When do/did you put up the xmas tree in your home?

1 Answer

Answer :

I usually do it the weekend after our American Thanksgiving (it’s ours; you can’t have it!). I was earlier than usual this year in having it ready for my granddaughter’s inspection on Thanksgiving. Let’s split the difference and call it late November ;-)

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Last Answer : I always put thought into presents for people I care about. This year, my son's father passed away (a few weeks ago). The loss is so shocking, so sudden, and we are devastated. His dad was very much a ... in a way he will flourish. So I got him a dream catcher. I want him to live his dreams now.

Description : If you had one, when are you taking down your Xmas tree this year?

Last Answer : I aim loosely for New Year's Day, but my absolute deadline is January 6th, Old Christmas. My tree never goes up more than two weeks ahead, so it'll last a while. I'm so sorry you had an unhappy ... make things feel worse because you are out of sorts and they rub it in. Here's to a better 2022.

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Last Answer : I would, to easy the trees pain after being brutally cut down.

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Last Answer : answer:We got a 5’ 8” tree, pretty full, just a bit quirky. Any tree decorated with love is perfect. Charlie Brown’s tree was ”...not bad at all, really.Maybe it just needs a little love”. (-Linus Van Pelt)

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Last Answer : nope.

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Last Answer : A. SYN stealth scan

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Description : Will you be putting up a Christmas tree?

Last Answer : We had Christmas house lights up last year, figuring people will still drive by.

Description : For those who do, when are you putting up your Christmas tree this year?

Last Answer : I put it up Christmas eve. If you put it up in November you’re sick of the thing by mid December.

Description : Christians what you think of this Biblical passage in Jeremiah 10 about NOT following customs of people/cuting a tree and dressing it up as heathen did?

Last Answer : The link did not work on my iPhone. What is the passage? I will look it up. While the Christmas tree is a long time custom which on it's surface is harmless as practiced by most ... healthy, beautiful trees. Not good for the environment either. Never met anyone who worshiped their tree though.

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Last Answer : About 40 years ago a friend and I rented a little house in the woods east of Seattle, in the foothills of the Cascades. Being very hippy and self-sufficient (so we believed) we went ... about it all, and replaced the broken window and battered doorframe quickly and without too much fuss.

Description : What is on your Christmas tree? (If you have one).

Last Answer : I’m not putting up a tree, but…I just hung some cool blue lights. :-) When my daughter was growing up we often went on excursions to cut our own tree, and decorated together.

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Last Answer : Here’s mine. I like how my red wall looks Christmassy

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Last Answer : Real, cut, fresh. Gets that wonderful scent in the house. And then the city recycles it for mulch!

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Last Answer : answer:Are you referring to a potted, live tree that you will re-plant in the spring, or do you mean cutting a tree to move inside? If you mean the latter, I have found that those pre-cut trees were cut a ... all, has a great odor, and doesn't dry out for long time (we had one indoors for a month).

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Last Answer : Same. If I’m awake and home, it’s on. As are my outside lights and jumbo inflatable snowman.

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Last Answer : Yes, I think so- no tree. I can hope though! I like goodies.

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Last Answer : answer:I have what my sister refers to as my classy tree,' and then I have a smaller tree for the kids to decorate. The small tree has all of the fun, colorful, playful ornaments, garland, multicolored ... look. ETA; This seems to be the only picture I have on this computer, but you get the idea.

Description : I'm getting my first real Christmas tree this year! What do I need to know?

Last Answer : If it is a real tree, keep it well watered. this will help keep the needles on the tree, decreasing the mess and reducing the fire hazard.

Description : Watching the news...do you get the feeling that "poor" people have a lot more stuff under their tree than you do every year?

Last Answer : answer:No. Poor is poor. Who are we to spite them because others are generous for a day? The next day they return to a financial struggle to survive. Yeah some generous donations might be more than I get this ... very grateful to NOT be in their shoes yet. There but for the grace of God go I..

