just prepare a little on the ... their coats. They each get a cup of food in morning and evening and are supplemented' with wholesome food.

Description : Do you regret owning a pet?

Last Answer : Never. I have had some pets that are more difficult than others, and sometimes it was inconvenient having pets, but I have never regretted it. The positives by far outweigh the negatives for me. I have been fortunate in that I’ve never had an overly aggressive pet.

Description : What kind of special products or tips do you love for your senior pet?

Last Answer : Elevate food bowls so the animals do not have to bend. Consider elevated beds. Food changes are also relevant. Steps to help pets to get up to places they might not be able to get to anymore.

Description : A song for your pet?

Last Answer : I often sing to my animal companions! My dog’s name is Sadie, so my favorite tune is “Sadie, Sadie, married lady” from “Funny Girl.”

Description : Can pet birds (parrots, canaries, etc) live in the same house with dogs and cats?

Last Answer : answer:They can for a while, sometimes. But my experience, in the cases where (against my advice and attempts to refuse it) birds were introduced to homes I lived in where there were cats, was that eventually ... the bird is older than the cat, and the cat meets the bird as a kitten, I would think.

Description : Is there anything I can do to help myself in this awkward pet/lease situation?

Last Answer : It seems pretty clear that your landlord doesn't like cats, and is not pleased to have them in his rental. (It's hard to imagine that some people don't love your little fluffy as much as you do, ... know that some cats (not yours) can leave a smell that is almost impossible to get out of a house?

Description : Have you had a "troubled" pet? Will you share your experience with me?

Last Answer : Oh Frodo! As many of the people on here know I adopted the cutest dog from a foster home last year. He turned about to be aggressive and after several months of private training and working with him, he ... who came to the house. I had to give him back to the foster mother. It was very painful.

Description : OK, play "Name that new pet" game?

Last Answer : Stop or Pots (or Potsy..the flat stone you throw in Hopscotch).

Description : Do you love your pet more than your partner?

Last Answer : Nope, but at times I like them better. They don’t sass back,just pure joy and love.

Description : Who wants to play the: Tell one sweet, funny, or clever My childhood pet... story game?

Last Answer : answer:I had a little dog named Tami and a bunny named Cinnamon , they were best friends. Tammy was a terrier mix, brindle with white paws and chest, a darling little dog. We moved out ... and my parents could barely get me to leave the airport when they went missing. Fuck American Airlines. lol

Description : Would you be willing to die to save your pet?

Last Answer : Nope.

Description : Is there an age at which you would no longer get a pet?

Last Answer : answer:I think of kinda the same stuff. I would love to have another cat but I fear I couldn't pay the vet bills if anything happened. My sisters cat had to have a c-section and that was well over 1K ... that (she was told it had been fixed when she got the cat). For now I will stick with goldfish.

Description : How do you go about finding a good pet sitter?

Last Answer : Try Care.com @Mama_Cakes

Description : Do you own the pet...or does the pet own you?

Last Answer : If you're living alone, then probably since many desire attention. I definitely own my cat. Of the three of us, he's most loyal to me. He does follow me, but isn't always in my face. He'll sleep on my ... , but only when he feels like it. He is still new to us so he doesn't come when you call him.

Description : Do you think that pet rescue groups in the United States would have a problem with a Canadian adopting one of their pets?

Last Answer : I’d further like to add that I live only an hour from the organization, if that helps any..

Description : For those of you who have had to put a pet to sleep, were you in the room when it happened?

Last Answer : answer:It's a very personal choice. When Bub got into a fight with another dog, it resulted in an infection which took away most of his muscle mass. Three days after the fight he couldn't lift his own ... heart stopped. I think that last I love you was so important - more for Jason than for Bub.

Description : For someone in a slump, do you find that owning a pet may help them?

Last Answer : They life mine for sure! For some people it’s additional stress, depends on the person and resources I’d say. Like if you had 5 kids to feed, bathe and educate, I’d say having multiple pets would add to your stress level…I hear a lot of my mom friends griping about cleaning up after pets.

Description : Do you have a pet that had an eye removed by a veterinarian?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, I have a one eyed goose that lost her eye to a fish hook when she was abandoned at a local lake. She gets along just fine, but geese, unlike cats must have fresh swimming water and head ... the whats best for my animals. Hell, my pets have had more health care this year than I have. lol

Description : Is it ok to rehome a pet?

Last Answer : answer:Wait, Connie isn’t allowed to move because she has a pet who can’t move to the same location? What a ridiculous notion.

Description : Have you ever had a pet that had emotional issues, or made very strange associations?

Last Answer : We had a sheltie who would go balistic when anyone sneezed. She would bark madly, then frantically find something to shake (typically a sock we left lying around for the purpose) and thrash the bejeezus out of it. ... as soon as a hand made a move for a Kleenex, even if it was just to blow a nose.

Description : Has your pet received specialty veterinary care (radiology, internal medicine and so forth)?

Last Answer : I have a friend whose husky fell off his doghouse and sustained a spinal cord injury. She paid out of pocket for all kinds of specialized treatment for him including radiology, surgery, and acupuncture. ... mend! I have another friend who paid for ACL surgery for her dog, this dog also recovered.

Description : Do you have a pet that annoys you sometimes?

Last Answer : Yes, of course, my cat has mastered the art of cute-annoying. She always comes over and meows at me in the most pathetic, pity-me, fashion. And a TON of other things.

Description : Do you turn to a shelter or rescue group when wanting a pet. Do you suggest that to others, as well?

Last Answer : My pets showed up in my yard and said we’re moving in. But yes, I would go the shelter route if I get another.

Description : Have any of you used Hill's Pet Diet® t/d® Dry Food for cats with tooth or gum problems?

Last Answer : answer:I've used it - it may help. The pieces are rather larger than normal cat kibble, and hard, encouraging the cat to actually chew with the molars more than they normally would. In spite of ... SD. Less filler, so less voluminous and less stinky stools in the litter box, and nice healthy cats.

Description : Do you have "pet names" for your pet?

Last Answer : My gf’s dog’s name is Coco, but I can’t even think of the last time I referred to her as that, I usually just call her kickflip or little dog.

Description : Have you ever taken your pet to a pet psychic?

Last Answer : Gosh, no. I would have a really hard time taking my pet to a psychic and not laughing hysterically every time the person said something. And that would be really rude. So I probably shouldn’t do it.

Description : Does your pet have any annoying habits?

Last Answer : answer:One of my girls was obviously taken away from her mother too soon and to placate her oral fixation will nibble on any soft thing she can get away with. She isn't destructive about it ... of throwing temper tantrums by getting in the trash when she feels like we have unjustly left her alone.

Description : What's the most remarkable thing you've ever done for your pet or your pet has done for you ?

Last Answer : We run in the mountains together. The happiness is equally shared.

Description : What is the craziest thing that your pet has ever done?

Last Answer : To start things off, my old dog Sparky was a beagle he did the usual things climbing fences, barking at dogs, chasing joggers. But one day he had to go outside to do his buisness as I was walking ... detached railing of my front porch. Yep, my dog tore down my front porch. I'll miss ya Sparky.

Description : What was your first pet?

Last Answer : A turtle.

Description : I really want a pet in the family, mom says no. Any tips?

Last Answer : Why don’t you prove that you are responsible? Do things without being told and doing your part in the household could convince your mother otherwise.

Description : Got any tips or tricks to get a stubborn kitten to sleep in her pet bed?

Last Answer : Cats sleep where and when they want to. There is not any way, barring building a cage to make them sleep anywhere they don’t want to sleep.