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Last Answer : answer:My parents inherited ornaments from both of their parents. The oldest ones are probably from the early 1900's and are most likely from Germany. They are glass ornaments with concave areas that are painted ... are from the 50's and 60's, but the ones from the grandmas are just gorgeous!

Description : When your christmas tree is ready to assemble, who does the honours?

Last Answer : answer:I don't have a tree at my place; we don't have enough space and I can't be bothered to put up twinkly lights that will attract naughty kitties. At my family home, though, my dad puts the ... go to choose a tree, then my dad would set it up in the stand before the gals attacked with tinsel.

Description : When do you take down your Christmas tree?

Last Answer : sometime in mid to late january. it’s a big pain in the ass, packing up all the ornaments and bringing them to the basement.

Description : How much CO2 might a healthy Douglas Fir ("Christmas") tree absorb during its lifetime?

Last Answer : I do not know, but I will say thank you! That is how the “issue” of excess CO2 should be addressed.

Description : How meticulous are YOU with your Christmas tree?

Last Answer : My girlfriend and I picked up a live Christmas tree on Saturday. On, the smell. :) and, we spent a good hour decorating it. We had some old Motown playing (maybe, not apropos, but, oh, well :) ... opposed to the newer twinkly lights. So, yeah, probably around an hour to decorate. It's all good fun.

Description : Would you want the USS Starship Enterprise hanging on your Christmas tree?

Last Answer : Nope; I would NOT want anything to do with Starwars on my Christmas Tree IF I was putting one up this year…

Description : How do you properly wrap lights around a Christmas tree?

Last Answer : Do not wind the lights around, this is a common mistake that you will regret in January. You want to run the lights up and down the tree, then go around, zig zagging up and down all the way. That ... the ends of the branches, but never all the way out at the end, that makes the wires too visible.

Description : Any ideas about how to make my holiday decorations/tree fun and unique?

Last Answer : Hmmmm. How about a theme? Like, all pirate-esque ornaments, all bio-degradable “green” ornaments, all cat ornaments, etc.

Description : When do you take the tree down?

Last Answer : Yeah, we wait until some time in January.

Description : What day do you erect the Christmas Tree?

Last Answer : I erect the Christmas tree as often as possible

Description : What does your Christmas tree say about you?

Last Answer : my bad, gailcalled: trinkets.

Description : Why do Christmas tree lights go dead during storage every year?

Last Answer : Because they’re mad that you shoved them into that box so rudely; without a care for their happiness and well being?

Description : [Fluff time] What was the largest amount (as in numbers of bulbs) of Christmas lights you ever hung or arranged in any of the places you ever called home?

Last Answer : For me, personally, I think it’s 1000. Five 200 bulb strands. All inside.

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Last Answer : You say to the in-laws: we will be hosting Christmas Eve dinners in our home from now on.

Description : Can you give me suggestions for a home-made Christmas gift?

Last Answer : Um, I might have an idea if I were, say, married to your husband. That is, you know what he would like.

Description : Is Christmas just a regular day at home for you this year?

Last Answer : Yeah we had family here earlier in the month and had our tree up then and did a couple of presents. We took the tree down before they had even left, so it’s very much a normal day for us. Of course it’s been that way ever since I was passed like 15 for me… It was great when I was little though.

Description : ♫ It's Christmas...., again. The times of stress are here...., again. Obligatory family visits and Xmas songs 24/7 ♫. Apart from all the warm, positive and cosy Xmas feelings/experiences, what, for you, is slightly more negative about these days?

Last Answer : answer:I don't have as much to give my family members as I would like. The adult grandsons have outgrown gifts, so it's all money with them and the other adults are also hurting financially. I really miss ... time we save up enough to buy a new one, some emergency comes along and we can't afford it.

Description : A strange tubby gentleman dressed in a funny suit complete with fake beard approaches you while you shop, he smacks you on the back wishing you a merry xmas. How do you respond?

Last Answer : Call my lawyer. Then call the cops. Then call the goon squad.

Description : Ladies and gentlemen what can I get you for Xmas - material object or not?

Last Answer : I’ll take this please ;)